Lfb1 in sap. We have to report any activity with these type of vendors.
Lfb1 in sap All the trigger of change/process data should be from dot net application, R/3 will be the reciever. Hope its helpful. of 1, the next display shows 7, for the same vendor, etc SAP is full proof system that the audit trail for each change is available. Hope it Search SAP Tables. Finance View- LFB1 SAP ERP. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link LFB1 to other SAP tables. Additionally check the similar thread XK99_accounting clerk internet 1597006 - Clerk's Internet (LFB1-INTAD / KNB1-INTAD) is grayed out for mass maintenance which explains the reason. Regards, AKPT The event GET lfa1 is triggered by the statement PUT lfa1. LFM1-LOEVM - Del. Below is the list of attribute values for the KVERM field including its length, data type, description text, associated data element, search help etc SAP Customizing Implementation Guide>> Financial Accounting (New)>> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable>> Business Transactions>> Define Alternative Reconciliation Accounts for vendors. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure and definition. About this page This is a Please make sure payment term entry is there in LFM1. Incoterms, Incoterms Location 1, Incoterms Locatio: Plausibility check failed Message no. flag POrg. 0 Kudos Hi, You need to extract data from tables LFA1, LFB1, LFM1 and consolidate it in excel. Also, every time I display the table, the code is different. You can also add this to the affected structure as an Append. SAP ERP. SAP offers field LFB1-MINDK “Minority Indi Understanding this feature provided by SAP When it comes to making payments to our vendors SAP has given us an option to make the payment to the vendor or to make the payment to another person (Alternative SAP ERP. Field LFB1-INTAD is in the display mode since it is long on the database of 130 characters. l_lfb1 TYPE lfb1, Hello, I am reviewing Vendor Master tables, and noticed that for the same Vendor number, the user in the 'Created By' field is different between LFA1 and LFB1. P Payment request When Supplier data is replicated from Ariba to S/4, the data is not getting updated in LFA1, LFB1 and LFM1. INNER JOIN T001K AS T001K ON T001K~bwkey = eban~werks. View products (2) Hello, Is there a table which displays both the vendor and the payment terms? Thanks, Annabelle. Regards. 3 You may check SAP note 894143 to know more details about this standard behavior of system. For example, the list for clearing open items (FB05) or the line item list (FBL3N, FBL5N SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago HI, Go to FK02 and give Vendor number ,company code , select the payment transactions check box under company code data and enter Payment block Select the . Best regards. Here is it details, table fields, field types & length, technical The table LFB1 (Vendor Master (Company Code)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. above, business transaction event (BTE) 2310 is available (for Rel. Now, my problem is when i give a company code to fetch details of all vendors corresponding to that company co lfb1~lifnr INTO TABLE lt_itab FROM eban As eban. Regards, Ramesh. hi, does anyone know how to do a massive modification for knb1-intad field? i tried to use transaction XD99 --> Customer Master (Company Code) KNB1 --> select customers i need to modify --> add field knb1-intad but this field, differently from others, is gray, blocked and i cannot modify it any adv LFB1 is a SAP table coming under LO module and SAP_APPL component. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link LFA1 to other SAP tables. The field SPERZ in table LFA1 is not used in the SAP Standard System. in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP a week ago SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. KNRZE AS Reconciliation_Account FROM LFB1 WHERE LFB1. Additionally we provide an overview of foreign key relationships, if any, that link LFM1 to other SAP tables. hi, I need to use fm Read_Text to retrieve the text. Please let me know how to mass change Clirk's E mail Address in vendor master. Which There is a requirement to extend the field LFB1-MINDK from allowing 3 characters to allowing 4 characters. LFB1: Vendor per company code: LIFNR / BUKRS: LFB5: Vendor dunning data: LFM1: Purchasing organisation data: LFM2: Purchasing Our vendor use the field LFB-EIKTO to determine where to deliver the artikels. Thanks, JD Hi, I try to archive vendor master with the object FI_ACCPAYB Vendor master data I am able to archive the company code and the purchasing data by the series of steps I execute. LFBK Bank details. Know the answer? Business Partner (BP) is a central object in SAP S/4HANA and is used to represent a person, organization, group of people, or group of organizations with whom the business has a relationship. former I think there is no way to add the extra field LFB1 In this blog i will share how to configure MDC for Business partner Mass change and use standard SAP FIORI app to perform in the front end. We have to report any activity with these type of vendors. i_lfm1 = i_lfm1" is this field means Chage details vendor lfm1 ?. LFB1, LFM1, LFM2 . give the new value in accounting cleark field and select carry out mass change button and save if the same data for the all vendors, if the different How did you create the vendor records, with standard report RPRAPA00 (Transaction PRAA, HR -> FI/MM) you would get the PERNR field available in LFB1-PERNR. LFB1-LOEVM -Co. LFB1 table fields when I used T. LFB1: Vendor + Company: LFB5: Dunning data: LFBK: Bank details: LFC1: Transaction figures: LFC3: Special G/L transaction figures: LFM1: Vendor master record purchasing organization data: LFA1 (Vendor Master (General Section)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Retrieving Bank Information for Vendors. For the purpose of this blog I am going to enhance LFA1 (vendor LFA1 is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores Vendor Master (General Section) data. EXPORTING. View products (1) Hi Experts, I am using transaction FB01 for posting the document in our sysytem extended withhoding tax is activated and I am using withholding tax code as Z2, but the data updated in table BSIS and BSID in field QSSKZ as XX. The LFA1 table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Vendor Master (General Section) data available in SAP. I CML:InvestorContract. e. 2. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. endloop. i_ylfb1 = i_lfb1 " ?. SQ02 connect LFA1 join LFBK and key for connect is LIFNR. In the vendor masterdata we can enter just one 'our account number with the vendor'. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Finance all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all SAP MM Tcodes and Tables (Material Management Module). 2798507-"Clearing with Vendor" or "Clearing with Customer" flag missing from Customer SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions IS-M: Struc. So my requirment is , At the time of posting, Pmt method shoud auto reflect " C "which is. Search SAP tables. Enter on all three tab the tick mark in new value to set delection flag. the first display shows a min. which says. We don't want to work with partners because then we must duplicate all our inforec SAP Note 305201 clarifies this in a more details; please read it. LFB1 is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Vendor Master (Company Code) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. Check import parameter I_LFB1 in this FM, there is a field called SPERR. 3) Enhancing the CREAMS04 basis type to include the new segment. To fetch the bank details associated with each vendor, query the LFBK table: As per sap note 1989074 always replace an standard sap implementation instead of changing it. When checked in MDS_PPO2, we can see the below errors. Please check it and revert back. It is possible to change it in FI t-codes like FB60,FV60, etc. The T-code XK99 used for Vendor Mass update. loop at lt_itab assigning <fs>. If you Need the Clerks Internet address, just map the structure field FPAYH-INTAD in the DME node (obviously the value Need to be there in the vendor master data "correspondence tab" for the DME to disply it). Even if You create a vendor with reference and all the information will be reported into the new master data The requirement is to take data from the PA0105-USRID_LONG field and update LFB1-INTAD as part of an existing batch job which loads data from a file using the BAPI described before. , stored and then if we want to extend this business partner as a customer/vendor we extend the Role of that business partner to customer/vendor or both. 5 HenrikeGrötecke. It belongs to the package FBASCORE. Just a question - Ref: MDGIMG under Process Modeling -> In dot net application you map the parameter to SAP Function module parameter. in your i_lfa1 , i_lfb1 , i_lfm1 structure , you have to fill in SAP Fieldglass Vendor Management System. I'm familiar with costing based COPA, wich which the system could distribute market expense of Channel A to specific customers of Channel A using revenue value field as reference. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the LFB1 (Vendor Master (Company Code)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. 1. Tables LFA1 and LFB1 gets updated. If a milestone operation is confirmed, all preceding suboperations up to the next milestone operation are also automatically confirmed. 6. As a result the entries are deleted from the database tables, LFB1 and LFM1. MODULE help_lfb1-akont INPUT. The assignment number is used as a sort criterion. INCLUDE STRUCTURE dynpread. i. Extending vendor master involves enhancing the vendor master database table and vendor master screen. You must be a registered user to add a you might have figured it out but i find this note from SAP help. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Regards, Mohd Ali. B Blocked for payment. Once the corresponding event block in the program is complete, PUT lfa1 branches to the subroutine put_lfb1. vendor, BP, LFB1-ZAHLS, LFA1-SPERZ , KBA , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , Problem . . User Count SAPSupport. View products (1) either at supplier level (LFA1-LNRZA) either at company code level (LFB1-LNRZB). The LFB1 table consists of various fields, each holding specific information or linking keys about Vendor LFB1 is a standard Financial Accounting Transparent Table in SAP FI application, which stores Vendor Master (Company Code) data. 96 Edrilan_Berisha. for Defining Defaults for lfb1 Fields in SAP BP IS - Structure 34 : RJMGLB IS-M/SD: Screen Field String f. Select vendor list for company code , Purchasing Org. There are a number of tables related to SAP vendor master table data with the main ones being LFA1, LFBK, LFB1. LFB5 Vendor dunning data. (LFB1-AKONT) is a SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. LFM1 Purchasing organisation data. DATA: akont LIKE lfb1-akont. Extending Vendor to Purchasing Data, select Role This is the SAP Standard System behaviour. (LFB1-BUSAB) as a field just for testing purpose but we are going to use custom scope and In some cases, it just updated the table BUT000 and in other cases it also updated the table LFA1 along with BUT000. However, the field name "SPERR" has two completely different meanings depending on which table it is pulled from. View products (2) Hi all, Is there any standard report in SAP that shows all fields in vendor master data for a list of vendors? Please respond. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 3434563 - Maintain multiple value for field minority indicator (LFB1-MINDK) SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. BUKRS AS Company_Code, LFB1. A Locked for payment. Search for additional results. First, we created a business partner where basic data like name, address etc. Step: 1 Execute the t-code XK99 and select the table LFA1 / LFB1 SAP NOTE - 549119 ( Point-5) To send or to archive forms using one of the methods mentioned. Blank Free for payment * Skip account. (LFB1-REPRF) in the relevant vendor master record (transaction FK03). View products (2) Hi Gurus, We want to delete or block total 2000 vendors. 7. In the first case, it may depent from the country, but with DMEE it's right, the For mass maintenance of vendors or customers is not allowed to update /change the Clerk's Internet address (LFB1-INTAD and KNB1-INTAD) Field LFB1-INTAD / KNB1-INTAD is grayed out in XK99 /XD99 SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4. You can see these below and how they are related to each other and to LFB1 (Vendor Master – Company Code Data) The LFB1 table contains information specific to the vendor’s relationship with each company code, such as payment terms, reconciliation accounts, and accounting LFB1 table in SAP LO (Logistics Basic Data in LO) module. Furthermore, it will not be used by the payment program either. Key fields are marked in Details of SAP LFB1 table & its fields. SELECT COUNT (*) FROM reguh INNER JOIN lfb1 ON reguh ~ lifnr = lfb1 ~ lifnr AND reguh ~ zbukr = lfb1 ~ bukrs INNER JOIN pa0009 Field LFB1-AVSND cannot be found in screen layout per company code (vendor) maintenance in T-code OB24. i_ylfm1 = i_lfm1 " ?. If you put "X" in this field vendor gets blocked for a company code. From se75 i got the text id's for the object lfb1 but could not find the text name as we need it to pass the parameters text id,name and object in the fm read_text. Fortunately, SAP has provided an easy solution to include almost any field from the FI document tables ACDOCA, BKPF, or BSEG to the respective Line Item Browsers, as well as any field from several of the associated master data tables like LFA1, KNA1, SKA1, etc. Hello - does anyone have any insight on how to bring in the field name "SPERR" into BW. This tables is used for storing data of Vendor Master (Company Code). it is a standard SAP behaviour. The BP object combines the functionality of previous SAP master data objects such as Customer, Vendor, and Employee, among others. DATA: BEGIN OF dynpfields OCCURS 1. For LFB1 the Standard SAP Extractor is 0VEN_COMPC_ATTR. Table used for Vendor Master (Company LFB1 is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Vendor Master (Company Code) data and is available within SAP S/4 HANA systems and previous ECC R/3 systems. 5. The payment term for each purchasing orgnisation is stored in table LFM1, field ZTERM. For instance, it is not on the standard extractor that pulls from the table: LFA1, but it is on the standard extractor that pulls from table: LFB1. However, the data from the table LFA1 is neve Processes to be adopted in SAP to carry out a check for Duplicate Invoice Posting: (LFB1-REPRF), as mandatory, for the account groups being used for vendors; Duplicate Invoice Check – Relationship with Invoice Type: The Duplicate Invoice check carried out by the system will depend upon whether the invoice is a: SAP FI Tables regroups the list of the main tables for Finance Module in SAP. Show replies. Indicator: Clearing between customer and vendor? The below steps will explain to us how to update the block indicator in the vendor master by mass. Anyway not all the fields will be copied into the new target master data. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. How to find out the text name for that particular text id and object. Internal Number Range –Business partner numbers that are assigned internally by SAP when a user attempts to create. Regardless of the vendor or customer account group being used, the authorization group fields LFA1-BEGRU, LFB1-BEGRU, KNA1-BEGRU, and KNB1-BEGRU should be checked in all SAP standard transactions. Because there are payment terms in company code level (LFB1 table) and purchase org level (LFM1 table). Vendor master (dunning data) u2013 LFB5. You may go for data transfer methods like LSMW to change the LFM1 (Vendor master record purchasing organization data) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. - part3. But as of now, I could not update the LFB1 & LFM1 tables even though all the supplier created were having significant test data in Company Code & Purchasing Organizations tabs. FK01 – Create new Vendor in SAP Hi Hung, I found function module " VENDOR_UPDATE" helpful in you case. Turn on suggestions. For LFM1 the Standard SAP SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. cde deletion flag. 7; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; creditor / vendor payment terms in vendor master are stored for each company code in table LFB1 field ZTERM. Code Mass to change Clerk's Email Address (INTAD) Table (LFB1) it is coming only in display not in changable screen. Hope this clarifies your doubt. Table description : Vendor Master (Company Code) Module : LO-MD-BP-VM; Parent Module : LO Package : WLIFCORE; Software Component : SAP_APPL open t code XK99, select Vendor Master (Company Code) table LFB1, click on Fields tab and select Acctg clerk table LFB1-BUSAB and execute, give the vendor numbers and company code and execute. ind. In the last case, the right name and address will be transmitted to the bank in any case. Amitash. Select all three fields. The mass maintenance however only applies to 80 characters. LFA1 table fields. LFM2 Purchasing data. Some of SAP customers need to change reconciliation account while posting invoices due to legal procedures. You will find in this article the main list of the most important Transaction Codes in SAP MM. What table can I use to find descriptions and where can I customize it from SPRO. For example, the list for clearing open items (FB05) or the line item list (FBL3N, FBL5N SAP ERP. 0 ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions Keywords BP, FLVN00, LFB1-UZAWE, LFB1-ZGRUP, CVIV_BUPA_EVENT_FMOD2_CC, V_T042, 2001 , KBA , AP-MD-BP , Business Partner , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. i_lfb1 = i_lfb1 " is this field means Chage details vendor lfb1 ?. 8 OwenLiu. I have 5 master tables corresponding to Vendor Details: LFA1, LFB1, LFBK, BNKA, LFM1. The "copy with reference" is a SAP functionality that allows You to quickly create vendors or customers master datas. Key fields are marked in blue. We have more than one account number with the vendor. INNER JOIN lfb1 AS lfb1 ON eban~flief = lfb1~lifnr AND T001K~bukrs = lfb1~bukrs. Previously, I saw only **. If LFB1 is the last node to be read, processing resumes with the SELECT loop in put_lfb1. SAP Fieldglass Vendor Management System. (LFM. Vendor Master (Bank Details) u2013 LFBK. SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. SELECT-OPTIONS: slifnr FOR LFA1-lifnr, sbukrs FOR lfb1-bukrs, Solved: Payment Methos in Vendor Master is = " C " Cheque. In case you're working with BP-customer scenario, you can maintain alternate reconciliation account for the same customer in the following configuration 'Vendor Line Item Display' FBL1N > you can create fields from LFA1 and LFB1 in this manner, structure: FILITEXTS_AP 'Customer Line Item Display' FBL5N > you can create fields from KNA1 and KNB1 in this manner, structure: FILITEXTS_AR. While creating PO, system will suggest the entry from LFM1 only. Reconciliation acct (LFB1-AKONT) is a required entry field in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Tuesday; Report recurring entries? in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A a week ago; Key Facts in SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition. View products (1) Hi, in vendor master there is a field named payment methods (LFB1-ZWELS) but I cannot use table RF02K to find the descriptions. The next screen will have the path I mentioned in my previosu messages. I have checked in Screen Layout for master data it is an Optional Field. View details, Fields & related tables of LFB1 in SAP. Extending the vendor master. and execute. i_lfa1 = i_lfa1" is this field means Chage details vendor lfa1 ?. CVI_API007 Ent Unlocking Efficiency: The Power of PLM System Integration (PLMSI) by SAP in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday; PCA Role in 2025 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Wednesday; Top Q&A LFM1 (Vendor master record purchasing organization data) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. LFA1 is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Vendor Master (General Section) data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. In the first case, it may depent from the country, but with DMEE it's right, the You would like to know if there is any option / solution available to choose more than one indicator for field minority indicator (LFB1-MINDK). After creation, LFA1 is not created but LFB1 is creat SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 3486179 - "Update was terminated" when creating a vendor with company code using XK01 Some screen shots from table LFB1. i_ylfa1 = i_lfa1 " ?. with using special gl indicator. INTRODUCTION Master data consolidation and mass processing (MDC) is a module which helps in data cleansing. LIFNR AS Vendor_Number, LFB1. Thanks, George Mansfield Hello everyone, I want to a question about KE28 Top down distribution with account based COPA in S/4 HANA. Please also check, that message F5 117 has been set correctly in the. Then select SAP Reference IMG. TABLES. Tcodes to Create Maintain Vendor master data in SAP. S_ALR_87012089 - Display Changes to Vendors CALL FUNCTION 'VENDOR_UPDATE'. P Payment request S4, HANA, S4CORE, CVI_API007, CVI_API 007, LFB1-AKONT: Plausibility check failed , KBA , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , Problem So SAP has created a shell around customer and vendor data called Business partner. A field in the vendor master needs to carry the “minority” information. Thus, even if it is maintained, this would not block payments. DATA: END OF Unlocking Efficiency: The Power of PLM System Integration (PLMSI) by SAP in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP yesterday; PCA Role in 2025 in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A Wednesday; Top Q&A Solution Author. KVERM is a standard field within SAP Table LFB1 that stores Memo information. All connected through LIFNR. The field PA0105-USRID_LONG is not in this upload file and hence I will need to retrieve the data, based on Personnel Number, and insert it into the LFB1 field Hi All, I have created an SAP Query through SQ01 to show Vendor Details. Module Pool SAPMJG01: SD-lfb1: IS - Structure 35 : VMDS_LFB1_KEY lfb1 Key LO - Vendor Master: Structure 36 : VMDS_LFB1_KEY_IND lfb1 Key and Type of Change Hi Gurus, We have some vendors that are owned by individuals who are part of a minority group (by color, gender, race, sex). 0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 6. SELECT LFB1. table LFB1, which is company code data of vendor master. HI, Go to FK02 and give Vendor number ,company code , select the payment transactions check box under company code data and enter Payment block Select the . 6 DominikTylczyn. Assignment Number. 0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 5. SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Enterprise all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions Several creditors, HRK, LFB1, FK02 , KBA , PY-XX-DT , Posting , How To . The code could be similar to. LFB1 LFM1 Regards, Mey. My answer is for someone who do not program in ABAP and can make tricky query to ignore incorrect join in SQ02. LFB1 Vendor per company code. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base In XK02/XK03 the "Clearing with customer" flag (LFB1-XVERR) is not displayed for certain vendors. ZTERM AS Payment_Terms, LFB1. SAP Managed Tags: Banking, ABAP Development. Vendor master (VAT registration numbers general section) u2013 LFAS. Below is the what is the table name to save Business partner Carrier role data in S/4? Solved: Dear all, Please Let know the vendor master data table? Regds Ashish Kumar. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Technology; Technology Q&A; LFB1 and LFM1; cancel. Execute. This check on the authorization group will provide sufficient and reliable security for accessing vendor and debtor accounts. pmnt. This payment trems can be different. From this subroutine, the event GET lfb1 is triggered in the application program. New MM tables in SAP S4HANA in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members a week ago; General tables useful in the SAP S4HANA module MM in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members a week ago; SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA - Extend FIORI App "Manage Customer Master" with Z-field in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP SAP ERP 6. 8 RAHEEL_BABAR. i SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) FIN (Finance) Software Product Function. T001S, T014, LFA1, LFB1: FBL5H (Customers) none: T001S, T014, KNA1, KNB1, KNKK New MM tables in SAP S4HANA in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members a week ago; General tables useful in the SAP S4HANA module MM in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members a week ago; SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA - Extend FIORI App "Manage Customer Master" with Z-field in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP Hello - does anyone have any insight on how to bring in the field name "SPERR" into BW. BUKRS = '1000'; -- Company Code ID 3. N Postprocess inc. View products (1) Hello, (Transactions FS01, FD01, FK01)(Table Fields SKB1-ZUAWA, KNB1-ZUAWA, LFB1-ZUAWA). View products (2) I want to know the name of the following tables: Vendor Master (General level) (Company Code) u2013 LFB1. Suboperations of milestone operations must always be confirmed manually. SELECT * FROM lfa1 AS a INNER JOIN lfb1 AS b ON b~lifnr = a~lifnr INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_lfab1. Hi Ramakrishna, FPAYH-INTAD is the clerks's Internet address (LFB1-INTAD) and not the vendor email address. Below are the main transaction codes used to create, display and maintain SAP Vendor master data within the SAP tables detailed above. Vendor Master (Company Code) LFB1 (Vendor Master (Company Code)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. The following fields must be identical for Duplicate invoice check. This completes the enhancements required in the vendor master API class for updating vendor master. ) - part2. bhml jcmgxp vrej auzwa mublagfd wvtw oqyqitr xglwt aew wpyev