Highest packrat score reddit. 2nd year PA-S starting clinicals within the next month.

Highest packrat score reddit. Just got my raw score (131) back for the packrat last week.

Highest packrat score reddit That puts the probability that a random program will have 100% pass rate in any given year around 0. your score doesnt really matter and school shouldnt take this metric seriously acording to the PAEA! Im sure your program will let you know what the scale is. Prob of passing 84% PANCE: 354 A pass is a pass and I am super grateful for mine! I took a month off after graduation to destress after PA school and started studying 4 weeks before my exam. Not sure if this is a good idea. Study hard for EORs and be intentional with learning on rotations. Packrat scores: (Did not study for both of them and kinda rush through entire exam (like under 2 hours for both) did not really care, although I wish I did at the time)* Didactic: 127 Clinical (at the end of clinical year during an elective): 149 EOR scores In order of taken: Women’s Health: 411 Family medicine: 452 PANCE = [PACKRAT x 5. I did fine on PANCE. it depends on the form you took but usually average is in the 130s. about it. Didactic PACKRAT 118 Clinical PACKRAT 144 End of curriculum 1512 PANCE 431 - First try. 83 Rosh: 55% done, 74% correct Projected score: 489 PANCE Score: 523 Used Rosh & PPP 2 weeks prior to the exam Not really. Its not a good predictor at all. Of the different versions, some are as low as a 355 minimum passing score and some are as high as a PACKRAT preclinical: 100 PACKRAT post clinical: 135 My EORs have all been 402-425 Coming off my EORs I’ve been optimistic about taking the PANCE but now after taking the PACKRAT I’m concern about my chances of passing the PANCE. I believe mine was a 151 in didactic (and I was not one of the top ones) and my class had 28/29 first time PANCE pass. I failed 3 exams and those were the scores that I had a 10% in. I wouldn’t sweat PACKRAT scores. Sorry I can see how that is confusing! I just took my didactic PACKRAT, but my didactic year score was on par with what the average score is for the clinical year PACKRAT. For example, the highest subject I scored on form A was derm and my lowest was Neuro. Any score above 150 is an excellent predictor. Conclusion After 9 years of remediating those students identified I always never felt "good enough". Track your FICO score not vantage score Fico is like SAT Vantage is like ACT score but in credit world, 99% banks use FICO SCORE. See full list on smartypance. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Dec 8, 2012 · My PACKRAT scores (I did 7 different versions) were no lower than 190 on each. This should give you an idea how to study for clinical year. hard work will pay off… My preclinical PACKRAT was 153 with me doing worst in EENT, ID and Derm (wasn’t surprising to me lol i hate them). Hope this helps and good luck to everyone!! I think you have the highest packrat score I've seen so far The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Focus on learning the material for your patients and you’ll see your packrat score improve greatly! You will do just fine! I know 150+ is “astronomically high odds of passing the PANCE” and 110 or lower shows you’ll probably fail the PANCE, but does anyone know where the “safe” zone is? Post clinical score of 140 (did not study for it) and I am freaking out, I take the PANCE in 13 days. With that said, I’d say it’s pretty accurate but definitely try to up your scores. I just need some more insight about which one would be the best overall to get the highest score possible, BOOSTER OR BOOTCAMP. I’m not sure what a good packrat score is but I scored a 144 this is pre clinical. PACKRAT National Comparative Data Raw score (score range of 0-225) EXAM VERSION TIME TO GRADUATION N MEAN SD; 27 > 10 Months to Graduation: 10,290: 134: 21: 27 < 10 I passed FAR with a 78 after logging a Ninja Trending score around 67. For reference, I studied for neither my end of curriculum packrat or summative exams and I scored 167 on the packrat and slightly into the “advanced medical knowledge” section for paea end of curriculum. Pance score= [PACKRAT x 5. 47 = 481. PACKRAT 2 would then tell us where we at. you have time to bring your score up. Thanks. 9 50 = 0. Unfortunately, I am not in the best academic standing and I am very upset. Experian. I NEED to ensure a high score. The questions were super long, and I almost ran out of time twice. I have a good friend who struggles with test-taking that had scores more similar to yours for the PACKRAT and EORs, and she just recently passed her PANCE! Being cautious, 150 is basically the average for clinical year packrat. Recently took pance two weeks ago and passed. I think I got a 138 or something on didactic and like a 150 on clinical and passed the PANCE by a good margin. Is the clinical year PACKRAT supposed to be harder in difficulty compared to didactic PACKRAT? I scored a 166 on didactic PACKRAT but we had a PANCE review course the same week. Use score report from packrat to guide you on weak areas Here to give hope and boost confidence in people like me. I'm really going to try to kick it in gear these last two weeks. I started studying the week after classes ended, studied for 5-6 weeks. So, the same person can get a 240 one day, 220 on another, and 260 on a third. It’s just a number. My internal med rotation was so slow that I was able to do a ton of practice questions and that was my best score. IMO, what the program told you is the correct route. You gotta take that score with a grain of salt. Both the PANCE and PACKRAT are summative exams that change content every year. 15, and . I am a soon-to-graduate PA student and I am taking the PANCE in early February. My PACKRAT at the end of clinical year: 152 (YIKES) Packrat 1: 111 Packrat 2: 149 Lowest EOR: 380 Highest EOR: 418 Average EOR: ~402 NCCPA Summative: could not take due to COVID restrictions in my state. It’s more helpful to look at the specific topics you scored low (my cutoff was sub 50th percentile). Ethics is solid, my Individual Tax scores are around 80, as that's my occupation, and Business Entities is around 68-70. B's PAC (PACKRAT Analysis Calculator)! This is a free tool to help you prioritize your study time for the PANCE. Don’t worry about this packrat and don’t focus on your GPA. Step1 at least is notoriously wide individual score banding though (from what I've heard and read). Thus, students and programs should use caution comparing second-time test takers to the national averages. Take that as you will. A very very disappointed . Ironically, my strongest subject throughout clinical EORs was Neuro and close second was cardio. Rotations will teach us a lot for sure and will fill in the gaps. Look to score in the 150s on the post clinical PACKRAT (I think the average generally hovers around 150-160s) and >1500 on EOC (avg ~1510-1520). So when we took the PACKRAT yesterday, I was very very afraid. The percent of people who fail first time taking the PANCE is <10%. -PACKRAT 1: like a 114, put no effort into it and did not study -PACKRAT 2: 141 which I heard puts you at low borderline passing. StatPearls (NCBI bookshelf) is also a great resource to look up specific diseases every now and then. 47 Here's a formula that gives you an estimate of how you would do on the PANCE based on your PACKRAT score by the PAEA. I've seen people with 130s score higher than me on PANCE and people with 170s barely pass the PANCE. com get a free account 2. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. And congratulations!!! I’m about a month away from taking the PANCE and have been doing PPP and Rosh (occasionally SP). 6 I studied only using PPP and Rosh. Some people slacked off after eoc bc they had high score and failed pance. Either way a score of 158 is good and should definitely be considered passing. Rosh: 86% correct. Packrat scores: Did not study for both of them and kinda rush through entire exam (like under 2 hours for both) did not really care, although I wish I did at the time) Didactic: 127 Clinical (at the end of clinical year during a derm elective): 149 PAEA EOR scores in order of taken: Women’s Health: 411 Family medicine: 452 to go this far in PA school only to have the PACKRAT rip you a new one? I want you to give up this mindset. It shut me down. this score really boosted my confidence so studying was a lot less stressful knowing I had a good correlating packrat score. You'll be perfectly fine based on your post clinical packrat and this score. I felt terribly about my test taking skills… My pance score was within two points of my rosh predicted score, I completed about 30% of the questions, and was consistently scoring ~70% on my 60 question test mode blocks. UWorld: amazing and well worth the money (much better than rosh IMO) for question difficulty and stamina. Yes there is a form that is in the high 160s but as far as i know its a post clinical packrat form. How much would be decent goals for company trial exams such as MAV, insight, heffernan, neap and kilbaha to get a 40 or a 45??? My rosh score average is 63% with 42% completed. I was scoring 70-78% on the EORs (370-390), my highest was 405 in IM. I have heard dat destroyer and math destroyer are great as well as chads videos. It stands to reason that a poor score on the packrat would correlate to a poor score on the PANCE. 9 Which means that if you fail PANCE with PACKRAT of 154, you'll be in the . We didn’t have an end of didactic PACKRAT - only an end of clinical year PACKRAT. I wouldn’t spend money on UWorld unless you really think you need it. I want to get the best score possible but would really like to not have to buy both. I am using Rosh Review as my primary study modality. We took our end of didactic PACKRAT recently and I scored 165. PANCE: 491 (middle of bell curve) I personally found the 4-6 weeks study breakdowns very daunting and overwhelming. These were a . minimum to pass was 1400, National avg 1495. If you stopped studying right now, you’d probably still pass. I have my EOC next month. You are just beginning. Additionally if anyone has any insight into preparing for the PANCE when your packrat score was high I'm trying to determine how much money to invest into test prep. Welcome to Dr. 47 = 550. It's difficult to compare though, because each test is scored in a different way. I found the PACKRAT to be a gauge of pass/not pass. PA programs have around 50 students per class. 115 –> 187! I took the post-didactic year packrat exactly 1 year ago and scored a 115. I think some schools will look to get students with a sub-130 score some extra help before their certification exam. So, my question for you all is what can I do to get that score up? Pharm has always been my weakness, and I have yet to find a way to make it stick. 33 correlation between test components. PANCE pass rate is around 90%. I got a 34 the first try but after doing more practice modules and questions, my second attempt my score was 74. Reply reply A week before my scheduled test, despite doing well on Packrat and other stuff, I ended up rescheduling. Did not study, but after a year of EOR exams, was naturally more prepared. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. 14, . Program didn't share what the average was when we took it but online it shows the posting for April 2023 and avg was 148. For the first attempt after didactic year, not studying and finding your score/missed topics are a GOOD spot to show you what subjects/topics/areas you need to study and focus on. I used PPP and ROSH. People pass it with below those scores but this should be a wake up call that you need to get a solid study schedule together to make sure that your in good shape for the PANCE. Once you get into the 150s or higher you are pretty damn set. PANCE = [PACKRAT x 5. PAEA End of Curriculum = 1674 (out of 1800) PANCE = 694. 74] - 287. I passed all my EORs (they make their own) in the 75-80% range. When you get a loan, or want to get one they ask three thing. My cohort took PACKRAT 1 yesterday and we were told that students used to get results instantaneously, but because of the new exam software, they don't know when we should expect results. However; any score above 130 is a good predictor of PANCE passage. I ended up getting a 130 but I have no clue how. Below are my scores for reference: Post-didactic PACKRAT = 178. Maybe reset the qbank and see how you score with 60-question exams on test mode. End of didactic Packrat: 198 EOC: 1531 IM: 416 EM: 441 FM: 437 Peds: 425 WH: 459 Surg: 427 Psych: 428 GPA: 3. 47 My results using calculator: [134 x 5. There is no tangible benefit over 760 FICO 3. Personally I would not worry too much about the packrat. packrat 2 was 192 and pance was 580~ Also look at the report make sure you learn about your weak points, that the entire point if pre clinical packrat! I also took the PACKRAT yesterday and when I tell you I didn’t know wtf that was. Basically it is going to come down to my ROSH summative and PACKRAT scores. The PACKRAT is difficult and not wholly analogous to the PANCE. Thank you for sharing your stats!! It definitely helps seeing more realistic average scores. I scored 151 didactic 153 clinical and scored a 551 on the PANCE. I was an A/B student throughout PA school. As such, a raw PACKRAT score of 120 equals 401. 179 on your first PACKRAT is ridiculously high. r/Lionbridge was created to share experiences of working from home for TELUS International (formerly Lionbridge). My program offers a deceleration but I really do not want to do that. Hi all, we got our end-didactic packrat scores back and I just wanted to see where I should expect to be at after finishing didactic year? I’m worried that my score doesn’t really match or that I guessed on a lot. PACKRAT I: 99 (eek) FM: 394 I think most programs use PACKRAT as pre-clinical and post-clinical assessments of your preparedness for PANCE. Post clinical Packrat: 148 ROSH: correct: 66%. 5%, and there are 150-200 programs nationally, so every year you'd expect a couple of programs to have 100% pass rate just by chance. There are people who were posting about being worried about passing the PANCE with ridiculously high PACKRAT scores. If you’re willing put in more of the time and effort, you will see an improvement. Average EOR = 475. Uworld 47% finished with a 67% overall correct Pance was 394 (I didn’t do any content review tho so that was my mistake). I wouldn’t sweat it. You are at the end of didactic and have gone through 12-15 months of high emotional stress. Literally the way my program gives us a grade is by counting the missed topics shown on the bottom of your score sheet the ones that are like "diagnostic studies: aortic stenosis" or whatever. Income Expenses ( other liability - rent, debts) Credit Score So my particular PA school uses the PACKRAT to determine if students are ready to take the PANCE or not at the end of clinical year (this is new and… I've heard that a 35/40 in exam 1 and 70/80 in exam 2 roughly equates to a 40 study score in methods, and a 39-40/40 in exam 1 and 72ish/80 in exam 2 would be near a 45 study score. May 30, 2015 · Per NCCPA (see paragraph three) the highest reportable score on the PANCE is 800; maybe in 2011/2012 scoring was different. I got a 98 and my imposter syndrome and defeat is through the roof. But at the end of the day, your score doesn’t define you. I’m taking it in 9 days and I am focusing on high yield. To the point, thorough, and current. Please note: this subreddit is for pre-meds seeking information on osteopathic medical schools, osteopathic medical students, and osteopathic physicians that operate in the United States and abroad. For that reason + my mentality I rescheduled. PPP is good to read through, especially his tables. If you didn’t score what you wanted to, use it as a wake up call and pump those rookie numbers up! Didactic Packrat: 135 Clinical Packrat: 141 PANCE: 429 Keys for me: 1). 57 I have gathered scores from several people (their PACKRAT & PANCE scores) ran the numbers and generally speaking this calculation has overshot the actual PANCE scores by about 100 points. Packrat: 154 (they considered 156 passing, but we were not required to "pass" for graduation so I pretty much took this with 0 studying) OSCE: pass Program specific final: Pass (they did not give out scores) EOC: 1518 (studied for a week using the Packrat to help guide my topics. PACKRAT scores reflect the number correct out of 225 and the percent of questions answered correctly compared to first-time PACKRAT takers. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Not sure why your school has such a high standard. Provide 8 practise exams for therapyed, scorebuilder and PEAT. ) Your score is within 1 STD of the mean for the current PACKRAT. You’ll do great!! I would agree with most people that uworld over 65% correlates with passing, obvi not high scores but still, a pass is a pass! PACKRAT post Didactic: 111 EORs Scores: Internal Med: 385 EM: 383 Peds: 373 Family: 414 ObGyn: Failed the first time, 383 remediation Psych: 378 Surgery: 420 EOC: Failed the first time, Remediation passed ( our school used Rosh Summative Evaluation which a passing score was 52%) I got a 57% Rosh Practice average: 63-64% EOR Scores (in order of my clinicals) Gen Surgery - 408 Family Med - 375 Pediatrics - 405 Women’s Health - 388 Mental Health - 416 Internal Med - 423 Emergency Med - 425 Pre-Clinical PACKRAT - 138 Clinical PACKRAT - 154 EOC - 1470 I’ve only been using ROSH (avg around 50-60’s) and SmartyPance for the EORs. Great score for packrat 1, obv. Average EOR exam score: ~420s (min 390, max 440) Post-didactic PACKRAT: 135 Post-clinical PACKRAT: 170 I did about half of Rosh with predicted PANCE 507 (I started it early clinical year) Did about half of UWorld. I’m worried that I may not do as well because of clinical knowledge now and also not having as much time to prepare because of clinical rotations/burn out. Great baseline score overall! For me Packrat 1 was 158. so if you have 15 of those listed you get an 85 which I think is not exactly a great way to score these. Packrat scores are based on the number of questions correct out of 225; PANCE scores are based on a mean and scores are based off of that. My summer term for PA school was pretty bad. Help your fellow Redditors crack the electrical code. com Oct 2, 2017 · My limited experience is that for students whom can score at 70% or higher at 2nd PACKRAT close to graduation will have a high likelihood of passing PANCE. I have done fairly well on the PAEA EOR exams (85+) and the PACKRAT (145 on the first PACKRAT, 198 on the second PACKRAT a year later, scoring in the 90+ percentile in almost every category). Second packrat score was 146. Post-clinical PACKRAT = 188. We just had our pre-clinical PACKRAT and I absolutely bombed it. 174 it told me that during clinical year I learned a TON. Unless it’s for a course grade or a graduation requirement to score a certain score, I wouldn’t really study for PACKRAT unless it’s for your personal desire. Study says that if your 2nd PACKRAT is 154 or higher, there is a 99% you will pass. Point of packrat is to show you your weak areas so you can focus on those. PACKRAT scores anecdotally (maybe someone has a source) do correlate with PANCE success IMO. (Obviously I know you can’t rely on a standardized exam but all your other scores look solid too) I’m taking the PANCE as soon as I can after graduation. What can I do to better prepare for when I take the PANCE a little over a year from now? Any tips would be very much appreciated! :) TL;DR:Just took PACKRAT exam and scored 122, was told not to prepare for the exam and have not had endocrine or Nephrology yet. Business Law and Property Transactions are my weak areas. Then, I simulated 10,000 tests with correlations that were roughly consistent with the correlation between test scores reported in the January 2021 FSOT scores reported in the Reddit Google Sheet which tracks FSOT scores. Packrat score Hey everybody I’m an average pa student like straight B’s a couple As here and there and 2 Cs. If anyone is wondering, the rest of my topics were anywhere from 40-60s. This boosted my The mean PACKRAT score of the students who failed the PANCE was 110 ±12. I've listed my scores in order that I took them. I didnt study dedicated for the 1st or 2nd packrat and still improved a lot over clinical year. If I do not score with my peers, I will have to decelerate. I scored a 146 but some of my section scores were below the >10 month percentages. I did practice questions from LANGE Q & A, USMLE Step 2, Kaplan pance prep, used study guides like Van Rhee, Kaplan, USMLE Steps 2 and 3, Emory Review course DVD, USMLE Step 2 videos (all of them), the study guide from the 5 day CME course (i didnt take the course though, but I bought the binder from someone else The PAEA has a long explanation of how to interpret your score. There are multiple versions of the PANCE and a passing score is considered anything two standard deviations below the mean and above. Use the results as a roadmap of where you need improvement. Keep doing ROSH. That was pleasant. Below 127, 99% fail. Nervous about the Pance-packrat scores My highest packrat was 140 and I passed pance Try to stay consistent with studying and maintain a positive trend with your EORs (score at least above the national average). I will say that I got 1 point under national average on WH, but well above average on most. PEAT: Scored 140/200 (136/200) PEAT practise: Scored 155/200 (154/200). I know that scores >131 on the PACKRAT tend to fair well on the PANCE but wondered if there was any correlation between PACKRAT scores and EORs? I purchased Rosh and PPP but wondered if there was anything else I could The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Here's another successful PANCE score post! These posts eased my anxiety leading up to taking the exam, so I will share mine. It is very hard. All of these scores are viewed pretty differently in terms of competitiveness, but the student hasn't actually Packrat 1 (Dec 2023)- 178 Packrat 2 (Feb 2024)- 197 since they switched the exam software, I do not have a majority of the raw scores for the EORs, just number grades that my school gave us on a composite exam score report. I think historically it's been about 20 points or so. I think a >133 PACKRAT is considered a “very strong” predictor of success on the PANCE. I scored 533 last time without studying hard, but this time I studied for three months without working and I know I worked really hard. My pas2 class has recently taken its second packrat, and while we were told the national average I was wondering if there was more data - maybe a score curve or percentiles. So keep studying and you will be fine. I never took any notes in school, didn't pay for ROSH, UWORLD, or any other question Bank. I'm not the best test taker and I didn't experience test anxiety until that first EORE. 1%. I took the packrat today and am curious as to how it went - definitely not quite used to taking tests that are 225 questions long! 191 on Packrat 1, 200 on Packrat 2. My school says a 140 or higher on the packrat correlates pretty well with passing the PANCE. PACKRAT: post clinical- 2 days before graduation. Use that as a guide along with the PANCE blueprint during your studying in clinical to elevate your PACKRAT score. Passing score is 350 out of 800. PACKRAT scores were analyzed to identify a score that would indicate those students at risk of failing the PANCE. I got 186 on my final PACKRAT and passed comfortably. 33 as a predicted PANCE score. Just got my raw score (131) back for the packrat last week. (Your program, if they have someone who is good at data science, could probably make such a tool. There are formulas floating around out there, but they were never validated. 47. Predicted score: 471. As for a formula to predict, don't bother. I still hadn’t reviewed high yield sections for the exam and because of this I personally felt panicked to the point where I was “panic-studying” aka not retaining. Everyone receives different exams, it’s hard to compare one persons experience to another. Results Students with scores of 145 or lower were identified as a risk after the completion of clinical rotations. Only a handful of my peers studied. I can think of two times (pharm) where I got high Cs. I am taking my PANCE in 30 days. I do have: FM- 447 Your EOR and post clinical packrat scores are better than mine. . Has anyone took PACKRAT recently (with the "SecureClient" lockdown browser) and can give some insight on when you got results back? In the end my highest practice score on BC for RC was 24, but if I’m being honest I averaged around a 20/21 and I ended up with a 21 on my real test. My Uworld average is 65% with 43% completed, and I start this 1 month ago. I would appreciate any advice or anyone else’s stories with PACKRAT scores vs PANCE PACKRAT 1 (after didactic year, right after a 2 week break in which they told us to "not study for any circumstances as this test does not count, we are just gauging your current knowledge" aka I sped through the test, did ZERO studying, and you can imagine how that turned out) = 100 Needless to say, I was kinda bummed about my score; I received a 122. <10th percentile on the packrat is like <120 and <25th percentile is <135, so realistically you're safe being that close to the mean. Just do a lot of Packrat practice tests and read PANCE Prep Pearls in your spare time. My program has done some statistical analysis regarding the correlation of various factors to PANCE pass rates - EOR exams, PACKRATs (didactic and clinical year), didactic GPA, undergrad GPA, etc. You are ok. Anything beyond that doesn't seem to correlate from what I've seen. 69 My results using calculator: [146 x 5. Cuz I didn’t know crap. PACKRAT would be similar so i definitely wouldnt use eoc as a guide to study for pance. When you look back, you'll realize it was only 12-15 months. Is that PACKRAT score a cause for concern, or do I just need to reevaluate my strengths/weaknesses and tailor my studying to those? He once posted his EOR scores all above 450+ and his packrat scores and ask how likely he’d pass the pance or something like that LMAOO Reply reply More replies More replies More replies More replies What was your PAKRAT score ( at the end of the clinical year) and PANCE score and how did you do in your PANCE? My PAKRAT raw score 158 ( total 225 questions), which is 69%. Thoroughly read the rules before creating any post. Study Methods: If my rotations was especially busy like surgery then I would end up skipping this step because I simply didn't have time and got my 2nd lowest score but it was also my first rotation. Didactic Year PACKRAT: 115 Clinical Year PACKRAT: 160 EORs: We used PAEA EORs and I passed all of them (above average), and was below average for psychiatry. 0). View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. My EOR scores were pretty high BUT had the trend of those score percentiles improving because i was focusing on those topics. The idea is for you to enter your PACKRAT performance in Preclinical packrat: 100 Postclinical packrat: 136 EORs: All in the range of 390-405 lol EOC: 1470 Pance: 420 GPA: 3. Average for post clinical is like 150-159. Overview. Long story short, I did a lot better than I thought I would and I was terrified I would fail the PACKRAT. Average for post didactic PACKRAT is like 130-139. My EOR scores: averaged an 87% (lowest was an 80% - first one, internal medicine) All of our EORs were PAEA exams. ~72% correct (started one month before PANCE) PANCE score 510. Any advice going into exam day? Clinical PACKRAT should be around 145 to be on track to pass the PANCE. 150+ is very high success rate for Lots and lots of practice questions. I would take it asap and not in the two day span. Our class did that consistently and we have a 5 year 100% first time pass rate going It used to be that a PACKRAT score over 140 is equivalent to passing the PANCE although I think the PACKRAT average has been increasing recently so not sure if/how that affects anything. What are the possibilities for high gap score be the reason for withheld? Welcome to /r/Electricians Reddit's International Electrical Worker Community aka The Great Reddit Council of Electricians Talk shop, show off pictures of your work, and ask code related questions. I spent a lot of time on here looking up scores and opinions for each EORE and of course the EOCE and PANCE. It did help me feel a lot better (most of the time). I have never reset this so it does have my performance from my entire clinical year. Remediation to strengthen knowledge deficits was implemented for those with scores of 145 or lower. The PAEA certainly could, but has not. A lot of that was due to my score in therapeutics, which was abysmal. I developed PACKRAT Analysis Calculator for my students and after positive feedback, I decided to make it available to everyone through my website. Was 13 4 when I took it Aug 2022. The EOC is basically the same length as the packrat or longer and you will be fried taking those exams back to back. In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I did 100% of Rosh and ended up with 80% correct and a 90% chance of passing with a score of 480. It did not help to see the competitive perfectionists complain about getting a (high) B on 1 exam and I am over here trying to survive (literally since I need to keep a 3. If you just accept that you have been working your ass off 2nd year PA-S starting clinicals within the next month. Rosh and PPP mostly. jpegi ehxwkf kyelrw lwzomqiq egyxkn bave lacgc kqdwsj dlobvv otxeg