Gw2hook d912pxy. Reply reply More replies.
Gw2hook d912pxy In a nutshell, it improves minimum performance scenarios on average, with the side cost of texture pop in for more modern systems with extra hardware Posted by u/bautechniker - No votes and 2 comments probably, or some other settings but with newer amdizzle and intel cpu's disabling SMT most likely matters less as the logical core's share certain computational units and caches. dll(reshade) and replace it with dxgi. 9 is now released! About. You can find the D912PXY here at Megai's GitHub page https://github. 4. GW2Radial - A customizable radial menu overlay addon for Guild Wars 2. me info and displaying it ingame. It does work fine (and looks great) if you don't mind taking d912pxy out of the loop. dll Install Radial as d3d9_chainload. you could use the same filters on gw2hook if you have that still. Everyones use Gshade instead nowadays. 7: -crashfixes! -added basic shader cache to release, less load times after install d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. What’s bannable is if someone downloaded GW2 Hook, then edited it to allow them to see through walls in PvP games—or some other blatant exploit like that. dll ( dx12pxy ) ReShade64. Nope, it's not compatible with GW2Hook, worse, when dual clienting with Launch Buddy, after a while of tabbing between the two clients, the RAM usage for them will shoot up dramatically and cause both to bottleneck very badly, dropping the FPS to 8 or lower and getting 5-10 second freezes for every 2 seconds of action. Gw2hook is essentially a reshade so that's your eye candy The bloom effect is horrendous in the game and I used to have GW2HOOk for that but with D912pxy i can't manage to get it removed for some reasons. github. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Want stronger ambient occlusion? Replace it. You can add a preset by pasting it in the addons /Gw2Hook/Presets folder and select it with the + button on the UI. Hello gw2 community! I'm happy to announce that d912pxy v1. Menu to select render shows up at game start and allows to change render or will hide itself. dll in the Guild Wars 2 folder Note: Gw2Hook isn't compatible with d912pxy, you'll need to use reshade proper. This may not be a ‘must’ for many players, but it’s one of our personal favorites. Instructions are as follows: There is a custom shader that removes bloom https: Hi :) With the recent patches there were some internal changes to the game in Native Dx9 and shadow rendering. Follow the instruction, select your preset or create your own. 0 with the newest conclusion: different areas, different settings, different hardware, and different testing methodologies may yield different results. Arc DPS. although, setting certain affinity at least with ryzen cpu's iirc worked well with csgo but it appears ineffective for gw2 from my somewhat brief testing yesterday. All screenshots were captured with Depth of field effect made by: qUINT-master. 1 Create an account or sign in to comment. I currently have reshade, d912pxy, arcdps and buildpad, radial Mount menu, and TaCo markers all working cohesively. GW2Hook: This is a Reshade Version specifically modified for GW2 so that, for example, UI elements are not affected by the Shaders you use. Viel Spaß! Bewertet, kommentiert und abonniert, wenn es euch gefällt D912pxy allows the game to use directx 12 instead of directx 9, potentially improving the performance on new and capable hardware. Hello community! There is new release of d912pxy that i want put to the test. however, i am forced to conclude that D912pxy v0. it DOES To get it working right i used d912pxy API, becouse RTGI need image depth info. This is specifically designed for Guild Wars 2. d912pxy+reshade isn't the same :( Suggestions are welcome, thanks! Hello gw2 community! I'm happy to announce that d912pxy v1. D912pxy allows the game to use directx 12 instead of directx 9, potentially improving the performance on new and capable hardware. With this proxy it runs the very same scenario To get it working right i used d912pxy API, becouse RTGI need image depth info. Create an account. com/megai2/d912pxy. currently reshade is the last dll being loaded gw2 -> arc -> gw2hook but d912pxy needs to be at last, is there a way to add another ()?. Just altering the settings that comes with the standard GW2 Hook is perfectly d912pxy: d3d9_chainload. Usually i chainload d912pxy while Arc remains the standard, but in linux yeah, it would be automatic. 6 isn't worth the trouble of running. Arc DPS - Monitor your combat progress with this tool! D912pxy is an add-on that lets your Guild Wars 2 client use DirectX 12, instead of DirectX 9. Reply d912pxy - DirectX9 to DirectX12 API proxy for Guild Wars 2 Gw2Hook - Fork of ReShade with specific Gw2 features. @Mack. Contribute to megai2/d912pxy development by creating an account on GitHub. Gw2hook is essentially a reshade so that's your eye candy d912pxy is a way to make games that use DirectX 9 use DirectX 12 instead, without changing any game code. lol It's using 1GB without d912pxy, around 1. :smile: And i can't install Linux right now simply because i don't have enough space on my SSD. dll and renamed gw2hook's d3d9. Instead, it is capable of replacing existing shaders in the rendering pipeline with other shaders. Huu, i though gw2Hook never worked for like 3 years xD It's not compatible with d912pxy and it's not maintained. You can try to use it with other games; it might work. Gw2Launcher - Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched LightBulb - Reduces eye strain by adjusting screen gamma based on the current time SelectRenderer - Ingame UI based render selection for GW2 It just stopped working over night. Use it at your own risk. :sweat_smile:Plus, it would need to be a dual boot, and doing that with Windows 10 is a horror story, i tried it once, something to do ReShade-GW2 - Modifications to ReShade to better facilitate D912Pxy & Guild Wars 2 reshade - A generic post-processing injector for games and video software. Hook hasn't been updated since 2018, so I don't see this happening unless someone forks it and gets to work. This aims at removing the fog in Gw2, but I decided to add more functions to it. Will keep in mind in the future. I personally like using AmbientLight. d912pxy and to an extent, dxvk will never be the "upgrade" for gw2 because it still introduces an overhead because they are translation layers. Nvidia's tool doesn't compare to My d912pxy still works but it's installed as d912pxy. Posted September 1, 2022. 9. 3045 said:For most users the For most users the d912pxy works out of the box after install and some config file tweaks to suit hardware. io/Gw2Hook/ 4. Also Get GW2 Hook here: https://04348. Megai has just released version v2. I'm just waiting for either gw2hook compatibility or implementation of their own shader suite. There’s a guide on the download page for d912pxy that tells you what you need to rename various addons depending on which ones you’re using. THIS is a small example of what you should expect It's working fine if you know what you're doing, and it for sure gives a nice boost to your framerate in places where it matters - crowded locations like Mistlock Sanctuary, a place that for me could dip the framerate of the "normal" game to as low as ~20 fps when there are lots of players around and with all settings maxed out. It's a bummer though because since it's not GW2hook I can't remove the fog, bloom, or even have the HUD ignored so while the game itself looks amazing with what I'm using the hud doesn't. I'm running Windows 10 1909, a Vega 56 with AMD Driver 20. g. I personally do not use it but am really interested in a very stable and That and GW2Hook doesn't have DX12 support, it was not made with D912Pxy in mind. Gw2Launcher - Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be It's using regular reshade though because some of the shaders won't work with GW2hook and GW2hook doesn't work with d912pxy either. Working with "dx_debug=1" i had better performance with d912pxy than with dx11. D912pxy translates DX9 calls to DX12. There is the d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. so the load chain would be. 1 (stock settings) and GW2Hook 1. My problem with the fog filters is they block out the skybox too. Don't like the bloom shader? Find the stock bloom shader, write a new one and replace it. I have arc as d3d3, mount radial chainload and d912pxy just how it comes. I GW2Hook (which won't work after DX11 hits) TaCO (stand-alone) GW2 Launcher (stand-alone) I went ahead and removed ArcDPS and GW2 Radial, and installed the GW2 AddOns Manager, selecting the following: ArcDPS ArcDPS Clears ArcPDS Mechanics GW2 Radial I did not select d912pxy, knowing it will not work after the DX11 update. Of course, everyone will have different results based on their systems - just sharing arcdps: gw2 dps meter (and general combat metrics tool) WARNING: MODIFYING GUILD WARS 2 THROUGH ANY 3RD PARTY TOOLS IS NOT SUPPORTED BY ARENANET OR NCSOFT. Everyone is ReShaded and gw2hooked. gw2rpc is showing some stats from gw2 in Discor dlioe what character and map you are on and Gw2TacO is tactical overlay you can set marker, follow farm routes and a lot more little stuff. GW2Hook is DX9 only and won't work with d912pxy without some other intermediary or major coding to let Hook read DX12 shader info. Arcdps is crashing though so I got rid of d3d9. d912pxy - DirectX9 to DirectX12 API proxy for Guild Wars 2 Gw2Hook - Fork of ReShade with specific Gw2 features. With GW2Hook game will have beautiful colors, textures will be sharper and since you won't use default postprocessing - you will gain some performance (not much, but it's still a gain). dll or d3d9_chainload. My game looks pretty great with gw2hook with custom shaders, using gw2hook doesn't have to mean more contrast and saturation GW2Hook (which won't work after DX11 hits) TaCO (stand-alone) GW2 Launcher (stand-alone) I went ahead and removed ArcDPS and GW2 Radial, and installed the GW2 AddOns Manager, selecting the following: ArcDPS ArcDPS Clears ArcPDS Mechanics GW2 Radial I did not select d912pxy, knowing it will not work after the DX11 update. In a nutshell, it improves minimum performance scenarios on average, with the side cost of texture pop in for more modern systems with extra hardware There are a couple: Reshade: A Tool to load shaders that are applied to your game to increase contrast, do wonky things like adding a greenscreen etc. . If you want to use a custom preset, copy it in addons /Gw2Hook/Presets. Gw2Hook - Fork of ReShade with specific Gw2 features. There are 16 effects being Swapping from GW2Hook to D912pxy have me a 2x+ performance boost on my workstation (12 core Xeon, dual 6GB FirePro cards). fx in gw2hook/reshade, that together with some adaptive color grading can A Quick reminder that D912PXY is a thing - If you haven't tried this I absolutely recommend it to get better performance in GW2! got rid of the worst stutters which is nice but my average FPS hardly improved on 2 PCs plus I'm too lazy to "port" my gw2hook setup over to new reshade so I ditched d912pxy Sample size: two PCs, one with i5-6600 It is not as effective but, at least for me, it works just fine instead of gw2hook as it has the basic functionality of gw2hook. ReShade releases use their own installer and don't include their plugins in the download, so it makes more sense to use their installer. Modifying Guild Wars 2 is not supported by Arena. There already many things of that kind, like wined3d, vk9, vkd3d, dxvk, d9vk, etc. exe" within the "d912pxy" folder; Choose "Remove" by entering 2 during the fifth input prompt; Manually delete the "d912pxy" folder afterwards to remove all remaining files entirely; Updating. Veprovina. ; Immersive Combat Mode. h. Megai2 (Creator of d912pxy addon) has been working with me to be able to get the UI sit ontop of the preset and we have planned some neat graphic features we want to put in for the future! This is Reshade + d912pxy but we are modding it to the extent that it becomes it own thing like gw2hook we name Gw2Enhanced. The god rays are a bit too much but the lighting looks pretty neat. DirectX9 to DirectX12 API proxy for Guild Wars 2. 1 Veprovina. GW2Hook would have to instate all of the changes it made for DX9 into DX12, in addition to including all of ReShade's changes from July 2019 until now. sadly d912pxy is not updated anymore. I would delete the Bin64 and d912pxy folder first and then do a fresh install. It seems to be the CPU, normally I get around 80-85% CPU usage max but with d912pxy it goes near 100% and the FPS is lower. So you can call this API translator/proxy/wrapper. Reply The reason i dropped gw2hook entirely was the incompatiblity between d912pxy and Gw2hook. fx) in the / Shaders folder. GW2 Wingman is one of the most comprehensive 3rd-party tools for Guild Wars 2, especially if you’re a frequenter of endgame content. a poll on integrating ReShade/gw2hook functionality into d912pxy. i hope the devs will implement an similar dx12 option. Net or NCSoft. especially when it comes to latency and input lag. Even though related comments pop up every time, I do not know what is the actual ratio of ReShaded/non-ReShaded playerbase and I would speculate it's not that high. arcdps-bhud Gw2Hook is a shade programmer that can massively increase the graphics of Guild Wars 2. Or even start clean with GW2Hook (which won't work after DX11 hits) TaCO (stand-alone) GW2 Launcher (stand-alone) I went ahead and removed ArcDPS and GW2 Radial, and installed the GW2 AddOns Manager, selecting the following: ArcDPS ArcDPS Clears ArcPDS Mechanics GW2 Radial I did not select d912pxy, knowing it will not work after the DX11 update. dll ( gw2Hook ) ive read tons of threads, even the one where the guy says to use a very specific download of hook/reshade where he provides dxgi. Gw2 Hook. Also d912pxy is a way to make games that use DirectX 9 use DirectX 12 instead, without changing any game code. Follow install instructions or do a clean install (Uninstall->Install) if d912pxy is not working after an update. Summary from beta v0. Contribute to itsthatguy/Gw2Hook development by creating an account on GitHub. Gw2Mounts is a mount wheel to quickly select a mount. GW2Hook doesn't support DX12 (yet). You can place additional Shaders (. This has affected Ultra Shadows rendering on Ultra with the d912pxy. Key difference: d912pxy is d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. ReShade-GW2 - Modifications to ReShade to better facilitate D912Pxy & Guild Wars 2 reshade - A generic post-processing injector for games and video software. It is not as effective but, at least for me, it works just fine instead of gw2hook as it has the basic functionality of gw2hook. Gw2Launcher - Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be launched LightBulb - Reduces eye strain by adjusting screen gamma based on the current time SelectRenderer - Ingame UI based render selection for GW2 d912pxy: d3d9_chainload. I will try it without arc later Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. Immersive Combat Mode cleans up Hello community! There is new release of d912pxy that i want put to the test. There already many things of d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. cleaning up the game's code, having a modern graphics api run natively, multi-threading and other Last GW2 Hook change on github is 9 month old. later, i might test via turning on game mode . dll run game I know that d912pxy is working due to the texture pop ins, and me being able to forcibly close the game if i d912pxy. Gw2Hook is a fork of ReShade which target only Guild Wars 2. If there is someone maintaining that project(or original reshade that work with gw2), they need to add proper chainloading and imgui fix and maybe it will work. ? Any reshade versions since early alpha state show the depthbuffer and once network checking is removed they all support GW2 fully (without other addons). Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. 9GB with but it's not maxed out (1680x1050 btw). Use it at your own risk. Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. So. dll but to no avail. 2. Tool will show overlay when it installed correctly, use default hotkey Ctrl+Alt+N to toggle its mod Expect some minor crashes / visual bugs. There already many things of DirectX9 to DirectX12 API proxy for Guild Wars 2. Members; Posted by u/Big_Papa95 - No votes and 36 comments If you aren't using d912pxy . Similar to Log Manager above, Wingman works with ArcDPS. d912 is the first step in the post processing chain - it takes what the GW2 client puts out, converts it to dx12 and hands it off, either to your GPU for output on the screen or whatever's next in line. . Well, perhaps the GW2 Hook creator will eventually update their DLL or the D912pxy creator will implement ReShade features. me-plugin - A Plugin for arcdps, that is loading killproof. 7: -crashfixes! -added basic shader cache to release, less load times after install ReShade-GW2 - Modifications to ReShade to better facilitate D912Pxy & Guild Wars 2 arcdps-killproof. 3 and higher) with d912pxy, adjusting it with my settings should be very straightforward, however only GW2Hook is able to remove bloom from in-game post-processing and reduce fog. This aims at removing the fog in d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. 1 is now released! About. dll for now. Growth - month over month growth in stars. dll Delete d3d9. Not sure if you can use that shader file without d912pxy, though. Anybody runs that duo properly? (d912pxy+gw2hook) I just miss gw2hook fog/blur reduction so much. dll to use, and in that situation gw2hook (reshade) doesnt work but radial does if anyone has this combo working let me know! Unlike reshade and gw2hook, d912pxy currently does not support custom shader injection (as in, adding new shaders). I thought gw2 hook was the one that can remove the bloom. We have dx11 which is now officially out of beta and will be continuously supported by ANet. Gw2Launcher - Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be Don’t be afraid to play with the graphic settings that come with GW2 Hook—it’s not a bannable offense. Reply reply More replies. i really hope that GW2Hook (Reshade) EDIT: You can use standard dx12 ReShade (version 4. Nvidia's tool doesn't compare to Posted by u/Big_Papa95 - No votes and 36 comments The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. d912pxy not specifically the same as Reshade or GW2Hook but rather a translator No worries. fx. 7. If you aren't using d912pxy . Use the latest build available here d912pxy is a way to make games that use DirectX 9 use DirectX 12 instead, without changing a This is specifically designed for Guild Wars 2. this is why i advocate for an engine upgrade and not just stapling d912pxy unto gw2 officially. It worked for ages, but suddenly stopped. 3 which addresses this issue with some major changes. dll to ReShade64. dll in the bin64 folder reshade: dxgi. This would be a 10-15 min initial investment in time. Fork of ReShade with specific Gw2 features. This addon manager takes out a lot of the “manual work” with keeping your addons updated and is a great way to install many of the other addons! In dem heutigen Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr GW2 Hook installiert und richtig einstellt. 4876. Well since d912pxy is no longer being developed then there is a chance a random update of GW2 could break it and make is unusable. Gshade doesn't even have proper antifog, your UI gets fucked up with gshade with no fix Reply reply MoXAriApph • Gshade has compatibility with D912pxy and has depth support, reshade has neither and gw2hook isn't compatable with D912pxy Reply reply D912pxy is available via the GW2 Add-on Manager. gw2 -> arc -> gw2hook -> d912pxy Long story short, there's no (easy) way to make d912pxy work with Hook. Thats why I asked specificially for d912. Reply reply mov3on My game keeps crashing and throwing this error: *--> Crash <--* Exception: c0000005 Memory at address 00000000`00000003 could not be read I don't know if gw2hook specifically is on there but it for sure includes arc, radial and d912pxy. Or can d912pxy do that too? In the link it says there's a shader file you can drop into one of d912pxy's subfolders to remove bloom. dll. dll Install arcdps as d3d9. arcdps: gw2 dps meter (and general combat metrics tool) WARNING: MODIFYING GUILD WARS 2 THROUGH ANY 3RD PARTY TOOLS IS NOT SUPPORTED BY ARENANET OR NCSOFT. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones. Sign up for a new account in our community. Just press Alt + F3 ingame if you have geforce experience installed Just thought I'd mentioned it as many people seem to refrain from using d912pxy because of the lack of gw2hook-support. No graphics changes. I really wanted to disable GW2s fog and create map specific presets in GW2Hook, but I couldn’t get the fog to stop killing the skies. Gw2Launcher - Manages and allows for multiple Guild Wars 2 clients to be It's using 1GB without d912pxy, around 1. It's easy! Run the "install. Haven’t gone back to GW2Hook since. Key difference: d912pxy is developed specially for performance, not API compatibility or portability. I tried keeping d912pxy as d3d9. Install d912pxy as d912pxy. Now I’m on D912pxy and prefer the ~60fps I’m ReShade-GW2 - Modifications to ReShade to better facilitate D912Pxy & Guild Wars 2 reshade - A generic post-processing injector for games and video software. d912pxy is a tool/app/addon/lib I made to allow Guild Wars 2 use DirectX12. This tool takes DirectX9 API calls and translates them into DirectX12 API calls. There already many things of Gw2Hook is a fork of ReShade which target only Guild Wars 2. Ingame UI based render selection for GW2 Allows selection of various render paths like DXVK, d912pxy and said paths with reshade. Why is TaCO/GW2Hook/Reshade not supported? If it's a standalone application (TaCO), it works fine on its own without being managed by this program. d912pxy is a wrapper that converts directx 9 to directx 12 calls. Functions: I'm trying to use GW2Hook alone (I don't get many performance improvements with d912pxy and Reshade applies the effect to the whole screen + UI, so I'm using it naked) all every shader is working EXCEPT for ones contained in DOF. Players can upload their in-game logs from Arc to Wingman, where it provides comprehensive information on each attempt. Reshade/gw2hook is better. vwwuu vcagu oyxc ach grlpzw vkeg bzi stwz mycrw hujz