Conan exiles thrall stats reddit The exile faction is the lowest tier faction you can acquire, making him among the worst options. All sorts of thralls get a different health bonus per point in vitality. Entertainers lag behind in both stats, with the melee of archers and the ranged of fighters (but they can remove corruption even while in the field). ) Authority leveling (unless you have the war party perk then just skip this one. It’s sort of “work in progress” and I occasionally update or pretty them up. So, if you want to level multiple thralls (or reset stats repeatedly) hunting for those elusive perfect stats, go RHTS. Anyway, since the links were scattered as small responses within various threads where people were looking for information May 10, 2023 · This is a fast and reliable way to buff up the stats of your pets to make them more equal to your fighter thralls. getting to 1167 armor gives them 70% DR and 1500 armor 75% DR so no, decent regular heavy armor works perfectly well on A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! I spawned 20 of the same AoC thrall Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker with the right stats. google. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Webs for my spider Thralls hp and damage is percentage based, everything has say about 40% hp and dam to start, depending on tier I II or III it gains another 10 20 or 30% but then they gain an additional percentage depending on race, asgarth mounds of the dead and then volcano are the top three not sure about desert and jungle thralls rankings, named thralls have a bonus 10-15% damage and that's all, so a Honestly, every t4 figher thrall is good. 02 less than the max damage modifier (Dalinsia, who can have half the health of a RHTS). Make sure to craft a thrall pot (artisan’s workbench) to throw more gruel in there to keep them all fed. Capture them in large numbers, or (at low levels) kill them for flawless armor and good weapons. There's usually at least a 0. . Totally worth it. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Fellow Cimmerians, I have ascended For Fighters and Archers, the thrall's faction, like Exiles, Darfari, Lemurians, etc (a list is on the wiki) is what determines what STATs they are strongest in. On top of that, hidden modifiers making a str from an exile worth less than a str from another faction. More strength means more damage and shorter fights. However, after he trained he has 0 strength (58% growth) and 30 accuracy (76% growth). They died with 3 npcs. • Cannibal Brute, Ritualist and Thugra [FIGHTER] (was nerfed, but is a great thrall to start with); • N'batu [FIGHTER] (Good agility thrall, with fixed spawn spot without having to go through the swamp); • Du'neman the Dragoon [ARCHER] (Best thrall archer at the moment, due to the ease of obtaining, leveling and ranged damage multiplier); It really depends on the pet/thrall and their purpose. it's actually not even close. I haven't played this game on Console in years: I don't know how you interact with that menu there. To jump into things, I’m going to share a resource I made available a while back and have been updating ever since whenever the game updated. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Ballistas are the best way to end a purge Except they're missing the point: in Conan Exiles anyone can cast the exact same spells, even someone with zero "investment" in sorcery. Bearers are the most likely to come out with 100% in vitality and I got one like that yesterday. Console or PC: use the long interact interface to view that Thrall's stats and in the bottom left you will see their stat spread and what % Chance they have to gain points in a stat. Link to the spreadsheet is below, the Thrall Stats tab is the main Oct 6, 2022 · Hey there! As some of you know randomly here and there I released some spreadsheets with (not so)“secret” data that can be helpful when picking / comparing thralls or fighting enemies. ) If I put a +vitality set on a thrall, does their HP's go up? If I put a +accuracy set on them, do they do more damage with a bow? I think it all depends on your thrall being level 20 for which thrall hits hardest. Also, most animals are being nerfed come the chapter 2 update next There’s a spreadsheet of thrall stats floating around somewhere if you can find it, or you can just experiment around with thralls and check their stats as you go. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Go into thrall stats. ADMIN MOD Thrall Stats Yep, all NPCs that can be converted to thralls have thrall stats table which is used to give them attributes and attribute growth chances. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! ADMIN MOD Decent Thrall stats A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! • Yeshlol. Which is to say, 98% of this game any Thrall in end game armor will be just fine. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online SuccessfulDress682 I've tryed to make milk on Conan and have the Milking station for player, I'v ate gruel and added some empty milk bottles in the station and some iny inventory to be sure to have bottle, been staying in the station for more than 1h30 and nothing, if any could help that would be much appreciated 🤗 16 votes, 41 comments. Depends on gear and bonuses and level perks. I use the mod "Conan Exiles Savegame Manager". If I'm reading the doc below correctly, would the Warrior of Jhebbal Sag be the best option for a strength build archer? Thanks! Conan Thrall Stats - Updated A2C3 - Google Sheets 3 well-trained, corrupted authority, zombies are incredibly effective. Give your Thrall any piece of heavy armor with strength bonus. If 50 is too low, type in a 100. Using the War Party perk instead will kill bosses even faster though and allow you to level your thralls two at a time, so this is highly recommended. I saved a game just before my follower leveled to 10. Personally myself, I just mid max what I can and do "trial by fire" method with thralls. Exiles start with lower stats than others, but they do have high survival. Or 1572. Every. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! case that it betters their stats They gain grit per level - but that depends on each thrall type. I defended a base with two t4 level 20 exile fighters against a Frost Giant purge, and they survived. the OP is talking specifically about dmg multi, as if it puts those t4s on par with a dalinsia. They do have agility and strength damage bonuses and I believe they utilize them, however thralls are pretty bad with agility bases weapons, the only ones they are somewhat better with imo are whirlwind blades, Serpentes swords or war sickles, which is because they utilize the one handed axe combo set + the dual wield combo set, they do full combos and will kick thralls a decent amount which A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online We all value different treasure. Technically the T3s ironically have the potential for the highest final health rolls (each VIT point is worth a tad more), but the T4s are pretty darn good. 0. Cimmerian berserker does a lot of damage, but he also takes an eternity to level up, he’s a horrible thrall to farm (time wise speaking) I want something with a perfect balance, just like Beastmaster teimos before he got nerfed, he was easy to level up and a very deadly thrall You ned to be careful what you set them against until they have some levels on them and you get a sense for what they can handle. ) Your stats and point put into perks. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! The difference is that you really need 1/3 of your stats to go to Authority (the thrall stat) in order for your thrall to be good now, so it's a little more of a tradeoff. Single. Exiles not having named special pets like Spitah does is also extremely disappointing. Arena Champion, poison damage, and multiple 3skull rock bosses will hurt a Thrall significantly. com Conan Thrall Stats - Updated A2C3 Dec 11, 2019 · I spent this morning in single player spawning and updating a spreadsheet on google docs. They tend to grow more in survival as well, and less in usefull stats. if you're talking about getting a shitty t4 that you can level with, that's a There's no reason to use a T3 thrall for long unless whatever server you're playing on is terrible and has every good thrall spawn blocked off. The same enemies I aggro and take out all the time. Purge attackers don't have thrall stats as they are never supposed to be knocked out and converted at all which results in zero stats and zero growth chance. Once your thrall hits level 20, these percentages won’t matter and food is only for healing beyond that point. Bottom center, you'll get the spread of food the Thralls like. The spreadsheet has Base Health, HP per Point of Vitality, and Armor per Point of Agility all calculated. And maximize his chance to get more strength with gruel. 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. Hey all, I'm on ps4 and was spawning a bunch of the same fighter Thrall in to try and get some with good strength growth percents and now they are all spawning in with the same 40/40/40/40/40 spread. I'll echo that Sinner's Refuge and Supermeru are good thrall hunting places. The only variable is what food you give them, which gives different attributes a slightly higher percentage. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! but strong thrall is way more A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Newish player here. Darfari don't have blacksmiths or smelters outside of purge spawns, so you won't find any there. You can also have two thralls at once, while they won’t have boosted stats, it means mobs will kinda split up to target them. The only attribute any of them get any significant gains out of is vitality. Probably still get wrecked by arena champion, but so does every thrall build. docs. Top section is stats for a newly placed thrall. Arguably the best fighter thrall because of his massive hp gain per vitality. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Webs for my spider Thralls hp and damage is percentage based, everything has say about 40% hp and dam to start, depending on tier I II or III it gains another 10 20 or 30% but then they gain an additional percentage depending on race, asgarth mounds of the dead and then volcano are the top three not sure about desert and jungle thralls rankings, named thralls have a bonus 10-15% damage and that's all, so a If your doing a thrall build its best to go balls deep on thrall bonuses and accept the fact that you hit like a wet noodle yourself. 4% STR dmg bonus per STR point which is a killer on any decently rolled thrall. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman Simple suggestion, works for me. But they are fixed for the life of the thrall. Your Minerva now has 4890 vitality health bonus. The generic Relic Hunter Treasure Seeker is the best thrall in the game to get right now. ) 4. I could be wrong, but I think the highest dmg ranged thrall is still Amurath the Swift. If you have multiple thrall’s you can set them up outside to guard your base. Only exception is bearers. I use authority but I do war party instead of well trained so the thrall stats don't get the bonus. For example, if you have a thrall whose stats show Strength % growth at 56% and Vitality at 65% and you feed the thrall Gruel, the chances of the strength attribute increasing would now be 56% + 14% = 70%. Adjust the numbers how you see fit. Maybe even moreso than 2 well geared named fighters. A thrall can gain a point (or two) in all or some stats each level up (the attributes are independent of one another). Middle section is +20 to their base str and vit, and should reflect what an "average" thrall would be at level 20 Bottom section is +40 to base str/vit, and would be a god-tier lvl 20 thrall. The gear you put on thralls will be critical, and for pets, each type of pet is scaled a bit differently in terms of what their stats mean - that is, the same stats on bear, jaguar, and sabertooth translate to different absolute values relative to each other. Noss is just an exile faction thrall and not worth it for end game content. 4 more health for +40 vitality. HP stat is self explanatory. Fighters usually have balanced stats. All the volcano thralls while having a slightly better melee dmg modifier are impeded by their 0. If you are wondering just for the sake of it which thrall is strongest at level one in my opinion theres not much difference between a serker or named volcano thrall. Strength is the best stat on Thrall for pve. But I also keep 4 RHTS' to defend my base, plus a Daicas the Sharp and Lian. Archers sacrifice melee damage for higher ranged damage. 0 nerf to all thralls. Attribute percentages are assigned the very first time you place a thrall. 20 vit, 20 auth, 20 exp 19 corrupted auth, and corrupt vit as well to your preference. I am very confused how my Fighter spawned with archer stats. This is wrong non epic heavy armor crafted by t3 armorer will get your thrall easily in the 600-700 armor pts range (assuming 100pts of natural thrall armor due to their stats). It's the same for T3, though. It's like the armor stats go away the more armor I put on them. They vary per thrall. 1. Too many factors to put a ranking system on thralls. I love Berserkers A LOT. I mainly choose war party just to get thralls levelled up quickly for purge defense. There are all sorts of thralls. I have hidden the damage columns until we are able to get some actual values, since a percent by itself tells you absolutely nothing. Typically thralls are sorted by Tier (1-3 or gold, which is t4) , Faction (each faction will have different starting stats, the further north you go, the better the non-crafter thralls in general) and **Type (**fighter, entertainer, bearer or archer). But on the flipside, you can also just ignore thralls and make yourself a badass instead, which was a lot harder (imho) before 3. They literally start to die faster. Other stats can be boosted or nerfed anytime as well, as long as you have admin. That being said they are an exile thrall and afaik not a guaranteed spawn, so realistically if you want a lot of archers and are going to be hunting them down and not just spawning them in, you would just be fine getting more berserkers and using them as archers until you can slowly replace them with better A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online We all value different treasure. I just put the hyrkanian Raider set on my thrall. Let's say it's 40% after you put the salted pork in their inventory and force them to eat it you can go back and check and it will be somewhere in the 60% range. Should I just throw a bow on him? Can Fighter thralls use bows effectively? A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Webs for my spider On EL and looking at readily available thralls I think the best contenders is Colvric the blade. Cimmerian Berserkers can kill bosses in Unnamed City from the moment they come out of the wheel, even without the well-trained perk. Most players stick to gruel for ease of gathering and the obvious benefit of STR increase. As for the stats it's important to understand what the stats do for the thrall. Cimmerian Berserker hits harder but has less health, is easier to find, and is also more likely to get good stats. You’re better off with the previously suggested thralls, especially since the 3. ) Food fed to thrall for the additional percentage 2. I would say if you like using War Party then the highest modifier thrall you can get would be better because they won't get any bonuses from your attributes or gear so they are relying only on their own stats. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online I understand it’s just game design but I still find it funny how they don’t just up and leave A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) With good follower damage equipment and a thrall who already has high stats, the bonuses from 20 Authority result in around a 40% increase to DPS (tested thoroughly with a 30 strength RHTS). A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! depending on what food and stats Pretty good. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman Depending on the type of food you give them will affect their growth/stats potential. He will also have slightly better damage, but all bearers are nerfed SO hard it probably won't make much difference. His built in damage bonus is a little less than Dalinsia/Berserker etc but he still hits like a truck and can solo anything in game. I believe 'Aesir Warrior'is a Siptah only thrall. Looking your thrall up, if you were to get a perfect (which is impossible) +40 to a stat; 33% more damage for strength or agility with +40 points. type in a 20. The fighter version is the best fighter, with a huge wealth pool and a damage modifier of 0. Yes they shrink in size, but If you mass a few, you can cherry-pick the ones with the best stats and unemploy the ones that don't make the cut. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Health is not really important for a Thrall. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. the stats sheet proves that. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman Just wanted to put the info out there, but the best archers are in fact fighters. no high level npc's either. 88 which is double that of any T4 archer thrall from Relic Hunter faction and about 1. Thrall. ) Armor bonuses 3. This will give him roughly 55-60% DR. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… Yeah realistically anything with a 2. So if we want to go down the "sorcerers are weaker in flesh because they get to cast spells" road then they need some spells that only sorcerers with 15+ corrupted stats can cast, otherwise that whole argument That's sort-of true if you're trying to get the absolute maximum stats, but if you're just trying to fill your base with hard hitting static defenders the un-balanced Kurak's dungeon was great- especially considering all of the T4 thralls you'd wind up buying from traders during Age of Sorcery. Some thralls and pets will always be a better investment than others so you need to make peace with that first rather than try to make lets say a Gazelle be just as good/strong as a named Bearer thrall. General So, RHTS thralls are agility, so essentially, they’re all archers or use agility weapons regardless of their title of “fighter,” and HOTN thralls are purely strength so essentially they’re all melee regardless of their title of “archer. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Ideal stats for a thrall is typically something like 80%+ vitality, 70%+ strength, grit higher than agility, and agility as low as possible. Additionally, it has exactly half of this percentage chance to get +1 one more time, which can sometimes lead to getting +2 to a certain attribute per level A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. I even put additional adv plates There may be some bug with the stat growth - I'm fairly new to the game, and as such have only leveled a few thralls to level 20. You can find both at exile camps, so anytime you see 2 or 3 exiles by a bonfire, check them out and see if any are named (they rarely will be. You can google for a list of each factions main STATs for a general idea. If you divide the health bonus by the amount of vitality points you have you will see how many points your thralls get per point in vitality. Whatever floats your boat. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman Ideally I'd like to see each animal type be equally viable, but with different specials similar to equipping a thrall with different weapons (though there too I've seen, it boils down a select few). If 100 is too high. Dalinsia Snowhunter is more likely to get good stats, though. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world… The last perk in authority that grants extra stats to your thrall will be very useful to you at the moment, also points in authority make knocking out with a truncheon much easier. lvl 9. I think I have this right: Each level they gain, the percentage next to each attribute indicates the chance they gain a point in this stat when leveling up (the food they eat can improve these). there are no quality thralls in that river—that's the point. I was recently very excited because I found my first named "Fighter" thrall (Claw of Jhebbel Sag). ” The thrall has percentage chance (which is displayed) to get +1 to a certain attribute. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Confused about thrall stats and what weapons to give them. One of my T3 bearers received 2 vitality every single level up (started at 3, has 43 base vitality now before any perks are applied) and her stat growth was 88% base +14% from eating steak. So if you're looking for thralls to set up as an archer, you still want to go with Thugra/Cannibal and Ritualist as they have the absolute highest ranged damage modifier of any thralls even though they are a fighter at 2. Went in, leveled him, and he (fighter) got a perk that lowered his strength and raised his Survival skill. Look at bonus strength dmg at the bottom. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online My original Conan Exiles character art: Amazonian woman A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online We all value different treasure. 9x And I will once again state that HP mans so little on a Thrall, especially end game, where armor is the deciding factor in what Thralls can handle. They all scale damage stats pathetically poor. Lower HP progression as well, even with same Vit. As I thought that your stats influence damage output. It’s a spreadsheet containing most of the relevant stats of pretty much any humanoid follower thrall you could get. 2 modifier difference between the same type of thrall, which means that unless there's a gigantic difference in stats, the fighter will do more Jan 23, 2024 · Thrall Stats Spreadsheet. 0 or above can pretty much solo the game outside of a few select instances like you mention. There's always a T4 Exile faction thrall fighting komodo dragons. If your doing a thrall build its best to go balls deep on thrall bonuses and accept the fact that you hit like a wet noodle yourself. Cimmerian Berserkers are a good all around thrall though for starters. but if you look at all stats, it doesn't. Every thrall has two hidden damage multipliers, one for melee and one for ranged. Used Reinforced skellos gear for maximum thrall bonuses, also one of the best conc damage sets so no need to swap for thralling. Pretty much any thrall 98% of the game, will be just fine. (or pet) Always. Yet this time, they killed my thrall with no issue. That's a noticeable difference to be sure, and sounds impressive, but in practice I don't find it to be a meaningful increase. rbbm vlhbw soqzb omzo dili cymr jyey gbzxm vxbvo vgvy