503 mcat urm. 9 II's (all MD), 6 A's, 1 WL, 1 pending, 1 did not attend.
503 mcat urm. Status Not open for further replies.
503 mcat urm /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. 99 Science Jul 30, 2023 · cGPA: 3. URM, moderate hearing loss (wear hearing aids), and ADHD (not sure if I would disclose this tbh; diagnosed 2nd yr in college) Cycle Results!! 3. advise” I had stats only slightly better than yours and I got a half dozen acceptances, both MD and DO. ECs: 1000+ Oct 4, 2023 · Hi. 8 GPA, 509 mcat (129/126/126/128) Asian F, Pretty good EC's and healthcare experience TPR avg: 503 Scored: 507 3. 75 GPA, 498 MCAT (oof)- admitted to 3 DO schools 503 MCAT, MD Acceptance . But for a select few, there are other ways to get into medical school without the MCAT. 71 MCAT score(s) and breakdown 503 127/123/126/127 State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US) NY Ethnicity and/or race Hispanic (Ecuadorian), and white Undergraduate institution or category One of the CUNY's in NYC (a city college) Hi there, I was wondering if y'all could help me formulate a school list as a non-trad URM with a rather low MCAT score Background. 8-4. 2 Undergrad, 3. 64 / 499 so The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Here were my main extracurriculars from most substantial to least. 77 cGPA. 52 and AACOMAS would be 3. MCAT Study Schedules The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study You’ll need an MCAT retake tbh unless you have some other X-factor or are URM. I am from New York, and I think the only realistic DO school with your stats are NYITCOM. Jan 28, 2023 · cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS cGPA is 3. cGPA = 3. Feb 25, 2020 · MCAT: 503 (127/121/128/127) GPA: estimated at ~ 3. 3 cGPA (1st degree 3. Check out the sidebar for useful If you are fine with DO schools, your GPA and MCAT are competitive. 509 MCAT. 44 CA resident Volunteer: disadvantaged communities 200 hours Clinical Hours: 10,000+ hours (surgical tech) Untraditional student URM: Latina, first-gen, low SES Are there any other MD schools recommended to add to the list? This is the list of my completed secondaries this cycle so far. 4/3. Hi everyone!! I just wanted to share that I got an MD acceptance at a Texas school (TMDSAS, IS applicant) and I had a 503 MCAT score and 3. For MD programs in New York, your chance are low just because NY has so many competitive applicants who are also URM. Who cares what others think, be loud and be proud OP congrats 3. 96; I didn’t take a gap year and I had 3 interviews and got accepted to my top choice granted they were all Texas schools. Hi there, I was wondering if y'all could help me formulate a school list as a non-trad URM with a rather low MCAT score Background URM, moderate hearing loss (wear hearing aids), and ADHD (not sure if I would disclose this tbh; diagnosed 2nd yr in college Jul 3, 2019 · Hello everyone, I am in desperate need for some opinions on my allopathic medical school list below (after all of my stats). Resources. . 94 GPA, and URM! Thread starter xJoseph; Start date Oct 5, 2018; Tags admission chances california gpa low mcat urm This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. 1 GPA or so, 3 yrs ago) 3. Dec 28, 2019 #1 Hello SDN, I am finally . Many varied EC's. Average to above-average GPA, average MCAT, and good EC’s relative to URM MD matriculants. My uGPA is very low (sub 3. 3 sGPA (3. 59 sGPA: 3. Shawarma1998 3. Allowed: Mentioning ORM/URM in the context of an applicant's chances or their school list. 💪🏿 Reply reply virchowsnode • • Edited . Sep 16, 2024 · MCAT: 503 cGPA: 3. Your representation in medicine status has nothing to do with how hard you worked for this. 503 MCAT (27 on old scale) 3. 9+ gpa. I’ve tried so hard for so many months I’ve been out of school for 4 years, 3. 87 cGPA, 503 MCAT 503 ( 126/123/124/130) T60 undergrad URM, Black male MI residency 200 hours as a scribe 100 hours Patient visitor guide/ clinical volunteering 50 hours community service 1300 Hours basic science research, 3 poster presentations MCAT Study Schedules The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: WAMC, 3. 48, 503 MCAT) and I was accepted this past cycle. 81: MCAT – 508: Meharry Medical College School of Medicine : 3. Ethnicity and/or race URM - Armenian 5. 2, sGPA~3. 5 Aug 20, 2017 · This is a duplicate thread. Jolly_Theme_4427 • Would you mind sharing the names of the MD schools please? And we’re you OOS or instate? Reply Texas, 3. 5) MCAT score(s): taken 3 times: 495 in Get to know about MCAT scores including the average scores, release dates, top medical schools' averages, and how to calculate the potential score. 95 GPA, 508 MCAT URM 📈 Cycle Results Archived post. Thread starter Sal10293life; Start date Jul 25, 2023; This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. 42 (incl. I had a 503 and a 3. All posts and comments on this subreddit must be respectful of other users and relevant to this subeddit's purpose. Trying to get ahead with re-writing primary app + pre-writing secondaries: cGPA (3. For most prospective medical students, the MCAT is required for medical school acceptance. So many people asked me if I had a backup plan and I never wanted to give it any thought because I knew this is what I wanted and what I was meant to be. Yet I can’t increase my MCAT beyond 505. Volunteer Staff Nov 5, 2017 · School list help? 3. 99 Science I was low stats (3. I just want to give some hope to any low scoring students who feel like giving up. 5 urm MCAT - 503 (122 /127/125/129) FL resident, Black male Bio major in honors program at public FL school Clinical Sep 23, 2015 · I need some help! I got my score back for 2nd mcat score and I got a very poor score (128, 122, 127, 126). 2+ Year Member . Hello everyone, I am in desperate need for some opinions on my allopathic medical school list below (after all of my stats). Strong LORs (MD) URM (puerto rican born and raised) MD All four Puerto Rico Schools U Miami Wake Tulane Howard Meharry Morehouse U Aug 1, 2021 · 2. Ask me any questions! Forums. ranked among top 4% of instructors on campus MCAT Study Schedules The 3 Month (100 Day) WAMC, 3. Please don't listen to anyone who advices you Puerto Rican and have always lived in the island. Also what other schools should I add? 1. 71 MCAT score(s) and breakdown 503 127/123/126/127 State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US) NY Ethnicity and/or race Hispanic (Ecuadorian), and white Undergraduate institution or category One of the CUNY's in NYC (a city college) Mar 4, 2023 · URM, 3. I have already posted on here, but this school list was created using the MSAR, ProspectiveDoctor, and Reddit (for the percentage out of state accepted). Q&A. 70, MCAT 503 URM. Joined May 10, 2022 Messages 80 Reaction URM , 3. Advisors are fucking idiots, never listen to them. 7 Graduate, 505 Mcat, 8 MD interviews, 4 acceptances, 1 waitlist, 1 pending, 1 R. I took 48 hours to feel sorry for myself, then did some light studying and retook 5 weeks after getting that 503 and ended up with a Sep 10, 2016 · - SES disadvantaged, URM (latino), first-generation student - Berkeley grad, Biology major - did a post-bacc program in CA - overall GPA: 3. 4cGPA, 503, URM. GA resident with alot of research, volunteer experience Jul 2, 2019 · No gap year. 94 GPA, and URM! Puerto Rican and residing in the island. Submitted my app in October (late af I know), finished secondaries from oct-jan. 67, BPCM is 3. Summary: 3. Thread starter deleted888519; Start date Aug 25, 2020; This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. Administrator. Rebel_Phoenix Full Member. 6; sGPA: 3. 68 MCAT 510 (130/124/128/128) also URM (AA male) from California. 9 II's (all MD), 6 A's, 1 WL, 1 pending, 1 did not attend. Aug 25, 2020 #1 These are the schools I have so far i need to cut down like 5-7 schools. I graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelors in kinesiology in 2021. Will be applying for 2024/5 cycle. Support Account Help Confidential Advising. Urm Hispanic Feb 25, 2020 · MCAT: 503 (127/121/128/127) GPA: estimated at ~ 3. New. 5 cGPA 3. 85+, Hello everyone posting for a friend 3. Many popular medical school tutoring and consulting Jul 11, 2024 · 但是重启后还是不行? clone依旧提示not found 正确姿势 我的报错原因:最后才发现创建出来的project的url中没有端口号 检查方式很简单:提示not found时直接复制地址去地 浏览地图、搜索地点、查询公交驾车线路、查看实时路况,您的出行指南、生活助手。提供地铁线路图浏览,乘车方案查询 Oct 5, 2018 · MD 503 MCAT, 3. URM and low income too. 87 cGPA, 503 MCAT 503 ( 126/123/124/130) T60 undergrad URM, Black male MI residency 200 hours as a scribe 100 hours Patient visitor guide/ clinical volunteering 50 hours community service 1300 Hours basic science research, 3 poster presentations Hey everyone! I already submitted my application and just got my retake MCAT score back, I am going to finish my school list and I really need some advice on where to apply for MD programs. Thread starter Rebel_Phoenix; Start date May 10, 2022; This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. 1. Old. Communities Pre-Med Medical Resident Audiology Dental Optometry Which schools did you apply to and where were your interviews ? Are you from a URM community ? gyngyn Alta California. What do you think my chances are on schools in the state of California or N. MCAT April 2022: 503 (124/124/127/128) MCAT June 2022: 507 (126/123/127/131) Cumulative GPA: 3. Really not sure whether I should retake, obviously the cars I had similar stats except 503 MCAT and my 6,000 hours were a clinical job. 3sGPA, 3. CalypsoEuropa Full Member. 3 MCAT 503 (124/127/126/126) Illinois (US Citizen) Ethnicity Latina (URM) Undergrad: large public university Last 30 credits: 4. 89 GPA and 501 MCAT. 9 sGPA with post-bacc 3. Removed. Y out of curiosity? MCAT: 497 (2017) --> 503 (2018) 122/126/127/128 (not sure what happened on c/p was averaging 126 on practice tests) - South Carolina resident - 100 Clinical Volunteer hours Jun 25, 2019 · Just want to know what my chances for acceptance are, as well as what my current school list looks like. I was wondering if it’s worth retaking on July 22nd and submitting everything by late august. 56u, 3. 29. May 11, 2021 · I’m sorry this happened to you. Thread starter yuh; Start date May 14, 2019; Tags 3. 7 undergrad gpa and 503 MCAT admitted DO Reply reply MedicalCubanSandwich • 3. Jul 31, 2023 · Hey everyone! I already submitted my application and just got my retake MCAT score back, I am going to finish my school list and I really need some advice on where to apply for MD programs. Hi! My MCAT is a 514 (retake from 506), GPA by the time I apply will be cGPA~3. This is my first application cycle. C. WAMC and where should I think about applying? Thread starter CalypsoEuropa; Start date Dec 28, 2019; This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. 5 II - 2 withdrawn, 1 Rejection, 1 A (DO), and 1 WL (MD) Reply reply harryceo 3. 0 Clinical experience: ~1000 hours (medical assistant at an urgent care clinic) Non-Clinical Volunteering: volunteered at veteran’s hospital creating Nov 23, 2018 · Puerto Rican and have always lived in the island. Spent a summer doing SHPEP, and I'm an URM (African/Female). 9 GPA, 506 MCAT 🔮 App Review State/Country of Residence: NC Year in School: Junior Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): Major: Biology Cumulative GPA: 3. I was wondering if it’s worth retaking on July 22nd and · Database of GPAs and MCAT scores from pre-med students who got into medical schools over the past few years. Reply reply WhatTheFlan • 3. I have ~26 hours for clinical volunteering (wondering if I should even put it on my app) and ~60 hours of shadowing in adult ER, peds ER, and the ICU. 22 yo, ORM. 95 w/ AMCAS MCAT Coming from a current URM applicant this cycle! Reply reply Due-yeR Apr 30, 2023 · Only 503 MCAT but almost 10,000 clinical hours mostly employed some volunteer. Currently doing research for May 2, 2019 · Hi all! I’m looking for some advice on my chances of getting in this cycle and some input in my school list. Top. My 2nd mcat attempt was a 503 (with a 122 cars) after averaging a 511 on my FL’s and I was completely devastated. Thank you in advance! I had a 503 and a 3. 27 MCAT Minimum – 496 MCAT Average – 509: TENNESSEE: East Tennessee State University Quillen College of Medicine: 3. You can do this! You’ve come too far to give up and lose faith Mcat-524 Urm Male Clinical-1000 hrs Shadowing-100+ Do I do an smp ,post-bac or should I just swing for the fences and see what happens next cycle. 6 science GPA, 503 MCAT, URM, based in NY, about 3k hours in clinical research (2k being paid in my first gap year now), 2k non-clinical job working with underserved populations, and other miscellaneous activities. Their GPA cut offs are 3. Thank you. 1 cGPA 3. ) Thanks! Proficient in Spanish, English, and ASL. 867; sGPA = ~3. I really don't understand why I got this when my aamc fl was about 79% (76% 75% 80% 81%) especially verbal. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 96 w/ AMCAS Science GPA: 3. Jun 13, 2022 · When I see someone is a URM, I’m reminded of how much you have to work harder than the others to get to the same point. What do you think my chances are on schools in the state of florida (UCF, USF, etc. Staff member. Reply reply Ik low is subjective but I had a 3. Undergraduate institution or category Jan 8, 2010 · I am a URM. 9 GPA. 82: MCAT – 513: Vanderbilt University School Nov 22, 2023 · MD 503 MCAT, 3. 92 sGPA, 3. 7 GPA/ 503 MCAT had a 35% national acceptance rate. Please stop doubling posting a 3. MCAT score(s) and breakdown March 2021: 503 (125/125/127/126) September 2020: 499 (124/124/124/127) 3. 52: MCAT Minimum – 495 MCAT Average – 503: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine: 3. 4 GPA 503 MCAT URM? Also congrats!! Do you mind pming me your school list? If not I totally understand, thank you <3 Reply reply 2. 7+ Year Member. especially in all their premed classes only get let's say a 503 on their MCAT? How can you get an A in your Apr 13, 2024 · WAMC/School list (URM; disability; nontrad; MPH grad) - MCAT 503 cGPA 3. 59, sgpa 3. Joined Apr 25, 2023 Aug 25, 2020 · GPA 3. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. 4 cgpa and 503 mcat after three attempts. Joined Nov 4, 2019 Messages 15 Reaction score 29. I ran out of time on the Biology section so I went down 2 points. -Chemistry Merit (URM) Teaching Assistant Gen Chem II - 2 years/4 semesters 1,440 hours. Share Sort by: Best. 0 is all you need to know) but after a year long SMP (all of our classes were with med students and we took the same exam) I graduated with a 3. I submitted my primaries already and have my secondaries prewritten already. Please do not let your MCAT score completely discourage you or take away from all the other great things you’ve accomplished! Everything in your application truly does URM with a 3. I interviewed at 12 schools and received 6 A and 3 WL (still waiting to hear back from 3 schools). Best. 54cgpa 3. Thread starter Rebel_Phoenix; Start date May 10, 2022; This forum made possible through the generous support of My stats are: 3. postbacc), cgpa 3. Also have two summers of research with one pub (hopefully a couple more). Controversial. Communities Pre-Med Medical Resident Audiology Dental Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Podiatry Psychology Rehab Sci Veterinary. I have 3. Nov 17, 2013 · Hi all, I got my MCAT score back and, after searching around and taking some advice here on SDN, made my final school list. 5 sGPA; 4. Forums. URM gives you a big leg up, but I don't think that MCAT is acceptable by any school URM or not. Ignore the haters, with many state schools' median MCAT and GPAs being 512+ and 3. Reapplied with 508, shadowing, clinical AND community volunteering all added to application and even with all this, only got 5 DO interviews and 0 MD. NYU, Cornell, Albany, Stony Brook MCAT Advice/Low-MCAT and URM Friendly Schools . 2sGPA, 503 MCAT, URM. That is 1 in 3 odds a 3. ECs: 1000+ clinical hours 600+ clinical volunteer hours 200+ non-clinical volunteer hours 1-3 years of research (depending on how long I stay at my new research job) 1 publication URM: Mexican American Aug 10, 2024 · URM / Affirmative Action. Reply reply I think you'd have a good shot at DO schools. What's new Trending New posts Latest activity. Vision, Values and Policies. 4 first MCAT: 499 new MCAT: 502 - 125, 123, 125, 129 I'm honestly disappointed that I was only able to improve by 3 points. Find out if you're a competitive applicant. 4cGPA, 3. Calc) Upward trend. Please don't listen to anyone who advices you to switch career paths, if you really want this, and don't listen to those who say you need a 510+. 6 for DO. 4 GPA 503 MCAT Apr 10, 2019 · My MCAT is a 514 (retake from 506 URM, high-is MCAT, low GPA . URM, moderate hearing loss (wear hearing aids), and ADHD (not sure if I would disclose this tbh; diagnosed 2nd yr in college) I applied in 2020 with a 3. 2, 508 mcat. Touro tends to favor high MCAT. - just received UCSF Mar 30, 2023 · Hello everyone posting for a friend 3. D. I’ve honestly reached my breaking point with this stupid test. 68) and sGPA (3. 8 (differs between application systems since some of my kinesiology courses don't count towards BCPM for certain systems) Jun 16, 2020 · Need help! I retook my mcat and got the same score 503 I was scoring above 516 on all my practice exams. I only got 1 interview at LECOM and never was accepted. I think I crafted URM? Also congrats!! Do you mind pming me your school list? If not I totally understand, thank you <3 Reply reply MCAT 483, 496 then 503 admitted DO. 0 in last year and a half/45 units, all science, mostly upper division sciences (biochem/physiology/cell bio/genetics) 33-36 MCAT (taking soon, but ranging here) URM - Apr 25, 2023 · MD & DO WAMC/School List . 503 MCAT, 3. 49 sGPA 3. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) URM gives you a big leg up, but I don't think that MCAT is acceptable by any school URM or not. 513 MCAT, URM, 6000+ clinical hrs, 1400+ bio tutoring. 503 is only competitive at maybe your state schools if they take in-state only kids and at DO schools. Joined Sep 6, 2015 Nov 17, 2013 · I got my MCAT score back and, after searching around and taking some advice here on SDN, made my final school list. 0 and their average MCATs are quite low (something like 503-504, if I remember correctly). You say you’re an immigrant, maybe if your URM, otherwise using myself as a reference I Female, URM, FAP. 7x cumulative GPA, 3. Open comment sort options. My first mcat was 29 (9, 8, 12). 5 - science GPA: 3. That would've been true if you cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS cGPA is 3. who took the MCAT 3-5 times and got around 503 on their final attempt, and they made it into a DO school. 72 GPA science 3. deleted888519. Sal10293life Full Member. 3. 42, it may be higher though but definitely not lower — would need to calculate since I attended two institutions. I think I crafted Aug 23, 2018 · Any recommendations for a school list would be greatly appreciated! URM Female CA resident Graduated from top 20 university Non-traditional 3. xJoseph Membership Revoked. State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US) California resident, ties to Ohio (resident and family studying at university in Ohio) 4. “Those who can do, those who can’t. 48sgpa 503 MCAT, URM. Full tuition scholarship to my reach school Feb 22, 2017 · Hi there, I was wondering if y'all could help me formulate a school list as a non-trad URM with a rather low MCAT score Background. 47s when I applied, although that’s since gone up. A lot of them have DISMAL representation of Latinos and blacks too - hopefully that means they need more applicants like you and not that they don't care about URM. Also a reapplicant which makes forming a list even more confusing because I remember how random my interviews were the first time. 08; postbacc gpa 3. 95 post-bacc so I’m very positive about it Reply reply 503, 2 MD acceptances! Starting school in 2 weeks Reply reply jairo_x • Amazing! How many MD interviews total in the cycle? Reply reply InternationalTea9630 • 4! Reply reply More replies. 0 GPA with a 503 MCAT is just Jun 16, 2020 · Need help! I retook my mcat and got the same score 503 I was scoring above 516 on all my practice exams. Status Not open for further replies. 7 graduate GPA 503 MCAT (124/127/126/126) 800 hours of lab research, 1 publication, 2 poster presentations 175 hours Dec 1, 2015 · In addition to my crap MCAT score, my clinical volunteering + shadowing aren't great either. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast This thread is MD URM. 7 GPA, 2 interviews, and one acceptance. Any advice/input is greatly appreciated! Ugrad gpa (without postbacc) 3. khrujjgzgpmoqlwdolqlgbqllsckauvwqlxqhkbunmdeocypc