Elayne trakand. Elayne Trakand is willing to fight for the Lion Throne.
Elayne trakand. She fell in disgrace and is now da'covale.
- Elayne trakand Elayne è la figlia secondogenita della regina di Andor, Morgase, ed è anche l’erede al trono, poiché in Andor la successione avviene solo in linea femminile. Ceara Coveney is known for The Wheel of Time (2021), Young Wallander (2020) and Hoard (2023). I believe she was at least the 2nd luckiest person in the book who could outplay Matt sometimes. Part 7 of Worrying About Moiraine; Language: English Words: 1,970 Chapters: 1/1 Work Search tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. The Wheel of Time Season 2 Trailer Welcomes Elayne Trakand, Aviendha, and Lady Suroth. She rules as the Queen of Andor, and later she also becomes Queen of Cairhien. [1] Aviendha is an Aiel Maiden of the Spear. In The Eye of The Wheel of Time's treatment of Elayne Trakand's romance with Rand al'Thor is the least of its worries, but for some reason, it's one of the problems I notice the most. Elayne falls in love with Rand at near Elayne Trakand is the Daughter Heir to the throne of Andor when she meets Rand al'Thor after he accidently stumbles into the royal palace's gardens. Elayne's introduction in The Wheel of Time season 2 has major implications for several other characters from the books, changing their storylines and relationships. Growing up in the palace, Elayne has a different background than Played by Ceara Coveney, Elayne Trakand is the daughter-heir of the Kingdom of Andor and one of Rand’s three main love interests. com. ; Arranged Marriage: Perrin tries this on her because he is tired of the way she and Tallanvor keep moping over each other. Played by Ceara Covenay, Elayne Trakand was Siuan Sanche recognized the look in Egwene al'Vere's eyes, as the dark-haired girl's gaze followed Elayne Trakand as the sweltering heat of Salidar was lingering. Moiraine tries to mentor Elayne on how to be both a monarch and an Aes Sedai. Here is Ceara Coveney introducing her character in her own Gawyn Trakand is a character introduced in season 3 of The Wheel of Time, portrayed by Luke Fetherston. Later, this ability to split flows is even greater, notably at the Shadowspawn attacks at Algarin Pendaloan 's manor and Maradon , where Naeff is unable to track the number of weaves created by Rand. Ajah (pronounced: AH-jah) is the name given to one of the seven different groups of Aes Sedai: the Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, White, Gray and Brown. Characters like Gawyn Trakand, Queen Morgase Trakand, Galad Damodred, TFoH,Ch5 - Since Egwene, as a near-sister to Elayne, asked Aviendha to look after Rand for her, Aviendha now firmly believes that Rand belongs to Elayne and Egwene cannot convince her otherwise. [1] When Maighdin was a child, Lini Eltring was her nurse. My favourite Rand girl. That's because she is on the level of craziness and gambling with her life as he is. 9 But what does it matter who Elayne was in a past life? It doesn't matter technically, but at the same time, it's cool to think about. Rand al'Thor/Mat Cauthon/Elayne Trakand (20) Exclude Additional Tags Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (53) Polyamory (30) Fluff (26) Angst (25) Post-Canon (22) Hurt/Comfort (20) Established Relationship (13) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (13) Alternate Universe (12) Elayne Trakand è una delle protagoniste più bone della saga fantasy La Ruota del Tempo dello scrittore statunitense Robert Jordan. Moiraine Damodred & Elayne Trakand. Each Ajah has its own specific purpose and rules, and is governed by its own internal leader(s). In Cairhien, Elayne Trakand governs the city as the Band of the Red Hand grows under Mat Cauthon's command. Elayne was born as the second child and only Aviendha is one of the Aiel who ventured out of the Aiel Waste, across the Spine of the World and into the so-called "wetlands" in search of the Car'a'carn, the Aiel chief of chiefs, He Who Comes With The Dawn. #elaynetrakand #elayne #thewheeloftime The second season of The Wheel of Time introduced us to Elayne Trakand, a novice in the White Tower training to become an Aes Sedai sorceress alongside familiar characters like Egwene and Nynaeve A private character design of Princess Elayne Trakand in "The Eye of the World" AB ©2025 by Ariel Burgess created with Wix. Joining Ceara Coveney (who plays Elayne) are: Olivia Williams (Queen Morgase Trakand), Luke Fetherston (Lord Gawyn), Elayne is the heir to the throne of Andor, a powerful kingdom in the world of The Wheel of Time. Maighdin Trakand was a noblewoman from Andor. Read her biography, appearance, personality, Elayne Trakand is one of the main protagonists of the book series The Wheel of Time. Rand met her Elayne Trakand (spoilers) Elayne is a heir to the throne of the most powerful country of the world yet she has no problems travelling without any servants and often having to share a bed with Nynaeve due to crowded inns or to live in a tiny wagon with her and Birgitte for weeks. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. The Path of Daggers consists of a prologue and thirty-one chapters. All Print Unpopular opinion: I actually really like Elayne, and I think a lot of people misjudge some of her actions later on in the series. I remember you from UT99. [2] However, despite this honor, Lady Ellorien is disgusted at House Trakand after Morgase orders her flogged when she is held under Compulsion by Rahvin as "Lord Elayne Trakand . Navigation and Actions. Series. Morgase was born in 957 NE and first entered the White Tower in 971 NE at age fourteen in accordance with Andoran custom, despite the fact that she can barely channel. Work Search tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Soon after that, Elayne Learn about Elayne Trakand, the Daughter-heir of Andor and a potential channeler, who meets Rand al'Thor and becomes his friend and ally. Somehow I remembered my login creds. Elayne Trakand, one of the lovers of Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn and thus a reincarnation of Lews Therin, bears significant resemblance in both name and appearance to Ilyena. In the entry for Shivan the Hunter, it says: He did not take part in the Last Battle as a Hero of the Horn, having been born shortly before. È una ragazza molto bella, di circa diciotto anni, alta, con occhi azzurri e capelli Ceara Covenry will play the vital role of Elayne in The Wheel of Time, although it sounds like she won't show up until season 2, which breaks from the book. There’s also Gawyn Trakand, Elayne’s brother, and Galad Damodred, Elayne’s half-brother. Lord Galadedrid of House Damodred, more commonly known as Galad, is the only son of Tigraine Mantear and Taringail Damodred and is the half-brother of Rand al'Thor through his mother, and of Elayne and Gawyn Trakand through The Wheel of Time is an American fantasy television series developed by Rafe Judkins for Amazon Prime Video. Add Description. The silver foxhead medallion is a ter'angreal that was given to Mat Cauthon when he emerged from the Rhuidean twisted doorframe ter'angreal. They bond as Elayne Trakand has appeared in the following books: The Great Hunt (The Wheel of Time, #2), The Dragon Reborn (The Wheel of Time, #3), The Shadow Rising Home My Books Plot summary []. Eleanor Tomlinson. She came to the White Tower to study, as is tradition for future rulers of Andor. You came into OwN after we had been around a while. Perrin Aybara and his followers pursue Elayne was leaving for her mission, and wanted Rand to keep her fondly in his heart, so she wrote the first letter, the love letter. But the Wheel of Time Companion specifically refutes this rumor. Our next shot features Elayne Trakand raising a glass with Aivendha (Ayoola Smart As he lies on the ground, bleeding out, he is saved by the arrival of Elayne Trakand, an Aes Sedai novice and friend of Egwene. A slightly different take on Rand finding out he's going to be a father. Elayne Trakand is a descendant of this house through her father, Taringail Damodred. . It is one of his Elayne Trakand is by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor and Cairhien, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand, and Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. The series is based on the book series of the same name by Robert Jordan Ceara Coveney plays new Season Two character Elayne Trakand—the entitled daughter-heir of Andor—who becomes fast friends with Egwene. She is also a Darkfriend. ab@artistarielburgess. A royal daughter of Andor, a member of the storied Aes Sedai, and an indispensable player in the grand narrative, Elayne is a character whose story arc deeply entwines with the very core of this series. Despite being the first born, he is not the heir to the Abdicate the Throne: She eventually abicates her throne in favor of her daughter Elayne. Role added by odonnellii on June 7, 2017. The queen of Andor and the mother of Elayne Trakand, Morgase is one of the biggest characters in The Wheel of Time books yet to appear in Prime Video's live-action adaptation. Amazon Elayne Trakand/Morgase Trakand/Other(s) (1) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (1) Fisting (1) Angst (1) Bondage (1) Threesome (1) Alternate Universe (1) Incest (1) Torture (1) Rough Sex (1) Rape (1) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Heya KaP. 9 Vote No. Back to Top Make Suggestion. On my first read through, I imagined scenes I expected would come. Elayne Traemane was an Andoran noblewoman who was the grandmother of Lady Ellorien Traemane. 18 Vote Yes. Ceara Coveney. She fell in disgrace and is now da'covale. "I know I'm about to do something dangerous, and Birgitte could just as easily get someone else to go in my place, but I don't wanna do that. Winter's Heart consists of a prologue and thirty-five chapters. A few women in training to become Aes Sedai - namely Sharina, Nicola Elayne's family account for some of the books' most important characters, yet she's the only member of House Trakand to appear in The Wheel of Time thus far. From the beginning, Elayne is proven to be a considerably thoughtful towards those below her station. Gawyn Trakand - brother to Elayne and husband and Warder to the Amyrlin Seat Egwene Plot summary [] The Path of Daggers consists of a prologue and thirty-one chapters. She is the woman Matt Coffin. Works; Bookmarks Morgase loves her two children, Gawyn and Elayne, and had high expectations for them. Elayne Trakand, Nynaeve al'Meara, Aviendha, and their coalition of channelers use the ter'angreal called the Bowl of the Winds to reverse the unnatural heat brought on by the Dark One's manipulation of the climate and then escape a Seanchan invasion by Traveling to Andor, where Elayne claims The Green Ajah of the Aes Sedai holds itself ready for Tarmon Gai'don, for the final battle between good and evil when the Dark One inevitably breaks free from his prison. It is unknown if she is a literal reincarnation of Ilyena. She was beautiful. When she first arrives at Falme, the first two fingernails of each of her hands are an inch long and lacquered House Damodred is a major noble house of Cairhien, in fact one of the few royal houses able for a while to rule this kingdom. TFoH,Ch15 - Elaida issues orders for Elayne to be found and returned to A community for the quality discussion of The Wheel of Time series of novels by Robert Jordan (& completed by Brandon Sanderson) as well as Amazon's streaming adaptation, the first audiobook recordings by Michael Kramer & Kate Reading, the second audiobook recordings by Rosamund Pike, the graphic novels adaptation by Chuck Dixon & Chase Conley (and continued by Rik Elayne Trakand is one of the main protagonists of the book series The Wheel of Time. [1] Queen Morgase Trakand named her daughter and heir Elayne in honor of Lady Elayne Traemane. The casting was announced Since the events in the books, there are now three Aes Sedai who greatly surpass her in strength: Nynaeve al’Meara, Egwene al'Vere, and Elayne Trakand. In the continuity of the books, Elayne came into the story near the end of the first book, The Eye of the World. Elayne Trakand. Freya Mavor. Lini had been the Fan Casting Elayne Trakand. It arguably doesn't matter what the link are between modern day and the Third Age, it doesn't matter if that old thing at the Panarch's Palace was a Mercedes logo made of plastic and worn by time, doesn't matter if Rand is Adam but cursed to fight for And Elayne would want girls, to continue the Trakand rule of Andor. Galad is a royal prince of Andor, and older brother to Gawyn and Elayne. Aviendha was born to the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; For the Towers of Midnight chapter by a similar name, see Foxheads. Many of the events of Winter's Heart take place simultaneously with the events of the next book, Crossroads of Twilight. [1] Gawyn is a royal prince of Andor and brother to Galad and Elayne. She was Aviendha is a character in The Wheel of Time television series, first appearing in season 2. They were called the "Battle Ajah" during the Trolloc Wars and are excellent generals who can plan effective battle strategies. [2] He is "a skilled fighter, famously handsome, and Elayne Trakand Elayne Trakand, by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand, benignly smiling down at you, peasant. 14 Vote Yes. In the Age . The Wheel of Time season two introduced Elayne Trakand, Daughter-Heir of Andor. With a smooth-skinned, perfectly oval face, Elayne can charm many with her pretty, dimpled smile with f Elayne's first appearance is when Rand al'Thor falls into the Royal Garden [1] and makes acquaintances with Elayne, her brother Gawyn Trakand, her half-brother Galad, and Queen Morgase herself. She arrives at Tar Valon with a full coterie of servants to doll up her otherwise One of the most vibrant and complex characters in Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series is Elayne Trakand. The Wheel of Time season 3 trailer is already signaling the death of Queen Morgase, a major character whose TV show debut hasn't even happened yet. She took that totally the wrong way. Set during the early chapters of The Shadow Rising. 21 - 40 of 241 Works in Elayne Trakand. [2] . Elayne Trakand - current High Seat and queen of Andor and Cairhien, pregnant with twin children. Elayne_Trakand Novice Posts: 6 Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:18 pm. | Image: Prime Video. “We meet her as she is Elayne Trakand created a unique a'dam in order to hold Moghedien captive. Are Elayne's twins intended to be Heroes of the Horn? BRANDON SANDERSON (23 JANUARY 2013) It could happen. Prime Video announced casting for the Andor royals on Wednesday morning. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed I think my issue with Elayne and Gawyn's recklessness versus other characters' recklessness is that the Trakand siblings have self-awareness that makes it feel more obnoxious. Rand al'Thor/Aviendha/Mat Cauthon/Elayne Trakand (7) Exclude Additional Tags Polyamory (15) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (12) Fluff (5) Family (5) Established Relationship (5) Hurt/Comfort (5) Canon-Typical Violence (5) Post-Canon (4) Smut (4) Pregnancy (4) Other tags to exclude Coveney: Elayne Trakand is the daughter heir of Andor, so she's next in line to the Lion Throne, and she has been raised all her life to take the throne one day and become queen. The problem is that Rand said, "Great!" when she said she was leaving. She has black eyes, and the sides of her head are shaved with a long crest of dark hair. wɪn tɹɑˈkænd/) born in 979 NE, he is the son of Taringail Damodred and Queen Morgase Trakand, as well as the brother of Elayne Trakand and half Elayne Trakand on yksi päähenkilöistä Robert Jordanin Ajan Pyör Elayne on yksi kolmesta naisesta jotka rakastavat Randia, ja myös hyvä ystävä toisten (Min ja Aviendha); kaikki kolme ovat hyväksyneet jakaa hänet, ja ovat sitoneet hänet molemminpuoliseen kaitsijan siteeseen. Fan Casting. Posted on Published: July 19, 2023 · 1:13 PM EDT · 0 Comments Can Ceara Coveney embody the character of Elayne Trakand from the beloved The Wheel of Time series? We'll take a deep dive into her prior characters and work Elayne Trakand Prime Video. She's incredibly dutiful for someone her How Elayne finally came on board for The Wheel of Time is sure to have a massive impact on one of the biggest romances in the books. Callum Kerr (Hollyoaks, Monarch) plays ‘Lord Galad’ of House Trakand. A tiny girl with Elayne's dimple and Mat's dark curls. Warning: Spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 2, episode 6. All of whom we should Aviendha/Elayne Trakand (5) Rand al'Thor/Min Farshaw (4) Moiraine Damodred/Siuan Sanche (3) Exclude Additional Tags Post-Canon (8) Fluff (4) Polyamory (4) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (4) Alternate Universe - College/University (3) Post-Book 14: There are many examples of this prowess; in the Stone of Tear, he effortlessly held Egwene al'Vere and Elayne Trakand captive in shields while weaving over a dozen other flows. The sigil for this house is A royal prince of Andor and brother to Galad and Elayne, Gawyn is a skilled fighter, famously handsome, and protective of his younger sister. She chews him out for it, then Elayne Trakand . But the further the show The second season of The Wheel of Time is here and finally Elayne Trakand is a part of the story. She is also an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah, and is one of the three love interests of Rand al'Thor. Upon joining her Ajah, each new Aes Sedai is given a vine-embroidered shawl fringed in the color of her Ajah of choice. Trained as the Daughter-Heir Ceara Coveney, who joined the show for the first time this season as Elayne Trakand, sat down with Collider via Zoom for a spoiler-filled interview discussing some of the Want to discover art related to elaynetrakand? Check out amazing elaynetrakand artwork on DeviantArt. She said that she was very proud of her daughter when Elayne wrote of her raising to the Accepted at the Tower. Elayne Trakand (Ceara Coveney) and Aviendha (Ayoola Smart) in The Wheel of Time season 3. Unlike most daughters of House Trakand, visiting the White Tower is not merely a formality in Elayne's case: she can actually channel, and she will be the first Aes Sedai on the Lion House Trakand is one of the 19 Major Noble houses of Andor, and the current ruling house of both Andor and Cairhien. Elayne Trakand's Influence. [2] She Ceara Coveney plays new Season Two character Elayne Trakand—the entitled daughter-heir of Andor—who becomes fast friends with Egwene. She was the High Seat of House Trakand, the mother of Morgase Trakand, and the grandmother of Elayne Trakand and Gawyn Trakand. An easily overlooked detail in The Wheel of Time season 2 serves as subtle setup for Elayne’s unique ability. Actor: The Wheel of Time. The first installment in Robert Jordan Plot summary []. She is portrayed by Ayoola Smart. While there, she got so much more Lord Gawyn of House Trakand (/ˈgɑː. We still don’t know who has been cast to play Queen of Andor Morgase Trakand, Elayne’s mother. Elayne Trakand's power of influence and persuasion is significant, a trait cultivated by her royal upbringing and honed through a myriad of political, personal, and wartime experiences. Rand al'Thor has sent out a public amnesty for men who can channel while, in private, he and his trusted companions must decide where to focus their attention, as rumors swirl about dangers in Andor and Illian. Rand almost felt like he could see her, looking at the two of them like this. Morgase recalls her being a loving mother. Elayne Trakand is willing to fight for the Lion Throne. Played by Ceara Covenay, Elayne An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works And Elayne would want girls, to continue the Trakand rule of Andor. Elayne Trakand, Nynaeve al'Meara, Aviendha, and their coalition of channelers use the ter'angreal called the Bowl of the Winds to reverse the unnatural heat brought on by the Dark One's manipulation of the climate and then escape a Seanchan invasion by Traveling to Andor, where Elayne claims The High Lady Suroth Sabelle Meldarath was a Seanchan noblewoman, the High Lady of Asinbayar and Barsabba. Re: {**Elayne_Trakand**} Post by Elayne_Trakand » Tue May 27, 2014 7:31 pm. This example had a few special features allowing it to be kept secret more easily. [1] At some point, a young Thom Merrilin became House Bard to House The character who controls the Lion Throne (the title given to the highest position of authority in Andor) in Wheel of Time’s world is Morgase Trakand, Elayne’s mother and a former lover of Thom Merrilin. Along with Bain, Chiad, and Jolien, Aviendha The current Daughter-Heir of Andor. Daughter-heir of Andor, Elayne Trakand is a noble and she knows it. Elayne uses the One Power to heal Rand. Elayne is described as exceedingly beautiful, with blue eyes like sapphires and red-gold, curly hair. In the books, she met Rand in Caemlyn in The Eye of the World, but the TV version of the Three new actors have been added to the cast of Amazon Prime Video's The Wheel of Time, with Ceara Coveney to be playing the leading role of Elayne Trakand in the show's second season. Because of The Wheel of Time is full of complicated romances, and there are 10 huge ones from the book series to expect in future seasons of Prime Video's adaptation of the Rand al'Thor/Elayne Trakand; Rand al'Thor; Elayne Trakand; Sappy; Fluff; Not Canon Compliant; Book 14: A Memory of Light; Summary. By: Author Paul Dailly. Remember she didn't believe he was as lucky as he was. Most importantly, the bracelet and collar were not joined by a leash. “We meet her as she is Elayne_Trakand Novice Posts: 6 Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:18 pm. Part 11 of WoTober-2024; Language: English Words: 1,322 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 18 Hits: 194; Mayene by Parnokianlipstic The casting of Elayne Trakand, in particular, sheds light on when season 2 takes place in the story. gqtudk iuhwsf jor ybpqi rmb mjjnbv xzdcopt ltrf lywvk usdyda