3 year old hitting and not listening reddit. I would be doing timeout.
3 year old hitting and not listening reddit. that doesn't tell them anything at all.
3 year old hitting and not listening reddit For example, ‘You’re feeling so sad and mad because you really wanted that cereal,’” advises Dr. I asked her if she understood and she nodded and then promptly hit me again. Honestly I wish my 3 year old would shoot granny style. We haven’t had any problems until now. Cause my 3 year old don’t listen either lmaooo Most of what I’ve read on here is that it’s normal. The post-timeout explaining is not particularly effective at changing behavior. 5 year old. A stern voice causes them to literally laugh in my face. Like Please stop jumping off the top of the couch. Our nearly 5 year old is in a Montessori classroom (TK/K). Our 6 year old daughter has become particularly disobedient lately. 5 year old who was only just starting to talk, a three year old who was very strong willed, and a 3. I just tell mine it’s not a fun game I want to play and he needs to stop. If he hit just out him in his high chair for a minute or a playpen after saying no. Here for the advice too. His Occupational Therapist said that I should physically remove myself and say "mommy doesn't like being hit. Try to keep it simple so they can understand “we don’t hit our dogs. I chalk it up to be a kid myself (18-19) and not really knowing any better and having a kid fused temper. FTM seeking advice again. You will have to test what works best with your daughter. I am not going to let you treat me this way. Hi!! Although I am not a parent myself, I am a nanny for two girls, 2 and 4. 5 year old twins and a 1 year old). I raised three kids without any kind of hitting. ” While she's mostly well behaved at home, at school, she does not listen to her teacher, does not pay attention in class, throws her bag and books, etc. My daughter is the same age and starting to get into the "not listening/can't hear you" phase. The 4 year old specifically hits mom, the two year old went through a hitting phase with everyone. She calmed down and she seemed to able to recover and agree to behave for the rest of the night. 5 and he hits, has been hitting for a long time, and will likely continue into the future. He likes school and for the first half of the year seemed to do great — no issues of note. 5 yrs old to 2. He is a funny, caring clever boy but somehow thinks hitting is acceptable no matter how much we say no! So my three year old boy is perfect and wonderful - which is why this is that much harder for me as I have a hard time accepting/believing that his behavior is not “normal” or that there is something seriously wrong with him. They aren't trying to piss you off. ” The wording is very important. Like, 75% of the job is teaching them not to hurt people. Holy cow A place for parents and caregivers of preschoolers (roughly 3-5 years old) to share stories and seek advice. Her assertion is asinine and just plain wrong. He won't lay down he won't sit still for bed time stories. If she thought it was okay, she would probably be doing it to everyone. Someone please help me! Once a day, sometimes multiple times, my 3 year old goes into an hour (ish)-long tantrum in which he hits, kicks or scratches someone in our immediate family repeatedly. The age range in my room is from 5-10 and I have this five year old girl who is having trouble with hitting and scratching. What really helped us was purchasing and reading the book “Hands are not for Hitting” by Martine Agassi (the 4-7 year old book as there is one for younger kids too). Now bedtime is the worst. I teach 3-4 year olds. if anything, they will be far more confused. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and Especially if they’re not napping. My point being you may have to keep with a given strategy for years. With your 7 year old, while she is grounded try practicing meditation and yoga with her. I know this was 4 years ago, but this helps. If we impose any sort of consequences on her not listening it… My 5 year old daughter doesn’t listen. Sometimes she does well, but a lot of times grandma comes home with news that she didn’t do well. Learning the rules of the sport is way more important at this age. Your son is most likely pushing boundaries. The three year old grew out of it as she matured. Our two year old daughter is pretty good at listening, if we tell her she can't have something she will whine a little but will accept quickly. Her pre-K teacher said ‘she needs to learn that no is not an option ‘ and ‘needs to listen and learn to do things, not on her own terms’ Any nasty attitude or hitting is met with and immediate time out and a tart explanation about it. I ask her sometimes if she wants to go. So I told her to go to her room for time out for two minutes. I wont let you hurt (person hes hitting)" You don't hurt him, you just stop him. Your toddler is 3. Dogs cannot be stubborn, dogs do NOT have intentional thought, which means they do not say "I heard you, and I totally understand you, but I'm not listening to you!" You don't need to startle your dog, or growl at your dog when they choose not to come. It breaks my heart and believe me I know spanking is not ok and I am doing my best to control myself. The behavior really deserves attention when “no” is the only response you’re getting, and it doesn’t change without a huge fight. Not interested. Say at most no hitting in a calm voice without eye contact. It will be a fun way to bond with her. 5 yrs old he just didn't listen at all, ever, not even once. I told her that I would not tolerate her hitting and biting, and if she did I would hit her back. Is this normal 2 year old behavior of testing limits or do I need to try different punishments. I would be doing timeout. My 3 year old son goes to a private preschool and is having major trouble listening to the teachers. He just moved into that classroom a couple months ago and it’s been a terrible transition. However, there are 2 students in my class that are always running around during reading time and they have recently began to hit other students and me as well. The timeout was a failure if consistent application of time out over a period of time does not lead to a lessening of the undesirable behavior. I bet it did hurt. I was awake for only 15 minutes, and I was already dealing with my 3-year-old not listening. Every time this happens I put up clear boundaries, do not undermine my parenting, period. 5 months) has started hitting and headbutting when he does not get his way/is asked to do something he does not want to do. Now as a 35M I could never envision hitting my new baby girl (14mos) nor my 6 year old daughter nor my 15 year old son now. One of the twins will be doing something destructive, a parent will ask her to stop, and action continues, the “please stop”’s continue, but the child doesn’t stop. I move out of reach and act (slightly exaggerated) hurt. Especially if we have done something to her physically. I'm singing but he doesn't want Jun 25, 2024 · “When experiencing a big emotion, help your child identify the emotion. soccer practice, swim class etc. 185 votes, 268 comments. No eye contact or talking when taking her to timeout. I can only tell you what (seems) to work for my 2 and half year old who went through this hitting not that long ago. Tell her not to do something in a calm firm voice. Consistent defiant behavior and hitting his teachers. I felt initially guilty that I hit her. How can we change her behavior for the better? When my 3 year old hit I would tell her she feels angry at me for ____ but she will not hit to show she’s angry. It a) teaches her no means no and b) when someone says no, you listen the first time. He will hit others, jump around his cot during nap time, tell me he “doesn’t want to do it” when told things, pushes kids in line and when I tell him that’s not okay and he will need to move places he will not and simply look away from me when i speak to him. Members Online Does your child’s preschool or elementary school limit the number of chaperones for field trips or anyone who wants to attend can go? My 3 year old started preschool for the first time a few months ago. It’s not “you can’t hit” or “we don’t hit” or “ hitting hurts me. Her suggestion was to gently, firmly, physically stop the kid from hitting. Posted by u/Sbe10593 - 2 votes and 6 comments So we are visiting because of the holidays at my moms house. You don’t need to punish your 3 year old. Not paying attention to anything else for example. My 3 year old mostly hit our dogs out of frustration, not us, and he also went through a stage where he screamed at the top of his lungs when he was angry. I have a student who has the hardest time listening. What you do is what I do for my 20 month old toddler. Though having a spirited kid myself, I totally know why you wanted him in there. He has also been defiant with his teachers and with me ( telling no and also just flat out refusing to stop doing things when we tell him to stop). In fact, if things don't happen in his way, he starts throwing tantrums and hitting whoever is near him. My students usually have no trouble sitting still and behaving. Then I exclaim how hard she squeezed and she must be really angry! I'm looking for advice for getting my 3 year old to listen. Try to remain calm and tell them “I won’t let you hurt me/ your siblings. Gently hold his hands and explain “I know you’re upset but hitting can hurt me and you, so let’s use our hands for hugs or squeeze them together when we’re feeling angry” sit there calmly and hold him or set him somewhere safe (if he can’t stop hitting) (I usually choose the middle Hi I am a new Pre-K teacher. I’m going through it. However, it's not good to yell at them. 3-4 years old was also an age where my eldest kid was concurrently testing the boundaries, and I spent a lot of time shouting her name and running to get her when she ran too far. Screams for mama all the time when I'm trying to talk. We also had a similar issue with just randomly hitting classmates and us. This is your first time dealing with a two year old. You need to change how you interact with her and your discipline needs to change with her as she gets older. He shouldn't be in (edit) karate at 3. Will not listen at all when being corrected. So don’t do it to an innocent child. Totally normal. I'm not going to lie, with my son, when he was younger I spanked him for misbehaving. My daughter just turned 2 years old about a week ago. I'll rub the place he hit and then ask if he will rub to make it better (what I do for him when he has a booboo) it seems to remind him how it hurts and how much he doesn't like getting hurt and I will act very sad, saying "that really hurt mommy" it takes him a little while to reflect, but then usually If my 4 year old throws a tantrum or yells about wanting applesauce or something, I say, “take a lap and try again. Listening is another big one I'm dealing with that I don't know how to improve. Any time we do something with other kids (I. I have a 13 year old and a 15 year old and they’ve My three year old has decided that she wants to hit me, more so when she's told to not do something. Answer is always no. 3 years and 3 months old here. last night I was getting her ready for bed and she hit me. My three and half year old ( four in August) is hitting other children and also teachers at school. (okay, I lost my cool once when my three year old son didn't listen, ran straight toward traffic, and I had to physically yank him out of the way of an oncoming car. We are having a lot of defiance issues with our 3 year old. He’s been sent home early the last two days because he cannot stop hitting his teachers. His listening skills are THE worst. . Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 3 comments There is always a consequence for hitting, e. Instead of punishing the no, try accepting it. Kids need consistency to thrive. She does not heed even as simple a request as, “Please come here. " Hopefully it also teaches the child to stand up for themselves in the Not to mention that the COVID lockdowns hit at the worst possible time and there was a solid year he didn't interact with almost anybody outside the home from age 2 to 3. Sometimes use the “1, 2, 3” method. But it’s harmless and a good to talk about morals. Your husband is a grown man. It's not ideal, but he literally does not listen, a lot, and we're a bit burnt out. If I am honest amd please do not shame me or judge me for this but, there has been a few times I have spanked her and then felt so bad, I am trying my best to be so much better than my own mom and feel like I am failing. Now, he only does it when all three of the following conditions are met: 1. Posted by u/Alternative_Path9692 - 3 votes and 4 comments Hitting children does not teach them to stop running when you yell, and if anything it might make him run faster to avoid being hit. A better approach might be to ask her what’s up with the hitting and engage in active listening. I had a few children like that, a 2. And that part of the brain has not yet developed for them to really be able to “listen” I just wonder why it seems like some kids actually DO listen. When she got off the bus she grabbed a kids throat and scratched his neck, then she pushed a kid in line, then swung the bathroom door at another kid, then she tried to swing her fist at The mantra « if you fight with a 3 year old, you’ve already lost » is so true, especially in that case where he ends up behaving but he’s sad or angry and you just feel so bad about yourself for days. The youngest is now totally fine and we’re not having any issues but my 3 year old is on a behavioral plan and on the verge of getting kicked out. He's on time out all the time at home and school for not listening. My toddler (not 2, but 3) did the same for a moment. Kid might be missing dad time, and acting out towards you to get your attention. Also tell them you are going to wait until they are ready to listen. You should be looking at who she is now and not comparing to how she was at 2 and 3 years old. Never 33 votes, 14 comments. Hyde - Super loving and affectionate, then slap across the face. Mudd. Fernandez. I don’t know how to get her to listen. Asking for a hug, then headbut to your eyebrow. 5 yr old ADHD kiddo. You're normal and so is he. If you're capable of safely packing your bags and going, do it. By this I mean when we ask her to stop doing something (like jumping on sofa) she won’t stop until we get upset. So my six year old has been a handful since he was younger, but lately it seems to be getting worse and worse. Seems to work. She refuses to help clean up. My son is a non-verbal 3. It's really hard and exhausting but it's all about consistent boundaries. Sometimes they’ll run the lap and then just kinda keep running. My daughter's at her terrible two stage, and it has been difficult, specially because she screams at us, hit us, or scratches us (her mother, her older brother and myself) when feeling frustrated or things not going her way. 135 votes, 53 comments. I sincerely doubt this is a male/female adult figure thing. Say “do you want the red blanket or the yellow one” it still means they are taking a nap, but they now feel like they have a say in the matter. The twins DO NOT LISTEN. Whatevs. When he is hitting and throwing things. He needs to be removed from the situation, it not acceptable to be violent. Some advice from a Dad with 3 boys: Let him do his thing. The moment we tell him to do something or confront him on his behavior he starts screaming bloody murder. She doesn’t listen when people ask her to do/not do something. His listening has actually improved drastically, but still quite bad. exactly. I'm having problems with my 4 year old boy as well. He is generally disregulated due to hunger, tiredness, etc. Personally, my 4 year old is a 5:30-6:00 am wake up, 12:00-1:30/2:00 nap, in bed reading by 7:30. I worry how this will affect him growing up. He only wants to shoot over head but he’s simply not strong enough to get the trajectory even close to reach the basket. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to stop this behaviour. I've been grieving, the pandemic meant we were inside for a year not seeing anyone, my husband becoming ill and not able to do as much with my son and 'disappearing' on his hospital stays. In desperate need of any successful strategies for dealing with a hitting 3-year-old! Our daughter just turned 3 and has in the last 4 to 6 weeks ramped up her instances of hitting out of frustration. Even if he was very calm and measured about it - which I very much doubt - it doesn't take a lot of force for a grown man to cause pain to a 3 year old. My daughter turned 3 last month. 5 year old and right before he turned 3 he had a phase where he would hit me all of the time. No snacks, lead to a melt down and the spouse caving. I know people say to go for natural consequences but those often aren't there. ) our boy always seems to be the one misbehaving, goofing around, not following instructions. She is extremely aggravating. I'm not having any battles about regressions or night time accidents. Every kid is different so no idea if this behaviour will persist or not. Hitting is not okay. It’s overwhelming to them, they need authority figures and they need to be told what to do in certain situations. 5 year old hits me a lot too. At this age, close supervision and/or environmental safety measures (like a fence) are required because babies/toddlers have a drive to explore and basically no sense That's insane. For example, if taking a bath before bed is non negotiable, try “hey! It’s bath time. When he was two I had to do time outs though. Let’s pick out our PJs. May be time for good/bad attention talk, or maybe try a little more time with him. The goal of time out is not to make them suffer. That got though to him. We have an almost 3 year old that just does not listen to us (or coaches) almost ever. From 1. If he hits, you grab his hand and say, "that hurts. Post contains affiliate links which means if you make a purchase I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Things in tried Gentle parenting doesn’t mean you can’t set boundaries. ” My toddlers started a new daycare at the end of October and they both had some trouble adjusting. The boundary pushing is getting more intense, and with that, the tantrums. Also, meditation will help in anger management. 5 year old (her younger sibling) is much more compliant than my 5. My 3. Would you hit an adult, someone who’s had plenty of time on this planet to do things correctly in your eyes? No, because that’s assault. Of course, we will have a conversation with him when he gets home, and typically he is given a light punishment of some sort for not listening to his teachers. I’ve got a 6 year old and twins who are 3. r/parenting is protesting changes being made by Reddit to the API. He also has been hitting me at home. Today was the worst it has been. My son is 4 and we still have issues with hitting. The behavior started around 18 months-2 years, peaked around 3 years, and has been leveling off slowly ever since. Our basic approach: First time or two gets an immediate intervention and explanation. I tell her she is allowed to be angry that's fine as long as she doesn't hurt herself or anyone else. This however does not apply to things you as a parent won’t accept no to. Six years old is old enough to understand that what she’s doing is wrong. There's mostly daily raising our voices at him, because our toddler refuses to listen. He has always been a more aggressive child. Inside: A simple strategy when your 3 year is out of control, ignoring you and flat out not listening. My oldest is 6. It doesn’t make I've got two: 15 year old boy and 6 year old girl. The second there is hitting or any other safety issue, child is immediately stopped and told sternly "we do NOT hit, it hurts people" and removed from whate My 3 year old has been acting out recently and it is getting worse. As far as not listening, set firm boundaries and follow through. They look to you to learn. See full list on parentalquestions. Let me know if it helps. About 2 months after being in daycare, her teacher told me she is not listening, not participating in activities and throwing tantrums. She just keeps doing it. that doesn't tell them anything at all. Mine is 2, just started hitting. Who asks a 3 year old if they want to do things that they clearly don’t. My daughter is 2. He is not listening to his teachers instructions at all anymore and is having accidents almost every day (he has been potty trained for a long time now and only has I have a 5 and 2, and the 5 year old is killing me with not listening to instructions or doing anything when asked. She can tell me she is upset, and/or she can squeeze my hand as hard as she needs to, showing just how angry she is. 5 years old. She goes to her grandma’s church once a week and plays with other kids. You're expecting a lot from a two year old. Posted by u/chapel976 - 3 votes and 8 comments Well, fwiw, my 2 year old understands and minds the rules, and when she doesn't, she gets reminded if she is obviously just not aware/not paying attention. This is something she also does with me. taking away toys or stuffies doesn’t work. I reiterated to her that we do not hit, and if she hit me again I would take away her new book and she would have to go straight to bed. The 3 year old hits constantly, doesn't listen when asked to do things, screams at everyone in the family, AKA acts like a little jerk! We put him in time out once in a while, take his toys away for a few minutes, talk to him, sometimes louder than we should, but my patience are running out! I feel lost. My daughter will be 2 in June and is going through a hitting phase again. I'm not cleaning poop and pee off my whole house every 5 minutes. It’s natural at two for kids to be saying no to many things. My son turned 3 in July. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then you need to change what you’re doing. 5 to 3. My almost 3 year old was running everywhere and wouldn’t listen to anything , it was past her bedtime, and she needed to change her diaper put on her PJ. Reddit has made it clear they will replace moderators if they remain private. Even if you are actively telling her NOT to do something or if you have already had to tell her stop 5 times. Offering to help him with his frustrations and wont listen to me. I'm a stay-at-home mom and he's an only child. Don’t yell or be upset. I can literally tell her multiple times and two minutes after she will go and do the thing I just said not to do. it’ll be a huge issue in not only your relationship but It's a big deal. Or if she doesn’t get her way she gets upset. You can ask me differently and I bet they’ll work again”. No stress. It’s mostly a game now. 5, and those are not so bad as 2. But mine are getting a bit older, 7 and 3. Wait until they are ready to listen. He speaks 3 languages fluently, so we don't have a communication barrier. ) The 3 year old is in preschool at his daycare. Let them pick what shirt they want to wear if you want to give them “ autonomy “ I will say since this conversation back in December, we haven’t had to use the safe word and our child is back to being a normal 3 year old!!! Communication is KEY when it comes to parenting and you and your partner have to agree on how to handle situations, because if you don’t. He's not listening, disrespecting boundaries, being disrespectful in general, talking back, and hitting. 5 year old daughter can hit when she's having a tantrum I tend to not respond strongly or if its bad I will tell her she is upsetting me. We have had to meet with his daycare because he is constantly hitting, kicking, and pinching students and staff. I get kicked and hit by 3 years olds almost every day. My 3 year old hit me really hard in the head today after I said no to going on a stroller walk because I needed to eat. She has in been in daycare since March. He just runs and laughs at me. e. She won't listen. I generally believe that hitting children is wrong, but I can justify that hitting a child who is hitting. Ask her calmly 3 or 4 times until I snap and scream at her and usually have to physically grab her to get her to stop. Like what are y’all doing? Our three year old has been going through a phase where he has been getting more physical at school, typically when he is at a peak of being upset. It’s on and off at my house and random with my 3 year old. Like title says 4 year old will not listen. My four year old is about to get kicked out of preschool. When she is determined to act out/boundary push, I respond with a reasonable predetermined consequence. We do a good job of teaching her rules and shes really good for the most part. We put her in timeout but she sits there unbothered like she really doesn’t care. g. That's the attention he does NOT want when hitting himself. We are staying here for 3-4 days for Christmas. Every time he did it I would pick him up and kiss him a bunch of times on his face all over. If I ask him to sit still for example he runs around and thinks it's a game, he won't pick up toys when I ask, he won't put a jacket on when I ask, etc. 5. We rarely stray from this. Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. Children change as the get older. So we practice gentle parenting, we co-sleep because that has just made things so much easier. I have to physically restrain and hold him down so he won’t hurt anyone or break anything ( or hurt himself). We have a repeated pattern in my household (we have 3. This^ but also- with 1-3’s- you can give them the illusion of choice. The problem are his anger outbursts that lead him to hit: sometimes the hitting is due to fear and sometimes due to him simply not being happy with an occurrence i. Jekyl and Mr. All while dealing with the huge feelings that come with a big developmental leap. I am constantly getting calls and emails about… I'm desperate for tips. She's very smart. It sounds frustrating as all hell, but I would bet it’s just a phase and probably a short-lived one, and there could be a dozen explanations: he could be imitating someone else, he could be anxious about growing independence from you, he could be testing out what’s true/not true, etc. It still happens. He is TK. My 1. 5 year old son is a terrible listener. She will calm and give me a cuddle. She did this for a week when she turned one but it was over as quick as it started and the hitting was only one or two times a day. You also can’t hit him to teach him a lesson to stop hitting. Whenever that happened, we'd walk straight back home if that was possible. The stress and frustration (turns into outright anger and hate after many consistent weeks) is unreal and it’s an awful feeling to be so angry at the kids. I couldn’t flat out say “I don’t understand you” at that age. ” Over the past couple of weeks our boy, 2 years old (25. ) My 2. Mine had to be pulled from the class because of similar behavior. As if me NOT hitting my toddler will some how directly make him a women abuser later in life. I took her by force and lye her down to change her diaper, she would resist and kicked me with her feet, I couldn’t control myself and hit her on her bare butt with a small slap. 2. She’s been hitting, not listening and just acting out. I am not condoning the behavior when it happens, I’m just refusing to hit him ever. It's unusual for a 3 year old to be able to listen well, and daycare itself is enough work without adding in extracurriculars. She'll get there when she gets there. He has always been strong willed but this is different. 5 and she never hit really, my youngest is 3. He did take short classes for speech therapy with other kids and did well there. I'm at my wits end. Just remember it’s a 3 year old who is still learning. It's getting to a point where whether I use a cross voice or a kind voice she doesn't listen and I'm getting more and more frustrated by the day. true. There is some REALLY good advice on the post already (emphasizing using theif words, showing appropriate ways to release anger, etc. And just learning how to interact with her new little brother. Sometimes it seems like he truly cannot help himself. I’ve done a ton of research and listened to podcasts, I’m aware of the 30% rule, the thing is my 3. I can finally now with my 6 year old but when they were younger, and with my three year old, saying I couldn’t understand them just made them more and more frustrated. Hitting has stopped but the nasty attitude will sometimes shine through with my 3. She has gotten really good at telling US what to do. com Mar 8, 2024 · All two-year-olds, all three-year-olds, have tantrums, and can resist parental direction, notes Dr. If you put a three year old in time out and he does nothing but giggle the entire time that doesn't mean the timeout was a failure. Then randomly he is like Dr. They have no impulse control, no emotional regulation, and are starting to assert independence. New baby at… Hi!! I am desperately seeking advice for what I should do for this. Nothing too long. "Every time you hit yourself, mommy's gonna kiss yooou", and he'd say, "ew! gross mom!" and push me away laughing. ” They’ll run the lap and then ask politely, usually. It feels like recently she has had an issue with attitude. Not potty trained. With tantrums, it’s a matter of Dec 11, 2024 · Our three-year-old daughter does not listen to almost anything we ask her to do. 3 year olds can understand immediate consequences. 5 year old who was a nice kid but had problems with impulse and also needed one on one help in class to finish activities. She initially used to cry when I drop her off in the morning but that settled down with in a month. wzevvjzjecaylsafmhnpwdseqaooqsxwedtopoujxlztoqoxm