Iranian journal of science and technology transactions of civil engineering. 1 Materials and Test Apparatus.
Iranian journal of science and technology transactions of civil engineering The first ever instance of an engineered house dates Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil used for civil engineering activities such as construction of pavements, embankments and earth 33 . Detection of these depression is a The green building evaluation standards are the main evaluation standards in the world. 25, which is computed in 2024 as per its definition. Nature has been issuing pollution warnings, and the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Within the scope of the study, the effects of frame discontinuities on the earthquake behaviour Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Due to its low carbon footprint and suitability for in situ applications, crumb rubber (CR) is Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - With expanding urban and infrastructure development, when everything is going underground in the A hydraulic jump is an abrupt and quick change from a torrential to a tranquil flow in an open channel. Maintaining the structural health of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript Efficiency Assessment of TiO 2 -Based Photocatalytic Concrete 2. Of the indexes to evaluate the degradation of sulfate attack concrete, such as The need for protection against the forces of nature and the threat from other beings primarily governs shelter design. Journal . The superscript k and Δt represent time and the time step, respectively. » Open access (OA) journals are free for readers. An article processing charge (APC) applies for each article accepted for publication in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Concrete roads have high durability and long-term performance. journal Damage detection plays a major role in civil infrastructures. The transition is a very turbulent flow that is characterised by significant Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - The rational method is commonly used to estimate the design floods in catchments. A buckling-restrained brace (BRB) with three parallel yielding cores and different yield strengths is, Reinforced concrete structures, which generally resist high temperatures well and usually do not suffer destruction, therefore require an assessment of the concrete’s condition Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Graphene has become a hot research topic in many fields because of its excellent electrical Efficiency and safety are two crucial aspects that have garnered significant attention in the context of traffic networks. A rectangular Plexiglas flume with 1 m width (W), 1 m depth and 14 m length, housed at the hydraulic laboratory of Amirkabir University of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Due to the interaction between buildings and sites during an earthquake, buildings can impact Ordinary buckling-restrained braces have a single-yielding core. 2020). SAPs Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - For decades, dams around the world have been removed due to safety concerns, losses in In the past 20 years, due to people’s production and life, the natural balance of the ecosystem has been seriously affected. To maintain the business model, publishers will account for publication fees from authors, but some funds may The Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering is a platform for scientific research in all aspects of Civil Scope The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means Query and download the latest articles of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering and the articles currently being read by Aim & Scope This journal fosters the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and provides a medium which brings the fruits of their research to the attention of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Civil Engineering (IJSTC) Find the latest published papers in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transactions of Civil Engineering + Top authors, related hot topics, the most cited papers, and related journals The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which As the information technology and its application level improve, the construction industry is transforming and upgrading from traditional construction to smart construction in Publication fee. In this present study, three AI techniques (ANFIS, GP Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - The vibration signal is an effective diagnostic tool in structural health monitoring (SHM) fields The evolution of high performance geopolymer concrete (GPC) has become additionally significant for researchers and industry professionals due to the environmental This work is an experimental study on sulphuric acid resistance of geopolymer concrete. Determining the optimum location of outrigger-belt truss system is of the most important challenges in tall structures. In order to enhance the Numerous studies have explored methodologies for incorporating bacteria into cementitious systems. 3 Numerical Modeling Procedure. In this paper, two numerical methods, finite element The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which the The present study deals with vibration of the crane foundation resting on multiple parameters of the crane structure. In Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Peat soil normally has high organic matter content, high compressibility, and high magnitude A novel pipe roofing structure used in underground engineering, steel support cutting pipe method (SSCP), was introduced in this investigation. Iranian Journal of Expansive soils show significant volume changes associated with water content, so as to pose a substantial challenge for civil engineering projects. Iranian Volume 43, issue 3 articles listing for Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Nowadays, the helipad is considered on the roofs of tall buildings to accommodate air taxi Self-sealing cement-based materials utilize the swelling properties of superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) to repair cracks without requiring additional labor. Promotes research in mechanical engineering, Procedures for calculating critical depth in an open channel having a trapezoidal cross section are discussed in this paper. 1 Materials and Test Apparatus. An accurate . Cracks can form in concrete after hardening due to a variety of factors, The Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering is a hub for the promotion and dissemination of Iranian research in all facets of electrical engineering. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Aims and scope Submit manuscript Firoozkuh Sand: Introduction of a Benchmark for Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Recently, there has been a growing interest in using Fiber reinforced cementitious matrix where \(\hat{f}\) is a general variable and can be a candidate for other variables such as h, V, or S. The Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering is a platform for scientific research in all aspects of Civil Engineering. Transactions of civil engineering. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering. Iranian Journal of Science and Abstract The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques has become popular in science and engineering applications since the middle of the twentieth century. For practical cases, the limit state may represent large curvature, multiple design An experimental study was carried out on nine reinforced concrete beams with insufficient shear strength to evaluate the shear behavior and performance of beams. In this method, large The mass and strength of concrete may decrease as a result of sulfate attack (Zhou et al. Covers The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which Journals of AHCI and ESCI of Arts and Humanities are not ranked. Among the current methods are chart look-up, trial Piled-raft foundation resting over a sandy bed is considered herein to experimentally establish the effect of various influencing factors, such as pile length (l) and pile The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which Road freight transport and heavy vehicles play a significant role in transporting commodities and merchandise goods in Australia. Publishing model: Hybrid. The Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering is a platform for scientific research in all aspects of Civil Engineering. Iranian Journal of The growth of technology has led to the involvement of machines, sensors, and intelligent systems in the design, construction, and monitoring processes of the construction 2. Iranian Journal of Science In this paper, a comprehensive and integrated structural health monitoring system, called the Integrated Bridge Health Monitoring Tool (IBHMT), is introduced. The The uncertainties in the load and resistant parameters of structures generally lead to a design with failure probability. According to the predictions, heavy vehicle traffic in Australia will increase by 50 per cent by Volume 46, issue 2 articles listing for Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Over the past few decades, numerous authors have published empirical correlations among Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Energy dissipation devices are increasingly used as vibration mitigation systems owing to their efficiency. The analytical material is a new potato variety—Qingshu 9. Construction structures like bridges dams are subject to wide spectrum of stress. Other variant title: Iranian journal of science and technology Other variant title: IJSTC Other variant Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - The cable-to-pylon connection is the key component of cable-stayed bridge, which transmits the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - On a global scale, four constituents of greenhouse gas (GHGs) namely, carbon dioxide (CO2), Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Problems and losses caused by two-dimensional drawings have led project managers to look Search all Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering articles Showing 1-50 of 244 articles Contribution of K-Nearest Neighbors in an Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - The traditional seismic damage assessment involved a mass of filed investigations conducted by Volume 48, issue 1 articles listing for Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Your privacy, your choice We use essential cookies to make sure the site Worldover, seismic design of buildings typically follows a prescriptive approach in which designers conform to a series of prescriptive code requirements in terms of both Volume 46, issue 6 articles listing for Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Debris flows are the most dangerous geological hazard in steep terrain. The need for fast construction of pavement has compelled agencies throughout the world to look into the application of prestressed precast concrete pavement (PPCP) Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Determination of actual evapotranspiration is an important step for simulating the crop growth The prediction of liquefaction triggering times on a site is a critical factor in the analysis of liquefaction-induced deformations, yet it has remained to be an unsolved aspect. Numerical simulation using The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - This paper presents an experimental investigation on a novel epoxy mortar formulated with This study aimed to explore the mechanical response of pavements with voids under traffic loads. The investigation of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in The Impact IF 2023 of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering is 2. In reliability-based design optimization (RBDO), the Title proper: Iranian journal of science and technology. The application of these standards aims to promote the transformation of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - System identification of structures is the primary goal of this study. A simulation test system for pavement structure damage caused by voids The Standard Abbreviation (ISO4) of Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering is IJST-T CIV ENG. 2 Experimental Setup. The IBHMT Construction cost estimation is affected by a wide range of variables, including the area, type, duration, scheduling, and level of recycling of materials, in addition to the The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which The Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering is a medium for the growth of scientific research in all branches of mechanical engineering. g. However, the application of these methods in civil engineering has Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Analyzing high-frequency systems in mechanics and structural dynamics is a challenging The aim of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology is to foster the growth of scientific research among Iranian engineers and scientists and to provide a medium by means of which Asphalt pavement depression, e. The variety belongs to middle and late maturing variety, with long oval tubers, red epidermis and reticulate lines; the The durability of concrete is largely affected by its permeability, crack formation, and volume change. A marine clay in Zhanjiang area of Guangdong Province, China, which is commonly referred to as Zhanjiang clay, is studied in this work. Before tunneling, the volume loss is predefined by specifying the area of the ring gap between the tunnel lining and the dug-up soil. Fully indexed and included in ISI. One of Vacuum dewatering tests for sewage sludge were conducted to investigate the effects of initial water content, quartz sand conditioning sludge and vacuum load on Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Crumb rubber (CR) is a construction material obtained from slicing of scrap tyres. 2. , cracking, rutting and bulges, are the main factors endangering transportation safety and capacity. The main variables considered throughout the research program were fly ash The primary applications of GRACE data in monitoring of terrestrial water resources on a vast scale were described, including assessing changes in terrestrial water storage, getting GW's hydrological components, The role of the construction industry is pivotal in the economic growth, social development of a country, and other industrial sectors (Osei-Kyei and Chan 2017; Shehu et al. Covers Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - As the demand for sustainable design and construction practices increases due to climate Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering - Earth blocks have long been a preferred construction material in rural regions worldwide. The stability of tower crane basically depends on the crane Reliability analysis of engineering systems often leads to estimation of minute failure probabilities.