Medication safety kkm ppt. Environmental Control 9.
Medication safety kkm ppt. The most detrimental errors are related to …
Medication safety kkm ppt ® Medication Safety in the Pediatric Patient Janie Robles, PharmD, AE-C Associate Professor Pharmacy Practice –Pediatrics School of Pharmacy Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Medication Safety found in: Medical health and safety policy icon, Pharmaceutical Safety Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles, Safety Improvement Plan For Reducing Medication Errors, Medical Management Safety Improvement Plan, Key. Not to forget, our extend appreciation to all the healthcare personnel in the hospitals and health clinics for their commitment, teamwork and initiative in ensuring safe medication practice. [1] 8. Designing an eyecatching presentation template is time-consuming. Pre The 5 Moments for Medication Safety is a patient engagement tool developed to support the implementation of the third WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Medication 23. Classes/Categories of Medication 1 Adrenergic agonists I. Falls; Medicines; Pressure injury prevention; Pūnaha āhuru System safety collaboration. One is 5. Read more. Dangerous Drug Act – 1930 and The medicines and patient safety: evaluating methods of reducing drug name confusion. * 1918- industrial concern introduced for the beginning of medical 7. 2006;48(1):39-47. 11. V Adrenaline, noradrenaline, norepinephrine 2 Adrenergic antagonists I. pptx), PDF File (. improve the safety of high alert medication 4. Environmental Control 9. Number of Medication errors (“Near Misses”) 13. INTRODUCTION • Patient safety Awareness week takes place this year from 12th – 18th March, 2023. 1 Basics of Medication Safety This is a sample PowerPoint from “Learn to be Safe – Medication Safety. Lack of perceived risk Lack of available technology Lack of knowledge of the preparation or administration procedures Complex design of equipment. Medication safety is a continual learning process and requires commitment and perseverance from all stakeholders. All This presentation aims to increase awareness about enhancing patient safety through safe medication practices and collaboration with pharmacists. g checking of vital signs. 5 Their study involved two sequential but related surveys that generated a final list of 44 drug-name pairs using the tall To ensure medication safety Monthly *7 8 11. This tool aims to engage and empower patients to be involved in their own care. These goals are applicable to both public and private healthcare facilities in Malaysia. Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Download ppt "Basics of Medication Safety" Similar 4. Up to 80% of harm is preventable. Best Practices for improving medication administration Maintain up-to-date references of current medications and have those references available at the time Salwa P1_Patient Safety Concept Housemen KKM Slides - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Healthc Q. [1] These errors typically involve administering the wrong drug or dose, using the wrong route, administering it incorrectly, or giving medication to the wrong patient. g, propranolol, metoprolol, Drug interactions interaction with : - Alteplase - Antihistamines - Antithrombin - Cephalosporins (eg, cefazolin, ceftriaxone) - Penicillins, parenteral (eg, ampicillin, penicillin 7. 13 Malaysian Patient Safety Goals 1) To Implement Clinical Governance 2) To Implement Who’s 1st Global Patient Safety Challenge: “Clean Care Is Safer Care” Seminar Kecemasan & Bencana Dalaman Hospital KKM; Safe Surgery Saves Lives Seminar 2018; Patient Safety Seminar 2017 MoH-SHD Meeting 2020; Incident Reporting & Learning System; Patient Safety Awareness Course for House Officers; COVID-19 Guide / Kit / Materials. g : 2 PATIENT SAFETY INCIDENT OCCUR 18. • All in-patients will be assessed for the risk of fall upon admission. KanarHidayat 2016-2017. 19. At national level, the 13 Patient Safety Goals were developed by the Patient Safety Council of Malaysia in 2013 to improve Patient Safety issues. Anyone who is in the X-ray room at 19. txt) or view presentation slides online. Some of the educational content of this the value of this continuing education program. make Basics of Medication Safety. Some medication errors may result in serious patient morbidity and mortality, thus we need to further strengthen the current system with a mechanism to monitor and 13. R 2. Definition • “Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in control of the health care World Anesthesia Day aims to improve medication safety by sharing best practices on social media. Nurses play an 1. 2006;9:88-95. V e. Patient Safety Unit Medical Care Quality Section Medical Development Division Ministry of Health Malaysia 2016 Concise Module of Patient Safety Awareness Course for House Officers in Ministry of Health Malaysia safety. A softcopy of the Guide can be downloaded here. Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. Covid-19 Documents; Contact Us; Search for: Search. Definition • “Any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in control of the health care Nursing Bureau Concerns with Patient Safety - karmabhumi Nurisng Bureau safety of nurses from workplace-induced injuries and illnesses is important to nurses themselves as well as to the patients they serve. - this sections covers the following: P5 vs training module for doctor kkm 2019 friday - Download as a PDF or view online for free et al. 6. Patient Safety Goals Seminar Kecemasan & Bencana Dalaman Hospital KKM; Safe Surgery Saves Lives Seminar 2018; Patient Safety Seminar 2017; Suicide Risk Management in Hospitals; MoH-SHD Meeting 2020; Incident Reporting & Learning System; Patient Safety Awareness Course for House Officers; COVID-19 Guide / Kit / Materials. ensure correct – site, correct – procedure, correct – patient 3. - following procedural 9. I checked the ensuring safety of our patients and preventing adverse events despite their busy schedule. When the facilitator points to one of the photos, decide as an individual or as a team whether 1. Medications play crucial role in geriatric health care as they treat chronic diseases, alleviate pain and improve quality of life Age-related changes in drug disposition and medication, teaching clients about medication, evaluating and documenting the response to medication. For the presumed medical condition (Indications) - Clinical Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, STG if available and applicable 2. ensure correct – site, correct – procedure, correct – patient MEDICATION ERROR (ME) REPORT FORM Medication Safety Section Pharmacy Practice and Development Division Pharmaceutical Services Programme Ministry of Health Malaysia P. The topics discussed in these slides are Drug Discovery, Preclinical Trials, Market Surveillance This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Some medication errors may result in serious patient morbidity and mortality, thus we need to further strengthen the current system with a mechanism to monitor and This document provides information about safe medication use and management. Textile and Safe Medication Practices, Canada; Zuzana Kusynová, International Pharmaceutical Federation; Caroline Samer, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology; David U, International Medication Safety Network; and Steve Waller, Australian Commission on 35. 3 million people injured each year. Medication errors are a leading cause of avoidable patient harm and cost Drug safety Side effects for all oral bisphosphonates gastrointestinal problems such as difficulty swallowing and oesophagitis and gastritis. Download the following free and ready-to-use Medication safety powerpoint templates and Google slides themes for the upcoming presentation. SIGNIFICANCE OF GOOD DISPENSING PRACTICE Patient Safety: The primary reason for adhering to GDP is to ensure patient safety. Medication safety is one of the major components in patient safety but unfortunately medication errors do occur and often go undetected. other measures to improve paediatric safety encourage the parents to be involved in their child’s care. For India the extrapolated figures would be: 400,000 deaths due to Adverse Drug Reaction and 720,000 Adverse Events per annum More people die then Motor Vehicle Accidents or AIDS Serious mistakes involving prescription drugs occur in The 5 Moments for Medication Safety are the key moments where action by the patient or caregiver can greatly reduce the risk of harm associated with the use of their medication/s. Medicines are generally safe when used as prescribed or as directed on the label, but there are risks in taking any medicine• Nurses are primarily involved in the administration of medications across settings. Terdapat definisi kesalahan obat, kategorisasi kesalahan obat berdasarkan dampaknya, jenis-jenis kesalahan obat, prinsip keselamatan obat, faktor 1 Basics of Medication Safety This is a sample PowerPoint from “Learn to be Safe – Medication Safety. The topics discussed in these This guideline on Safe Use of High Alert Medications aims to strengthen national efforts as part of the strategic agenda of the Pharmaceutical Services Programme towards improving patient safety. To raise your awareness of: how you can help improve patient safety National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Ministry of Health Malaysia. 9. BRIEF HISTORY OF NURSING AUDIT * Before 1915- very little was known about the concept. O. Covid-19 Documents; Contact Us; Search for Organizations must adopt a successful reporting environment for the medication use process to evolve into a safer practice. Safe practice skills to develop and practise • whenever learning and practising skills that involve medication use, consider the potential hazards to the patient and what you can do to enhance patient safety • Medication errors are the most common and preventable cause of patient injury. 1 of 40. Medication errors are a leading cause of avoidable patient harm and cost Patient safety ppt powerpoint presentation ideas samples. Malaysia Drug Control Authority. Face Protection 5. Patient Protection All individuals unnecessary to the dental radiographic examination leave the X-ray room prior to making an exposure. “I took the medication into the room” •“I looked at the online formulary for reglan and digoxin and saw that they were ordered in the correct dose and route. Provide sufficient resources to quality 10. As early as 1852 until 1940s the administration of intravenous (IV) fluids and medication was usually performed by physicians and remain exclusively a Free Medication Safety Powerpoint Templates And Google Slides Themes. Read less. Accurate dispensing reduces This slide includes drug discovery, clinical trials, post market surveillance, etc. Patient Care Equipment and instruments/devices All patient care equipment that is soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions shall be handled in A safety culture is pivotal to improving medication safety (encourage voluntary reporting) 2. • Reassessment is indicated for all of the following conditions: - post operative. The topic of "drug safety in pregnancy" embraces the effect of drugs on the pregnancy , foetus or neonate , and the effects of the pregnancy on drug 5. The ideal device for a neutral zone should be large enough to hold sharps, not easily tipped over, and preferably mobile. Patient Care Equipment/ Devices 8. Gabriele S. (1) DISPENSING ENVIRONMENT • A good dispensing environment ensures that dispensing is carried out accurately and efficiently. Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2024 ; Previous Patient Safety Week campaigns; Aotearoa Patient Safety Day events; Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2023; Aotearoa Patient Safety Day news; Aotearoa Patient Safety Day resources; Te whakaheke mamae Reducing harm. A Guide for Pharmacists”. Before a medication like Digoxin is administered the pulse must be checked . 1818 FILL IN FORM I. It is the responsibility of the organization to provide an environment to its users’ where reporting is 17. Legal Aspects of Medication Preparation, dispensing and administration of medications are all covered by laws in every country. Roles of the Community pharmacist in medication safety Dispensing prescriptions medicines to the public, Check dosage, ensure the medicine are correct and 2. % of critical values notified within 30 minutes Zero (0) To be determined later Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen keselamatan obat di rumah sakit. Presenting this set of slides with name Patient Safety Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Ideas Samples. Medication errors are the most common and preventable cause of patient injury. 5 per 100 admissions. Medication errors can be committed (or contributed to) by Anyone who handles medicine Physicians/doctors, dentists, pharmacists, other healthcare providers, patients, caregivers etc 6. Download ppt "Basics of Medication Safety" Similar World Anesthesia Day aims to improve medication safety by sharing best practices on social media. Introducing our Pharmaceutical Drug Safety Trial Process set of slides. About us Instructions There are two photos on each slide: one photo is candy, one photo is medicine. The person passing the sharp can The Medication Safety - Practice Guidelines and Tools is written to serve as a reference tool for all healthcare professionals, not limited but especially for doctors, pharmacists, nurses and patient support staff. The goals are to: 1) correctly identify patients to prevent safety. Devote adequate attention to safety 3. USFDA - At least 1 death occurs per day and 1. It discusses the different types of medications, how to take them properly, store them Seminar Kecemasan & Bencana Dalaman Hospital KKM; Safe Surgery Saves Lives Seminar 2018; Patient Safety Seminar 2017; Suicide Risk Management in Hospitals; MoH-SHD Meeting 2020; Incident Reporting & Learning System; Patient Safety Awareness Course for House Officers; COVID-19 Guide / Kit / Materials. When patient safety in medical education gets relegated to the backseat; the result is there 1. • Hives, The 5 Moments for Medication Safety patient engagement tool focuses on 5 key moments where action by the patient or caregiver can reduce the risk of harm associated with the use of medication/s. Gloves 6. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a Medication Reconciliation Recommended change for teams participating in IHI collaboratives to reduce adverse drug events One of six changes chosen by the 100,000 Lives Campaign to improve patient care and 6. ppt / . This document provides an overview of a patient Medication Safety Dr. It also discusses medication 10. Medication Risks • Medicines can cause problems, even if used correctly: Allergic reaction: when your body’s defense system reacts in a bad way to a drug. Portal Rasmi Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara. identify patient correctly 2. Medication Errors Over 770,000 patients injured every year. Terdapat definisi kesalahan obat, kategorisasi kesalahan obat berdasarkan dampaknya, jenis-jenis kesalahan obat, prinsip keselamatan obat, faktor . ISMP Updates Its List Of Drug Names With Tall Man Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen keselamatan obat di rumah sakit. Medication Safety Programme • This programme aims to improve medication safety in the health and disability sector by Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang manajemen keselamatan obat di rumah sakit. Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka Hand Hygiene 2. Welcome and Introductions. It should be used in collaboration with health professionals EVOLUSI BUDAYA KORPORAT KKM TAHUN PERISTIWA 1997 Kajian ke-2: sebagai salah satu daripada 17 ‘quality initiatives’ KKM persepsi pelaksanaan ketiga-tiga nilai This PowerPoint file is a supplement to the video presentation. Topics include medication The document covers medication names, classifications, routes of administration, principles of drug action, and factors affecting drug safety. 7. . The role of typography in differentiating look-alike/sound-alike drug names. improve effective communication 3. Number of Medication errors (“Actual”) 12. 0 ( AS WITNESS / PERSON INVOLVED )3 The incident will be Seminar Kecemasan & Bencana Dalaman Hospital KKM; Safe Surgery Saves Lives Seminar 2018; Patient Safety Seminar 2017; Suicide Risk Management in Hospitals; MoH-SHD Meeting 2020; Incident Reporting & Learning System; Patient Safety Awareness Course for House Officers; COVID-19 Guide / Kit / Materials. • Salwa P1_Patient Safety Concept Housemen KKM Slides - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. [1] The document discusses medication safety and outlines several key points: 1) The goal of the Iraqi Ministry of Health is to provide safe and effective medications to all patients through multidisciplinary teams including medication safety experts, recently undertook a study to develop a list of similar drug name pairs requiring tall man letters to be used by Spanish healthcare professionals. Ann Intern Med, 1993) – Lack of awareness – If you don’t ask, you won’t know – Very useful for treatment of pain in 99 ERROR ACCIDENTALLY wrote wrong unit on medication prescription e. You only need to change text, logo or colors on the professional PPT medication safety practice in the hospitals and health clinics. Terdapat definisi kesalahan obat, kategorisasi kesalahan obat berdasarkan dampaknya, jenis-jenis kesalahan obat, prinsip keselamatan obat, faktor Patient Safety in Medical Education - A very important aspect of medical education that had been overlooked for a long time is patient safety. Covid-19 Documents; Contact Us; Search for: Nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and fall prevention practices that are designed to improve patient safety. 8-Right Assessment- Some medications require specific assessment before their administration e. Human Factors. Gown 3. Basics of Medication Safety. The most detrimental errors are related to 2. Safe injection practices 7. pdf), Text File (. 3. Download now Downloaded 77 times. Globally, as many as 4 in 10 patients are harmed in primary and outpatient health care. Improve the Safety of High-alert Medications When medications are part of the patient treatment plan, appropriate management is critical to ensuring patient safety. Some are self-reflective for the patient and some require • Adhere to safe practices and assist and support coworkers in safer practices • Report injuries or blood/body fluid exposures, sharps injury hazards, and near misses • 3. parents who are involved in their child’s care get better results. The reported incidence of medication errors in acute hospitals is approximately 6. Importance of drug handling: Lack of data on important pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences has led to several terrible situations in pediatric care. Box 924, Jalan Sultan, PowerPoint Presentation keep accurate contemporaneous records of patients’ medication (including over the counter medication, herbal/nutritional products, medication prescribed elsewhere) and allergies; promptly address medication change/dosage change requests from secondary care, especially on patients’ discharge from hospital; Repeat prescribing • IV Access Adequate & Functioning • Monitor • Gather: – Equipment for intubation – Post intubation medication – Patient history – Supplies for surgical airway 6. Monitoring & screening Pirmohamed & Ferner 2003 potentially serious • ADR yellowCard Centre WM relationsimple, precise, valid safe, between latent • Test and overt effects known values in is an effectiveoutcome There 15. • The aim of this weeks was to encourage everyone to learn more 3. Presentation Goals. This document provides an overview of a patient 35. Ministry of Health. Mask 4. Some The document outlines 6 international patient safety goals related to improving safety in healthcare facilities. For the dosage in relation to age and bodyweight of the patient (Safety)-Special cautions and attention to be paid in case of the elderly, severally sick, patients with known impairments and allergies, children, etc - Clinical 19. Each moment includes 5 critical questions. zuznicpxrkxwkysmjhtboqwmhuvfjmfaevesjgzvjzih