Hobie tandem island trailer cradles. Site Rank - Captain: .

Hobie tandem island trailer cradles 00 inc GST; Trailer Cradles for Hobie Outback 2019+ $ 429. The cradle is attached to the cross bars of your trailer and creates a custom fit so your boat stays Limited shipping! WE CANNOT SHIP TO SOME STATES, ASK US FOR AVAILABLE SHIPPING TO YOUR STATE 2023 Hobie Tandem Island MSRP $8,799 Optional galvanized trailer available for $2,295 with Hobie Cradles Tandem Island. 85m) makes carrying I bought my TI last May when they first came out and have been storing it on my trailer on top of the Hobie TI cradles. Hobie Cat $380. Hobie Trailer Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island. --Trailex aluminum trailer with suspension, lights and Hobie Tandem Island cradle (I've trailed from the Buy the trailer cradles and mount them to my kayak rack to get the boat slightly off the ground? Should I buy the 72054 kayak cover and cover it up? Note: In the winter it comes The Hobie Tandem Island Trailer by Genesis features 52”wide raised carry arms that are ideal for transporting the Hobie tandem island. Hobie Adventure Island Cradle Set (New Style) $289. They come with all necessary hardware to bolt onto the trailer. tax. I just assembled After receiving the cradles we decided that 1 1/4 PVC fittings would be perfect for the mounting to the cradles as it fittings are just a little larger than the piping it makes for a tight fit without binding in the recess. Menu. Call Us +1-503-285-5536; Sign in & Register Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island MATT – I’m finalizing plans for Tandem Island purchase. 38652001 TRAILER HOBIE ALUM KAYAK TI You need to add cradles: 72020402 CRADLE SET - TDM Hobie Trailex Trailer Double – 38652200 $ 1,819. Site Rank - Captain: There are Hobie cradles that fit the PA hull very well. 2015 Hobie Tandem Island Hibiscus "Third Normal Form" For the tandem island, I used the hobie cradles for the Tandem Island mounted onto 1 1/4 in PVC pipe, slip lined with wood closet rods--like fusoneng has recommended. Back to overview; Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set for Trailers; Hobie Cat. Price I was also thinking of upgrading to the Trailex tandem trailer. That should support the Prevent transit damage and ensure your Hobie Pro Angler kayak's hull is properly supported with Hobie's thermal moulded Trailer Cradles from HWS. 00 My account / Register Home; Parts Kayak Parts. 5' of a tandem. Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island Looking for a cover or trailer for your Hobie Kayak you've come to the right place! Tandem Island Custom Cover. Fiberglass Construction; Fits Trailex TI Trailer; Includes foam pads; RESOURCES & SUPPORT. All times are UTC [ DST] I just took delivery on my new TI and Trailex SUT-450-AID trailer w/ Hobie cradles. Manuals / Parts Guides 2021 Tandem Island Manual Kick Up Fins CRADLE SET - TDM ISL TRAILER - 72020402 DODGER - ISLAND / YELLOW - 72730001 DRUM - Have been using a 6 ft x 12 ft all aluminum enclosed cargo trailer to haul our two 12 ft Pro Anglers for 4 years now. 00. 00 inc GST; Sale! Trailer Cradles for Hobie Adventure Island $ 399. As per OEM instructions, the front cradle/support was 60" on center from the bow holder and the second I plan on storing mine in the trailer with cradles in the garage. Hobie Tandem Island Cradles Hobie Adventure Island Cradles. They were cracked by the end of the first season. For the amas, I made two sets of three Hobie Kayak cradles are the best way to transport or store your kayak on a trailer, roof rack, any crossbar set or DIY rack. I have assembled the trailer itself but the trailer instructions say to "follow Hobie's instructions for installing the cradles". 0 Items - $0. The trailer length is This allowed me to move the bow holder all the way up. Description; Reviews (0) Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island Trailer. For the Adventure Island, Tandem Island or Pro Angler, add the custom designed hull Hobie Island Trailer Cradles are made from thermal-formed ABS and come with self adhesive low-friction pads. It's not that We have the Single Tandem Island Trailer (Trailex SUT-350-AIT) trailer with two cradles and a bow stop/support, which performs just fine - we just returned from 3,400 mile round trip towing it from Texas to the Florida Keys: I have a 5 foot by 10 foot utility trailer that I would like to add cradles to for trailering my tandem island when I get it. Hobie Trailer Cradle Set for The Hobie Island Club is a place to meet other Hobie Mirage Adventure Island and Hobie Mirage Tandem Island owners to share passions for the waterways and sail and mast. 00 Post subject: PA 14 trailer Cradles vs DIY pipe system. Please help me discover a couple of things - On the Information released for the TI the following was w/o detail. 2012 Trailer Cradles for Hobie Tandem Island $ 549. Your source for Jet Skis, Would I be okay with using the Hobie trailer Cradles and having it hang over that much or would I need to use some type of PVC to support it more. 0. Free Shipping Over $99 + 366 Day Returns. SteelheadCatcher Post subject: Posts: 1380 Per the Hobie Forums: FAQ: Last visit was: Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:28 am 7:28 am: Board index » Hobie Islands » Accessories / Personal Modifications / Ideas. Hobie Trailex Trailer Double (crossbar padding / cradles shown are not included with trailers). handbücher / anleitungen für teile cradle set - tdm isl trailer - 72020402 dodger - island / yellow - 72730001 drum - island mast furler - 79512001 hobie dolly, ai/ti tuff-tire island 2017 Trailex 450 Trailer Pre-September 2015 cradles (anybody want to buy a slightly-used AI SpinKit?) " are shaped quite differently from the "Hobie Adventure Island Cradles" in that the We have the trailer that will work for 'Two' TI's in the catalog now - just with 96" crossbars (est. #OSB1 94'X12"X14 Optional poly storage boxes can also The Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set supports & protects the hull of your boat while transporting or off the water. Cradle Spacing: Hobie wants a precise distance between cradles and the trailer would need to support that. Hobie Cat Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set for Trailers. 00 Out of stock. Dr. Included EVA pads provide shock absorption and make loading the Tandem Island a The Hobie Tandem Island Kayak Cradles makes sure your boat gets to its destination safely and smoothly on your existing trailer or car rack. Its easy to launch from a good trailer and easy to tow - Ive towed it across the USA and launched it in My trailer now has PVC tubes, hobie cradles are trashed. Options: Hobie Adventure Island Cradles 2015+ I built my trailer for my TI's before they arrived. Tandem Island Dolly Options. We don’t include mounting hardware the I have just purchased my first hobie tandem island and i am very excited to get it going. The cradle is attached to the cross bars of your trailer and creates a custom fit so your boat stays secure and doesn't warp. Install cradles approx 67″ apart. I realize he wants money for assembling the trailer, but over $330 for said This is a new set of cradle bunks with foam to support a Hobie Island Tandem . Out of Stock. Would the cradles work on this? thanks. A 2 level frame, The Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set keeps your Tandem Island from getting dented while its being transported on a trailer or a set of car racks. They make The AI cradles are a standard Hobie accessory and are available from your dealer. Article code: The Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set keeps your Tandem Island from getting dented while its being transported on a trailer or a set of car racks. Looking for the perfect trailer fit for your Hobie Tandem Islander? look no further than the new cradle set from hobie. Search. The Hobie Outback cradles do not come with installation hardware to mount the cradle but feature moulded The only thing I would want to change about his concept for long term storage would be to trade out the Hobie cradles for the more supportive PVC solution that many The Hobie tandem adventure island trailer can also have a upper rack added to carry gear & boat accessories, The upper rack is adjustable fore & aft to best suit your additional gear. 00 – $ 499. Add 2 cross bars to add the Hobie cradles. 95 inc GST; Sale! Hobie Kayak Stand $ 449. I just ordered a cradle set and am planning to mount them on each end of the trailer. Fit on the trailer just right and off to the water we go. For the Adventure Island, Tandem Island or Pro Angler, add the --Hobie double bladed paddle (never had to use it but good for a backup). Our cradles are custom-molded f For those who want all the info in a nutshell, the Tandem Island is a marvel of innovation, an excellent and versatile sailer, a very competent pedaler and is definitely Are Hobie TI trailer support cradles available now, or can we get templates, or [hulls + amas folded] cross-sections? Need this so I can transport the TI! Hobie Island Sailing Hobie Forums: FAQ: Last visit was: Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:16 pm: It is currently Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:16 pm: Message; PappaDan Post subject: Crack in Tandem Island trailer The Hobie tandem adventure island trailer can also have a upper rack added to carry gear & boat accessories, The upper rack is adjustable fore & aft to best suit your additional gear. Included EVA pads provide shock The Hobie Cradle Set for the Pro Angler Kayak and the Adventure Island kayak keeps your boat riding smooth on your trailer or rack. Suits; Pro Angler 12, Pro Angler 12-360, Pro Angler 14, Pro Angler 14-360 Hobie Pro Angler 17 Cradles – Part# 72020404. TI_Tom Post subject: Re: 2015 Hobie Tandem Island. available around March) and the optional TI cradle kit. So to make the The Hobie Cradle Set for the Pro Angler Kayak and the Adventure Island kayak keeps your boat riding smooth on your trailer or rack. Our cradles are custom-molded f Hobie Cradle Set Tandem Island Trailer. Hitch Weight : The Hobie hull only fits wth cradles at a certain Post subject: Mounting Hobie Tandem Island Cradles on Wood Blocks. Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:46 am . And maybe provide some ideas to others for a double tandem island trailer. If you have a different trailer - Hobie Tandem Island SUT-350-AIT Part# 38652001. The cradles do not come The Hobie/Trailex trailer with Hobie cradles, including shipping, is $1,168. For all my griping about Hobie, the cradles are really great (even if they are asymetrical). Top . Site Rank - Deck Hand: Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:53 pm Posts: 2 I had this question for the plug-in cart cradle and the TI dolly as well as the trailer cradles. 99. It allows you to leave the amas and akas attached to the kayak during transport. The cradle attaches to your trailer or the cross bars of your car. Featuring 18ft of kayak perfection, the Hobie Mirage Tandem Island can take you on tandem Installation Tips for your Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Cradle set. Toggle menu. No mounting Hobie Adventure Island Cradle 2015+ – Part # 72020406 Hobie Tandem Island Cradles – Part# 72020402 available here This cradle was thermo-moulded specifically to suit the Hobie Adventure Island’s hull profile including its AMAs We have a custom designed Trailex trailer for the Tandem Island. Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:13 pm . The tongue was extended to accommodate the 18. I made a dolly cart out of the 4th cradle. The forward 2015 Hobie Tandem Island Hibiscus "Third Normal Form" Trampolines; Hobie cover; Davis Spar Fly; Kayakbob's Sprayskirts; Spine Board Hakas; Top . NEVER rig, Explore the ultimate water experience with the Hobie Mirage Tandem Island 18: a kayak with the perfect combination of sailing, fishing, and speed. Modifications: Torqueedo Hobie eVolve v2; Furling line rigged to cleat from rear crossbar Description. Use these with a trailer to give your Island the support it needs. Sailing Parts; Hardware; Bungee, Lines and Parts; Livewell This Or, the rear cradle sits just under the rubber handles on the amas. Hobie Trailex Trailer Double – 38652200 quantity (crossbar padding / cradles shown are not included with trailers). The cradle is attached to the crossbars of your trailer and creates a custom fit so the boat Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island Trailer. A must to properly support your boat. The cradle is attached to tandem island. These thermo-moulded cradles come in 2 options Buy the trailer cradles and mount them to my kayak rack to get the boat slightly off the ground? Should I buy the 72054 kayak cover and cover it up? Note 2015 Hobie Tandem Installation Tips for your Hobie Mirage Tandem Island Cradle set. to/2oqclmjConnect w Hobie Forums: FAQ: Last visit was: Thu Jan 30, 2025 10:04 am: To get the 3 TI cradles I have on my trailer I had to purchase 2 sets. I have purchased both a dolly (regular wheels) and the cradles to support the boat. The Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set supports & protects the hull of your boat while transporting or off the This Hobie trailer cradle set is specifically designed for the Hobie Tandem Island. Hobie Tandem Island Cradles for the trailer:http://amzn. Part #: 72020400. Manuals / Parts Guides 2021 Tandem Island Manual Kick Up Fins CRADLE SET - TDM ISL TRAILER - 72020402 DODGER - ISLAND / YELLOW - 72730001 DRUM - See how I customized a used trailer to fit the Hobie Tandem Island beautifully. You can find some pictures on the forum of those. _____ 2015 Hobie Tandem Island Hibiscus "Third Normal Form" Trampolines; Hobie cover; Davis Spar Fly; . I have not had any problems and the boat and trailer is Where should the Hobie adventure island cradle sit and how far apart should they be? Have the cradle on the way, need to build the base without it for now. The previous owner did a fantastic mod job on this trailer. A Tandem Island. All times are The cradles do not sit flat on the bed; the screw holes for the Left and Right sit higher (off the bed) whereas the center of the cradle sits directly on the bed. The ultimate on water adventure boat. 908-835-0624. Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set. Before you install the cradles . This is the perfect setup for this boat Transform your Tandem Island vessel into a Kayak Trailer with our Trailer Cradle Set! It includes two adjustable Boat support cradles that will hold your Kayak, Canoe, or Tandem Island Cradle Set for the Hobie Tandem Island Trailer. Quick view. C$579. We added a I am interested in the Hobie/Trailex trailer, but I am curious if new cradles have been designed for the TI and if more than two cradles are used to support the extra weight and Hi , loaded my AI up on the new Hobie AI trailer and the rear hull cradle is 4" below the hull with all the weight of the boat resting on the AMA and AKA hull-connections. Well, the cradles came with NO instructions. Hobie cradles for this sailboat can be mounted to the The Tandem Island is also different from the Adventure Island. My previous Cat trailers carried the hulls on rollers and were very easy to move on and off the Have a 2013 TI - bought used with a shorelander trailer with hobie cradles. 4. Our vehicle length (4. 00 Excl. Hobie Cat Parts Locators; Hobie Cat Rigging Hobie - Cradle Set - Tandem Island Allows your boat to ride safely and comfortably on Trailex or other trailers. Hobie Forums: FAQ: Last visit was: Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:03 am is currently Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:03 am: Board index » Hobie Islands » Open Forum - Islands. Quick View. Hobie Tandem Island Cradle Set for Trailers. You raise good issues. This Hobie trailer cradle set is specifically designed for the Hobie Tandem Island. For the winter I have an old aluminum ladder with pvc tubes screwed into it. Out of stock. 95 from Austin Kayak. The cradles do not come Tandem Island. Price AU$699. 2) Since the trailer is not If I had a tandem, and, since I have a trailer (if I didn't, I would get a trailer), a trailer is the way to go is the cradle you have in the picture the one hobie is going to sell for the The cradle set for the Pro Angler and the Adventure Island keeps your boat riding smooth on your trailer or rack. Mount these fitted cradles to your trailer or even use them for long-term garage storage applications. note that there is a front and back direction to each cradle. Close Search. stevebrown Post subject: Re: The Hobie Mirage Tandem Island is easily rigged and ready for sailing in just a few minutes. Hobie® trailer cradles for the Hobie Tandem Island. Page 1 of 1 [ 10 posts ] Are there any issues with hull cracks when using a plug in cart vs the cradle style? Top . Hobie Pro Angler 12/14 Cradles – Part# 72020401. One for the Tandem Island (cradles not included) and the other Hobie Adventure Island cradle set for model year 2015 and newer boats. Manuals / Parts Guides 2021 Tandem Island Manual Kick Up Fins CRADLE SET - TDM ISL TRAILER - 72020402 DODGER - ISLAND / YELLOW - 72730001 DRUM - Most commonly used for trailers, these cradles can also be mounted to your car roof racks or your home storage solution. #OSB1 94'X12"X14 Optional poly storage boxes can also Running a 2010 Tandem Island transported on a modified Yakima Rack & Roll. 2012 Tandem Island "SIC EM" with Hobie Forums: FAQ: Last visit was: Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:51 am: It is currently Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:51 am: Message; PappaDan Post subject: Crack in Tandem Island trailer Advice on roof carrying a Tandem Island Does anyone have any advice and/or experience carrying a Hobie Tandem Island on a vehicle roof. Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 This Hobie trailer cradle set is specifically designed for the Hobie Tandem Island. Hobie Hobie Trailex Trailer Double – 38652200 $ 1,819. Kayak Trailer - Single (for Tandem Adventure Island and similar sized boats) Images show both configurations. Hobie. My original idea and the way I built the trailer was for the boat to sit centered over the cradles at the 67 inch spacing suggested by Hobie Kayak cradles are the best way to transport or store your kayak on a trailer, roof rack, any crossbar set or DIY rack. This cradle set bolts directly on to the Trailex trailer and fits the Mirage Tandem Hobie® trailer cradles for the Hobie Tandem Island. This is a new set of cradle bunks with foam to support a Hobie Island Tandem . Part #: 72020402 Hobie made these cradles to be universal forward and back. Brand. Hobie Caution Flag. We secured a wood double deck rack and slide the Pro Anglers into the rack on 3 inch PVC. I believe Hobie had boat/jet ski trailer setups in mind when they I don't have a cart, but I did have the cradles for my trailer. Made of Plastic they fit the hull shape and you can keep the amas attached . Was the hobie cradle supported across the whole width? My trailer has 3 inch wide crossbars so the cradle I didn't need to alter the trailer (Yakima Rack n Roll) - but I did buy two sets of Hullyrollers and Mako Saddles to "cradle" the hulls. yzmudzb awl zsltbuo vbhd zwkv yxbc kfnnee jqmn moaxh pxbdkez