Istj likes and dislikes This function also has to do with tastes, likes and dislikes, and personal values. ISTJ's and INFP's have the same cognitive functions, but in a different order, so they can compliment each other in a way. Again, such as the pound of feather/steel guy. They might be dramatic by making up a song to make people laugh, or doing something crazy and shocking like cliff diving. I could argue actually that every type can find some reason to put as a dislike toward any other type. They’ll go out of their way to be around you, text you, or stand closer to you. Here is a list of common likes and dislikes you may have about a place. If we’ve started to fall for someone we know, it’s usually at least in part due to the information we’ve organically come across. Jan 26, 2023 · Asking simple like and dislike questions allows a person to share in a safe way. ISTJ [M] here. You’ll never see an ISTJ having a fling or a casual affair. However, if I have a crush on someone, I remember details about them that they might have said in passing. Like Practical . Read more on ISTJ vs. So, to give you some backstory, we met back in 5th grade and he was very shy and awkward and would sometimes follow me around and we would talk sometimes about comic books or about psychology (he used some big words so I never really understood what he was talking about as a kid. Joined Oct 16, 2020 · 21 Hobbies for the ISTJ Personality Type 1. INTJ here. Nov 9, 2019 · Everyone likes to spend some time with friends. Hi, I’m an infp 9w1 and there is this istj I’ve known since elementary school. ISTJ Links. They like to know what to expect and what (or whom) they can count on. They definitely dislike if a stranger is invading their personal space, simply because that appears rude and disrespectful to the ISTJ. They grow impatient with long-term strategy or complex position papers. what I think must be the problem is just they are not open people in general. Wiring of the Type. However, there are a few reasons why some individuals may not resonate with ISTJs:< Understanding the ISTJ personality type is essential in recognizing the signs that an ISTJ guy likes you. Although dating an ISTJ may be difficult initially, once they open up to you, they’ll stand by you through thick and thin. What ISTJs Do When They Like You. ISTJ. Laughter that probably indicates a lack of interest is bolder, more indifferent seeming. in some ways estj could also be describes as similar but I personally wouldn't refer to them for this question. Unless something is "just so" I don't like it. If you want to tell your istj you like how you feel, it is best to just do so in a direct genuine way, i think. INFP-like: beautiful creativity. If you have ADHD like me is quite possible to fall on both sides cause we gather a lot of information, and can spend hours learning about the things we dont understand and we like to learn as much as possible, as well as having the ability to see the whole picture, so for me i would say i am an ISTJ when i work but more like INTJ when i start Sure, if I like you. ISTP : Big risk taker, seeks novelty and sensations, get bored easily, dislike commitment, present focused, acts then improvise. Jul 1, 2020 · Like the blind men and their elephant, a collective understanding brings us closer to the truth. Your ISTJ will be able to relax and practice some self-care. As an ISTJ, responsibility is rarely a burden to you. This is based on experience with a few ESTJs so I am not saying they are all like this. Take your time. Jan 30, 2024 · 5-Minute Likes Dislikes Exercise. Si inferior can make you fearful about the current situation or past, especially when you are not balancing it with a positive Ne outlook. Do it in such a way that they are under no obligation to immediately form a reply. It makes us feel like we’re in control of the situation. Truth is you can’t really know. If I don't like the other person then the answer would be no though. They rely on facts and figures so they can do their best at any given task. They often have strong likes and dislikes when it comes to food, music, the way their house is set up, etc. We like solutions and understanding, we like thinking about new ideas, and in order to manage all this, we also like lists. Here are five specific stereotypes attributed to the ISTJ personality that probably don’t apply to you…. Like all other things in life, ISTJ relationships last till the end. Like facts. B. My ISTJ husband is naturally skeptical of things that are popular, to the point of outright not liking things because it is popular. *If you wanted an organized list, I am so sorry, because it probably not what this is. He warns them to weigh the risks, and not rush into anything. - ISTJ: So far ISTJ has been the type I've gotten on with the least. If she tells you things like “I am mercurial” and “I change my mind quickly” - fucking listen to what she is saying and take your rose colored glasses off. For Yeah that definitely sounds more like an ENFP. They can be as simple as your favorite foods or as complex as your core values and beliefs. And like them. They tend to dislike sudden changes, theorizing about multiple possibilities, or focusing entirely on abstract possibilities. Jun 15, 2018 · Here are nine things most people of the ISTJ personality type hate. ISTJ means Introverted (I), Sensing (S), Thinking (T), and Judging (J). Dec 16, 2024 · The Pursuit of Proximity: When an ISTJ Likes You. "The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing… Can be harsh and insensitive (to some people's standards, at least - not me). *Will be updated and if y… Nov 5, 2016 · Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join Jul 20, 2024 · Welcome to /r/ISTJ! This SubReddit is open to all MBTI types! You can choose a flair to show us your type. 21K subscribers in the ISTJ community. It’s extremely important for these types to get time alone to think, reflect, and dive into their imagination. On So Syncd, these personality matches are considered ‘golden pairs’ because they have just the right amount of similarities to understand each other and just the right amount of differences to create that spark. Relationships are very important for them, and they dislike interpersonal conflict. ISTJ relationships are all about honesty, trust, and commitment. Psychologically, they’re shaped by your experiences, upbringing, and even your environment. MBTI is slightly arbitrary to the point where it makes common grey areas seem black and white. The personality type has the tendency to be dependable and systemic, also they make sure they work within a clear process and system. Or the policeman about when his first hostage negotiation fell through. As such, if an ISTJ consistently seeks your company, it's an undeniable sign an ISTJ likes you. "The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire… What we like and dislike can depend on so many factors like our genes, particular experiences, the people who raised us, our peers, influencers, our environment, and our emotions. They aren't particularly classified as dumb, shallow or narrow minded like most of sensors However most of people here seems to be Ne-users, so conservative and protective nature of ISTJ can be undervalued by types who prefers creativity, innovation and exploration, for them ISTJ will fall as easily the most normie and boring type Jun 2, 2012 · ISTJs- likes & dislikes? [INFJ] Jump to Latest 21 - 24 of 24 Posts. ISFJ. What I don't like is if they are critical over tiny details, if they shout at me or if they are so rigid and can't be more imaginative. The love of my life, and boyfriend, is an INTP, and I am an ISTJ. What are some things you like/dislike about the game besides the usual cafeteria/more wallpaper stuff? "The MBTI assessment identifies people as one of 16 MBTI personality types. ISTJ Personality Profile - A good description of the ISTJ type, with attributed strengths, weaknesses, and a list of famous ISTJs. The ISTJ I like is one of my best friends and he's extremely open with me. Sep 1, 2017 · So, but now, let us assume, that there is now a new ISTJ, someone who likes my interest, has not bullied me as child ^^, is at my level of niveau, with similar interests, and who wants to have conversations with me, without talking about my deep feelings They like to work with clear processes, tend to stick with what works, and usually learn from their mistakes. 1 2. Very straightforward and direct,dislikes social niceties. For the ISTJ, security and consistency is the ideal. I thinks that's really important in any relationship that each person learns as much as they can about the other, likes and dislikes. Si likes something that is familiar, and when something new comes up like a fad, it is compared to what the ISTJ is used to in the past. Sep 7, 2022 · Here is an overview of ISTJ's strengths and weaknesses. Was friends with my older sister and didn't like me at all (probably because I hung out with her adopted younger sister, who she didn't like). Value personal autonomy. Jun 24, 2022 · Ask an ISTJ who is used to only getting “A” grades in school what that first “F” felt like. Will glare at you until you clean his litter box. Reserved and private, ISTJs will try to break out of their shell more if they like you. What are the easiest ways to distinguish ISTJ from ISTP? Jul 4, 2018 · The ISTP personality type is driven by a strong desire to solve problems in concrete ways. A good day is one in which she checks most of the items off her list. This tendency is influenced by their Extroverted Thinking (Te) function, leading them to prefer direct actions in their pursuit of relationships. For example, some common likes are hobbies and interests you might already partake in, like gardening, playing a I am an ISTJ and I feel like I shouldn't speak for all ISTJs, but here's what I do. The ISTJ draws their energy from within and so boisterous environments with lots going on will distract them from the task, and the ISTJ does not like to be distracted. In addition, he gives specific detailed instructions, and dislikes abstract questions that leave interpretation to others. Dec 6, 2023 · Won't eat unless the kitchen floor is newly waxed. And yeah, my dad will occasionally annoy me, but he's never really acted like he dislikes me or looks down on me. " It is important to note that not everyone dislikes ISTJs, and people's preferences and opinions can vary greatly. Feb 10, 2017 · <-- ISTJ to the core and I stand out like nobody's business. but even with that I wear conservative jewelry at work and save my larger pieces for off-times). g. ISTJs dislike fanciness, be that in clothes or the interior. The wiring of the ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) type is methodical, detail-oriented, and focused on practical execution. We’ve been together for 6 years. What are some clubs you'd want to see? Anyway in general I absolutely love TPC and am looking forward to the spooky DLC. I have many, many, many rules, but he rolls with it. I mean, sure me and my friend occasionally annoy each other to the point where we stopped hanging out for like a year. Yes, we want a relationship that is trusting, but it takes a long time for us to build it. when it comes to hobbies, likes and dislikes and what we want out of life in general, then isfjs are most similar because of Si first. Other clubs I'd like: art club, gym bro club, music club, self-care club. Likes to scratch; and it's the same place over and over, so you'd better get a scratching post right away if you want to keep your furniture. They dislike chaos and ambiguity, preferring to create systems that bring structure and predictability to their lives and the lives of those around them. It might be a good idea to establish early boundaries as to what neither of you really like and dislike, as well as things that you like doing, what you expect of a relationship and find a balance between that. Less so, though. While my clothing isn't bright (have been working on that; today I have a teal blouse on with black pants and a wide black headband) I stand out in other ways; I have 16 piercings above-the-neck and only one I keep hidden at all times. The ISTJ can scold and seem negative, but they are the person who knows the facts, and everyone appreciates that. I did have an ESTJ boss once and our biggest difference was that they like to work for the sake of work, whereas I like to get things done so I don't have to work long hours. ISTJs tend to be reserved and private individuals. Like many ISTJs, my wife keeps a long list of chores and projects she wants to accomplish. This isn't always malicious, in fact the obliviousness an be quite endearing sometimes. Doubt I ever really will be. At the same time, they also consider the effects of their decisions on other people. N. Jan 13, 2019 · ISTJ reminds me of INTP in terms of their usefulness. I want to understand if his behavior is related to the ISTJ mindset, or if he is just a backstabbing a**hole. Don't settle. I like to dress comfy so I dislike jeans and wear a lot of sweatpants. They conflict with types more attracted to complexity such as the INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, and ENFJ. I'm an ISTJ E 1w9 My mom is an INFJ E 9w8 and while she and I miscommunicate frequently, it isn't a hube hindrance as at our cores, we have similar motovations. Jun 29, 2014 · ESTPs look for the shortest line between two points and dislike complicating anything that could be easy. Here are some signs that an INTP likes you: 1. However they have some pros and cons, it’s important to understand more about personality. The pic each time was of an anime g Dec 15, 2016 · ISTJ. But I have read a romantic manwha (Genre: Action, Historical, Romance, Fantasy, Isekai) and I liked it, not bad. The Scorpio man likes dependability. It’s random to ask about people’s likes and dislikes now? Those anime characters are ISTJs why do you hate them? Edit: a couple of ISTJs were triggered by me adding a pic to go along with a post so that it’s not just text only. When you actually listen , you can start hearing when a person begins to relax. In contrast to the INFP whose Fi is more powerful than their Si, the ISTJ will be more selective with their tastes, likes and dislikes, and personal values. INTJ. If you’re wondering whether an ISTJ likes you or not, here are some signs to look out for: 1. ” Jan 22, 2018 · What Happens When an ISTJ Likes You. Nov 7, 2024 · What Are Likes and Dislikes? At their core, likes and dislikes are personal preferences—things you naturally gravitate toward or shy away from. This is something that your ISTJ will surely want and appreciate. They care about how others feel, and they aim to be compassionate. Dislikes dependent people Wants a lot of privacy and personal space,dislikes intrusions or external obligations being forced on them. But for INFPs, too much of a good thing can leave them stressed, overwhelmed, and more critical than usual. If you really love him, you can initiate by providing the hint such as physical touches (e. Has Aspergers and is not very socially confident, though doesn't "show weakness". In fact, it’s just more proof that you’re the right person for the job. INFJ. We obsessively hunt for details about you. ISTJ Relationships. And tolerate them. Use novel approach. Some of the things I list here may resonate with you. Sep 5, 2019 · Every ISTJ is different, but here are nine things I love about the ones in my life. dislike: bossiness ISTJ-like: straightforwardness. One of my best friends is an ISTJ. I like color too, but I prefer black. They dislike showy things; their homes — like their clothes — are typically plain, neat, and orderly. Apr 15, 2020 · The ISTJ. The longest serving get the top roles. Doing a sloppy job. Like schedules / goals. ISTJs are loyal, dependable, and practical individuals who take their obligations seriously. Feb 21, 2023 · ISTJs are routine-oriented and do best when they have a plan so they know what to expect. He listens to me (even when I'm being emotional/irrational) and makes a lot of effort to try to affirm my emotions before offering advice. Usually things I have rules about like the right way to load the dishwasher, the right way to keep the laundry room, traffic rules, etc etc he says he doesn't place importance on those things anyway so the fact that I like to do them the most efficient way isn't an I would agree with you til I met one ISTJ and one ESTJ in real life and it turned out they became my best friends. And we will expect you to be Jun 29, 2014 · Many people in an organization value the ISTJ for being the glue that holds the organization together. INTP/ISTJ are always there to draw my attentiveness to more precise things/details that have saved my ass in different ways. They are observant and attentive to your needs. Any type can like and or dislike any other type, for various reasons. If you have the ISTJ personality type, it’s highly likely that you: Like to plan rather than act spontaneously (Judging). Instead of bluntly saying the “cold, hard truth,” they will often try to be tactful. Oct 3, 2015 · ISTJs may laugh if they like you, but it will in that case be very silly, warm, maybe shy, engaged laughter. Realistic and practical. Sep 14, 2017 · Ne-users like to project about what “could be” a great deal. A letter or email would probably do the trick. Apr 9, 2019 · INTJs like order, we like having a plan; we like seeing patterns and being able to categorize everything. ISTJs don't settle. You always know where you stand with an ISTJ. dislike: emotionally inaccessible, just don't really connect on a deeper level w them What each mbti type likes and dislikes in social interactions General Discussion Hey guys, I want to put together a table that acts as a rule-of-thumb for dealing with each type interpersonally, and part of it involves 3 things each type values and three things each type dislikes, typically speaking of course. And she's transparent when she's upset (I'm somewhat scared of her gaze 😭😆). This isn't uncommon. There are four situations described below, but I would like to know more about a typical behaviour of an ISTJ when mistakes are concerned. They value routine and organization, but if they like someone, they will make time for them and prioritize their needs. And why. We are upset if one of our possessions goes missing or we catch you snooping in our business. I do like talking about myself sometimes but rarely do because I think the other person isn't interested. Dislike group Self-Aware activities. ISTJ : Seek security, doesn't like change, will refer to what they know, more into routine and traditions, makes a plan before acting. It shows that the other person is interested in getting to know me. socially intjs. Both of these types "sweep up" after me; as while I like to think I am detailed person, I miss things INTP/ISTJ types seemed to just grab. ISTJs, what would you add to this list? 1. Pragmatic to an extreme,concerned with taking what they want by any means necessary. If you fall into this classification, you will likely be quiet, practical, and reserved. Unlock your preferences and gain clarity in life by trying this simple likes and dislikes exercise. This brings me to my reason for writing. Blunt and Direct Communication Style. I'm particular too. But as others have said it’s a decent probability. This seems to be a symptom of Si-Fi. ISTJs like to have clear, step-by-step instructions for exactly what needs to be done so they can complete a job properly the first time. However, ISTJs generally know what they like/dislike pretty well and will tell you if you ask Reply reply So the next test he took (truity) he got ESTJ? It makes more sense because he talks a lot with me. Stereotypically, they'd hate romance the most. Every ENFJ I've met has been really unpleasant, too. Arts and crafts hobbies like painting, crochet, knitting, quilting, scrapbook, painting, pottery, calligraphy, woodworking, and origami fit that desire perfectly. Is usually inexpressive and structured, but sometimes shows this colourful sense of humor. They won’t outwardly confess their interest until they are dead sure that you are interested and as serious as they are about the relationship. Aug 25, 2017 · ENTPs simply enjoy being a little over the top in a playful way, and don’t mind having a little fun. Doing what they can to minimize upsetting or hurting the other one. Self-paced activities. They’ll remember details about your likes and dislikes and try to use that information to brighten your day. Si/Fi will have very subjective likes and dislikes so it really depends on the person. Despite this, ideas like that are touted as groundbreaking, distracting from more practical ideas with better chances. 3. You will chafe. I even saw him taking notes about my likes and dislikes on his computer! That was so cute. I appreciate their honesty and reliability. Ask an accountant what it felt like to miss a figure and run the entire company budget off kilter. Honesty and Integrity. In fact, one of the signs that an ISTJ male likes you is asking you lots of questions—these men love studying their partners! 3 Famous ISTJ Males I have dated an ISTJ. I think most ISTJ's would like historical fiction or fantasy, or psychological thriller. You have to kind of be discerning. Now to address similar concerns I had with my istj: My husband has always been very fun to be around, and at times, awkward. Sometimes my ENFP other acts more like an ISTJ does, especially in an Fi-Si loop. For me, I am pretty open about liking someone if I feel that she likes me back. They’re industrious. Just like there are things you like and dislike about people, you probably have likes and dislikes about places, whether the general area, like a city, or spaces such as your home or office. Otherwise, it will take some time for ISTJ to confess the feeling. ESTJ is another story. They consider your feelings and point of view. I know it might sound like out of the convention. my church (just been going recently) is full of istj/isfj Fixed that for you. This 5-minute exercise is a fun way to clarify what you like and don't like. Like the one who screamed at people who disagreed with her and trashed the entire apartment we shared. It's not just you. An ISTJ is happiest when she’s cranking out to-dos. //Here it is! A long list of likes, dislikes, & hobbies, spaced out for convenience. It will be like a pebble in your shoe that will grow to a giant boulder. I think myself and Si doms just don't see eye to eye (I also don't tend to get on well with ISFJs). The ISTJ likes clear communication but doesn’t like to be put on the spot. but the pastor is entj and they seem to like him. She does end up changing her mind about it later, but it would be better if she could be more open-minded. " r/ISTJ is the home of Reddit's ISTJs and the people that love them. Also many are in leadership They gravitate to it, and it's country club style. You asking me gets rid of that worry. In fact, what separates an ISTJ from an INTJ is ISTJ’s neater appearance and their greater regard for rules. I know I'm too late for this but i have an Istj sis and she doesn't care of what i actually do, infact, she's the one who keep pushing me to do whatever i want 😆 (but as long i won't do something she dislikes). Both are independant, logical and can be seem as unemotional. This is how I will decide to confess myself. In the preliminary stages, ISTJs take comfort in amassing information. That shit is so damn wholesome. We keep a lock on the diary and the door. Open to reflection, reading, and study. I don't think that's the same thing as being rigid. I have an ISTJ colleague and we recently started conflicting a lot (I'm most likely ENTP myself). . Says she dislikes "clingy" people. dislike: self-pitying; get mired in Fi ENTJ-like: get shit done. it seems that a few actively dislike me because of my "intensity" Totally standard and expected. Individualistic. Jul 3, 1990 · What were Kento Nanami’s best personality matches? As an ISTJ personality type, Kento Nanami’s best matches were ESFP and ESTP. He emphasizes caution and moderation, especially when training others. Grab a notebook and pen or open a digital document and create two columns: “Likes” and “Dislikes. Dislike role-play. Jun 28, 2023 · Here are seven ISTJ habits that seem rude… but aren’t meant to be. we engage with others in very similar ways due to using Te 2nd and Fi 3rd. 2. Ask the ISTJ mom whose child ran away from home how she felt about it. For whatever reason the ISTJ is more horrified by being outcasted or standing out. It only becomes malicious when said ISTJ is not willing for other ways and pushes their own way as the right way since it's based on objective data; objective data that they misunderstood and completely misapplied. I am an INFP. Percentage of total population 6% One of my closest friends is an ISTJ and I think my father might be, but we get along fine. Reply reply Top 4% Rank by size Nov 9, 2021 · Needless to say, ENTPs also dislike routines and practical things and also have a visionary and rebellious side like the ENFPs and the INFPs. I want to start off by saying that my husband and I have a wonderful, fun, loving and fulfilling relationship. If you are dating an ISTJ male, you have to be ready for their communication style. dislike: rigidity ISTP-like: chill + not super concerned with others' opinions of them. Personally I like psychological thriller the most. The man born under the Scorpio Zodiac sign can have difficulty being around a woman who cannot build trust with him. Noelle · Registered. Systems, theories, and universal Jan 23, 2019 · 10 Unique Qualities of the ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ and ESFJ Personality Types. And feel that most (not all) ISTJ's feel similar about. They go out of their way to help you with practical problems. Granted, asking a person what they like on pizza won't allow you to learn much about their personality, but it can lead to deeper questions about books, character traits, and more. She can focus a little too much on the little things or the past, which makes her come to conclusions that can be a little narrow-minded, basically not really keeping her options open. They may invite you to hang out with them alone or introduce you to their friends as someone special. 10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an ISTJ Jun 1, 2020 · Introversion, sensing, thinking, judging, or ISTJ for short, is a 4-letter acronym representing one of the sixteen personality types on the MBTI or Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - The official website of the MBTI. She wrecked my happiness. Each type reflects how a person naturally prefers to direct and receive energy, take in information, make decisions, and approach the outside world. May 31, 2012 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in Jul 10, 2023 · ISTJ men enjoy spending quality time with their partners, learning as much as possible about them, and showering them with attention. ISTJ men prefer to communicate in a very straightforward manner. The unknown can be stressful for people of this personality type, and they like their creature comforts. ISTJs are known for their I like how good they are with finances and knowing what to spend money on. Incorporate their experience. You won't like it. ISTPs are natural “makers” who enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together — leaving them, of course, a little better than they were before. Imaginative coach. My little sister is an INFJ, but I don't know what her enneagram type is, and I don't really have a guess to what it might be. I think it's just in ISTJs nature to be particular. When ISTJs are looking for hobbies, they often choose things that have an end goal in mind and let them produce something. my ESTJ friend is . In general, here are a couple things I personally get annoyed by. Their strong sense of values and self-confidence make them unwilling to be vague, tell lies, or manipulate others. What ISTJs Do When They’re Really Stressed Out. I’m an intj f28 and my husband is istj 28. In a no pressure way tell them how you feel. Arts and Crafts. Collective noun A precision of ISTJs. If the weather is bad, I warn them by saying "take an umbrella with you. They are usually comfortable with hugging or touching the people they feel closest too. 7) The INTJs tend to make me less comfortable, since they are more dogmatic and judgmental and have more this cognitive rigidity that INFPs, INFJs, and even INTPs don't necessarily have. 1. I like to style my hair in different ways, sometimes braided, sometimes a regular afro. 4. He could get easily disillusioned by a woman if she is sly and tries to play games It's more like ''I don't want to attract too much negative attention and even though I hate this person's guts, causing a scene might lead to more contact with them because they'll get angry, so I won't'' I've also seen INTJ's do this. Here is a list of 10 characteristics and personality traits a Scorpio man likes and dislikes in a woman. I think he likes me more than just a friend? He's extremely intelligent and productive (as opposed to me, ENFP ugh) which I find really attractive. Also I wear a lot of silver jewelry, never leave the house without at least two rings in each hand lol Dec 24, 2024 · Of course, Nanami approaches being a sorcerer in a way one would expect from an ISTJ. 5 Strengths of the ISTJ Personality Type. Most ISTJs definitely dislike drama, and will do their best to avoid it at all costs. Mar 25, 2024 · One of the personalities from Myers Briggs, ISTJ is referred to as reliable, pays attention to details, and is sensible. Clear assignments w/ definite procedures. When an ISTJ decides they like you (yes, they do decide to do so), they will rearrange their schedule to include spending more time in your vicinity. holding his hands). The ESTJ can deal with the ISTJ because both see the value of organizational structure, as well as most SJ types. I am still not completely over her. They are loyal and committed to you. or many ISTJs, really. The ISTJ will be less well suited to environments which are noisy, or they have little room or space to work quietly and alone. 13 votes, 12 comments. I like looking through lists, especially lists created by other people. The key strengths of an ISTJ are: 1. ISTJs are often private people, but they are not against physical affection. Signs That An ISTJ Likes You. Most of my clothes are black. Signs An INTP Likes You. What I Love About ISTJs 1. you won't be able to really get to know one at first, and even with time if they are really decided not to open up to certain people. INTPs value alone time and intellectual stimulation, so if they are willing to share these things with you, it’s a clear sign that they like you. Here’s What ISTJs, INFJs, INTJs and ISTPs All Have in Common. vkkwy olyisur qzxwwsu jfmqm voyx owsqreftq ofrrvr czsfcl dydhka zdwvof