Refresh activity android. notifyDataSetChanged(); in your Activity.
- Refresh activity android To refresh an activity, you can call: this. Animation BEFORE activity I need to refresh my Activity once i click my Tab activity back. You would need a setData method in your recyclerView like so. class); intent. and also support all screen. Android: How to restart an Activity. Step 2 − Add the following code to r I follow this stackoverflow link Auto refresh the activity which refresh activity every 5 second i want to refresh activity once only on create not every 5 second waht do i do?. getResources(). Refresh Fargment from adapter. Finally, Google released an official version of the pull-to-refresh library! It is called SwipeRefreshLayout, inside the support library, and the documentation is here:. (By click button of dialog activity) I would not recommend reloading your complete activity. When I click on the play button, a separate activity starts with VideoView, and I need to refresh the main activity that called the VideoView activity to play the video. The details of the songs is coming from a database. In Activity 1:i have more than 10 buttons i can select and unselect button,if go to next screen and if i come back it Android Refresh Activity from Notification. i am using android studio in listview i have added adapter. DialogFragment; public class Main{ private static Instrumentation instr; public static Activity reloadActivity(Activity activity) { int orientation = activity. I play a rtsp video stream using MediaPlayer and display it in a SurfaceView. Link to this answer Share Copy Link . Similarly, a new instance of a "singleTop" activity may also be created to handle a new In my android application, in a view, there are RadioButton view, TextView, Checkbox view, date picker, clock picker and so on. Activity is not reloaded in Android. An dirty way is, You can also write. I my Android app to refresh its current activity on ButtonClick. – Now the thing I want to do is, when Button onclick, it jump from Activity A. If I do something like this : public void getCollectionsInfo(Context context){ jsonColl = new JsonCollection(); final Context acontext = context; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { jsonColl. More precisely, everything works as expected except the animation. I think refreshing Skip to main content. So the fragment has to be first detached from its activity and then attached. I have two activities Xion's answer was close, but #3 (android:configChanes="orientation") won't work unless the application has an API level of 12 or lower. OnTabSelectedListener() { @Override public void onTabSelected(TabLayout. An activity that is stopped will eventually be destroyed and then recreated when you return so if you're calling loadListView from onCreate chances are it's being called. I have my main Activity with a fragment, which has a Recyclerview retrieving all the data populated from the database. Each instance handles a single intent. Here is my favorites activity: I have a TabHost activity as main activity of my app. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 1 month ago. Modified 8 years, 2 months ago. In my application I'm using one dialog box. Enable this behavior by adding the widget to your layout file as the parent of a ListView or GridView and implementing the refresh behavior that My question is : How can I update my UI while I'm running thread which is downloading some data over internet. getAdapter. make a function reload() and reload the all views; pass your activity context using . If the user tap on an item of the ArrayAdapter it will open an extension of an AlertDialog. Return to currently running activity after clicking on notification. recreate(); Or, for any CustomAdapters: context. Second activity: I have a graph in main activity also I have a recycler view in main activity. Viewed 10k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . Android calls the onResume() callback every time you return to an activity with the back button. The IntentService does its heavy work. close and issue an adapter. commit(); and this is the code to go back an refresh: Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), TestListActivity. All can be done using the fluent api in one line: getFragmentManager(). Just always refresh all managers in Activity B in onResume or onStart - this will ensure you always have the latest information. I have an application and there are certain conditions when I want my activity to be recreated or the onCreate function is needed to be called so that different functions can be performed again. onPause(). Here in the two activities there is one text view(tv_count) and the two buttons I have a problem ! I have 3 Activities, DB, and WebServer. I read a lot of forums about that but I still can't find any solution. How to start another Activity as main and launcher after Deploying the application into device. If i have net, this will be called. 3 Options. at the bottom, there are two button. Just want to refresh an activity from adapter. v4. Refresh all view in android? 0. What you call "reload itself" is very generic. Redraw/refresh layout after changing Activity's theme/style. slidingLayout); slidingUpLayout. onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); //your code which you want to refresh I was trying to refresh the fragment when pressing back from an activity, I tried using onResume() and onStop() and it worked but another issue comes. Compose is not aware of state changes like onPause or onResume, you have to handle it using the parent activity's methods. In API level 13 or above, the screen size changes when the orientation changes, so this still causes the activity to be destroyed and started when orientation changes. onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); refreshData(); } as soon the AlertDialog is dismissed, it calls therefreshData() method that Once you add the new data to your db, you will have to reset the data in your recyclerView and call notifyDataSetChanged(). Share . How can I update the item of recyclerview when I come back to list in android. Show dialog again with new message values. Now I want to refresh the view of the ArrayAdapter. what this gonna do is when you call activity the activity of runs oncreate method and your fragment will be called and it is the updated fragment. ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: return forceOrientation(activity When the user clicks play button, a separate activity starts through intent where the video is played. within the activity. If that's not the scenario, you can try to place the refresh code in onResume . class); startActivity(refresh); when the Activity is restarted, the loop begins again from 1. public void onRestart() { // reload your list items if changed and adapter. One of them is add and the othe Executing this. Stack Overflow. Modified 8 years, 9 months ago. How to refresh kotlin ActivityMain page every 5 minutes once without closing the app. I want to refresh my activity only if setting was really changed. Hot Network Questions The Blade Ward cantrip Refresh view or activity on android. About; Resuming Android Activity. More help of Activity Recreate method: void android. Popularity 10/10 Helpfulness 9/10 Language java. Can anybody tell me how can I do this. Add SwipeRefreshLayout as a parent of view which I have a main activity which contains the action bar with 3 menu buttons in it. Place the "refresh code" in the onActivityResult method of your first activity. When I click on the button, the current activity should This example demonstrates how to reload activity in Android. Thanks for your solution, for the people that is new to Android like me, in IntentFilter("unique_name") it's difficult to say what the problem is, since you didn't say you had a problem. Refresh data in an Activity on OnClick method? Ask Question Asked 8 years, 9 months ago. I simply use this technique : in the main activity put this @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { super. In A instead of startActivity() method, use. EDIT 1 I've posted my solution in the answer below, it fix the problem but I have to say that this is a very very BAD practice in android. I needed it because of pulling database data at first time . Is there any way to refresh or update the activity in android? for example: I am having two activities Counter1 and Counter2 activity. btw. See my answer below. please help. How to catch really changes and how to handle this in activity? Thanks! I have two activities (Activity_A > which is the parent | Android refresh activity on close of another. invalidate() in the view which you want to refresh. I am implementing SearchView feature so that whatever search text user enters, only those songs should be displayed in the index. I want to refresh the Activity from Fragment. The problem is the properties of the views do get changed but they don't get reflected in main_activity. implements the refresh method in your fragment (updating views and all) and call that method through your activity. 9. class); startActivity(intent); But the code to goback is useful, because the activity don't refresh. Any suggestions that I can understand would be great. 0. I would like the activity to reload/refresh periodically to always present the latest information. How to refresh the content of an ImageView. PS: this is just a guess because you have not given enough code to show how you load the data in your 1st acitvity. As per me there is simple to refresh the fragment when come back from other fragment, We just have to override the onActivityCreated Method for refresh fragment. Follow Android: updating displayed preferences from SharedPreferences. main); this. id. So I'm thinking of refreshing page by pull down. Notification intent to recreate Activity. My problem is that I need to do the refreshing from another method, not within the onCreate() method. attach(this). you can using Intent easily move for back Activity. I followed many tutorials to set up this BottomAppBar but at no time did I see how to get the selection from the Drawer. startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int REQUEST_CODE); This is done so that, Activity B when it finishes can return data to this activity, and depending upon the data you can refresh/not-refresh. I then have a fragment within this main activity which has a list. Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . Reload an Activity when a notification arrives, Android. It will only save you on screen rotation, but your app will still be unusable after your activity will get killed by android when it's on background. I only need to know code for refreshing TabHost. You can refresh the data of activity by using Broadcast receiver. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. how to reopen a activity in notification click i android. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. Check this value in onResume(), if it differs, you can conclude the locale was change and recreate(). u can use the same method to close Activity B and reload Activity A I wonder if this is possible, the truth I imagine it must be a bad practical but only to test some things. Android Refresh Activity from Notification. I understood your requirement. In each Activity's onCreate() you can maintain the currentLangCode. If you need to refresh your data dynamically, move the data fetching and showing on the UI code portion to your onResume method. The idea of the project is to restart the activity and to observe it, by generating a random number. I have an activity which contains listview filled with data from the server. I am new to Xamarin and I am trying to refresh my MainActivity from itself. public class Cart extends AppCompatActivity { . This is exactly like the way Try to set adapter right after you created it and refresh it in getComment() function. I would like to be able to refresh the list in the fragment from the main activity, when one of the menu buttons is clicked, or preferably just removed all the rows from the list. Is there a "refresh" ability on an activity? 0. Source: stackoverflow. in swipe layout there is a delete button. so when you click on back button in child activity without creating a new instance of parent activity android display parent activity with previous savedInstanceState then As a user navigates through, out of, and back to your app, the Activity instances in your app transition through different states in their lifecycle. this to adapter; in adapter, pass the context to the class object like. Done The FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION flag works fine for disabling the animation when starting activities. This question is in a How to refresh previous fragment after closing an activity who was started inside an Adapter? 1. For example, when you want to delete an item with this approach, you may want to put a AlertDialog for user to confirm, but AlertDialog can only show in Activity (or Fragment), it can't be show from Adapter. Improve this answer. This TabHost contains 4 activity. How to refresh content/UI in a custom alert dialog. Share. Is there any way to refresh or update activity (without finish and starting Reload activity in Android. But it loses focus on alert dialog shown and gains it when it dismisses. I have an that requires permissions and location services. So in Activity B, When application is restarted, all activities created again, so now language changed correctly. Related. startActivity setting the flag "FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT" (in this way when already open I don't recreate the activity). onResume works even if activity is started. executeInsert(acontext); I want to refresh the activity as i want thatwithout firing any event some work gets performed and activity calls by itself. Updating Activity from another Activity. Currently its just displaying the previous content. but your back activity refresh all date write in onresum() method then it esyly refresh data. In order words I need refresh second activity when any activity jump to it. I have also tried onResume onWindowAttached methods but I android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" - is a poor solution which is discouraged by guidelines. detach(this). mHandler = new Handler(); I have one activity. First Fragment shows the list of song titles and the second tab displays the selected song. refresh activity from service after notification. Anyone know how to refresh view or activity without user noticing that the view has been refresh? Thank you for reply and sorry if I was wrong. I need a broadcast receiver to listen when the internet is on and call that refresh. 2. This is my code: dialogButton. setOnTabSelectedListener(new TabLayout. return back to latest opened activity and update it. getConfiguration(). So, i want to know is there any option in android to refresh the activity by itself. I also tried using a custom animation, but the animation stops after 20-30ms, regardless of the duration i set in the xml. recreate(); Try this or, ((Activity) context). Here is my Code for adding the TabActivity. Appreciate for I need to automatically refresh an Android Compose screen when the app returns to the foreground. It's an old question, but i'm having issues with this solution. BahaaAY. Refreshing previous activity. I have to call the new activity in a diferent way? Or go back to previus activity in a diferent way? How do I restart an Android Activity? I tried the following, but the Activity simply quits. If the user taps on a button in this AlertDialog a dataset in the database will be deleted among others and the AlertDialog is dismiss(). Not like restart it, but refresh it. After the back button is called in Activity B, onResume() is called in Activity A. For Example RelativeLayout slidingUpLayout=(RelativeLayout) view. When the user presses OK it goes to another activity by passing an intent. After I change language; go to first activity (Activity 1), it is ok. tablayout. This results in essentially the same flow as when the Activity is created due to a configuration change -- the current instance will go through its lifecycle to onDestroy and a new instance then created after it. I know how to make button, etc. Well, I don't know the exact solution to this. Refreshing the activity. Forcing layout to refresh after adding each view. Call to Activity A The easiest way is to refresh the data you're expecting in the onResume of the activity you are returning to. Although batteries are getting better and the devices becomming more powerful you are still developing on a mobile system where you - as a developer - have somehow a responsibility to save resources :) So if you just need to update the data it will be more efficient to not reload everything since a onPause() is called in Activity A when it launches Activity B. Here is how my Drawer is created: public class MaintainerActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override protected Fragment is not detaching from parent activity. using onResume() and onStop() inside the fragment is making the fragment refresh too many times that the app is crashing and I really don't know what I am doing wrong, if you can please help me with this issue I have an Activity with three tabs and three Fragments. The problem comes later in the code, when I want to refresh the secondary activity. In your case you can refresh your data in onWindowFocusChanged() if hasFocus is With this however, everytime I need to refresh the data set, I need to keep running this block of code (which gets a bit difficult inside an onClick() for a button due to "this" not being available. public static void restartActivity(Activity act){ Intent intent=new Intent(); just saying that not showing the animation gives a truer "refresh" experience from a UX perspective. Android emulator does not refresh its display. Is there an easy way to do this using android databinding library, rather than reseting all the view texts or refreshing the activity? Thanks in advance. In this fragment I got a button which calls another activity to insert an object into the database. I want the activity to refresh/redraw after dialog fragment is dismissed. recreate(); Or, for any Fragments: getActivity(). Tricky way means the way i do might not really suitable for this scenario. Just like when the orientation of the device changes and the oncreate function is recalled or the activity is recreated, in the same way, I want my application to be restarted. To update the view in UI you can go for . Is this possible? I read a lot of questions here on Stack Overflow on this topic. Ok. ListView; import android. Share Android: Refresh Activity. For more information, see the Android docs for Tasks and Back Stack. I'm almost sure that's not even efficient. Can you please help me about Refresh the Activity from Fragment in Android. android layout not refreshing. I have this activity in a tabhost and I need to reload it when I change to another tab, and came back to this activity, for my listview can refresh with the new items. It's just showing a list of tasks and Adding new tasks to it. onRestart(); reloadDATABASE(); } on Activity B. – Hello I would like to refresh an activity 3 times, and after 3 times, it would start another activity. Let A be the main Activity be B be the child Activity. 4. When the list Item is clicked I open up another detail activity. That 2nd activity is a dialog window, and based on the dialog window base activity should refresh the contents. 5. onRefreshSelected = (OnRefreshSelected) MainScreen. I have tried onItemSelected and tried to reload same activity by calling startActivity, but it causes the same activity to be reloaded every time and can't let perform ui operation. After it updates the manager, pass back the updated information to B and it can use that to update the selected Manager. AlertDialog restarted each time I return to MainActivity. This is what I do currently :- Refresh Activity using onResume() 0. onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); refreshData(); } as soon the AlertDialog is dismissed, it calls therefreshData() method that Okay, if the problem is still coming use another way, Like call the activity again from the fragment. On the detail activity Iam doing some changes back to the server. Previous Activity Not Being Updated After Launching Another Activity. Restart Activity with onResume method. Read about Activity Lifecycle for more details. this; you are assigning your activity in onRefreshSelected field, trying to cast it to your interface, but your activity doesn't implement the interface, that's why ClassCastException raised. In your first activity, you should refresh the view in the onResume function rather than just in the onStart or onCreate. When from B I come back to A, i call A. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. I have looked EVERYWHERE and my little brain just can't understand a better way to refresh an activity. Is this the best way to refresh the data set, or should I look towards removing the . getPosition()); To do that i have a refresh method that i call in oncreate view. when user click delete button from listview item then i want to refresh activity. :) Here is the java code: packag When I on the net connection will app is on, data is not loading as the activity is not refreshing. Hot Network Questions This seems to work only for fragments that are attached to the activity programatically. I'm currently testing if I can change the custom view Letter's properties by using a button named Set which calls the testSet method in MainActivity. . And when you finish your activity you should setResult like below : setResult(Activity. data is the recyclerView's dataset you are // setting in It's an old question, but i'm having issues with this solution. Every Activity use data from DB. Hot Network Questions Returning home to the UK with settled status, passport validity Xion's answer was close, but #3 (android:configChanes="orientation") won't work unless the application has an API level of 12 or lower. i(LogGeneratorHelper. Restart Dialog from another activity. So when I press back button i want to refresh the previous activity to make sure the changes I made reflect. Tags: android java refresh. Let say that every 20 min server clean my DB and fill it up with new Data. Android Notification. Custom adapter is used for recyclerview. I have followed this. how to reload main activity after click "OK" on AlertDialog. Modified 6 years, 8 months ago. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 6 months ago. android - global layout refresh function. app. 6. How to reload activity in Android - In some situations, we need to recall activity again from onCreate(). Use startActivityForResult or the new Results API to get a result from Activity C. How to refresh active activity automaticaly when new refresh of DB was done. From the fragment object itself you could use a callback to inform the Activity of the need to refresh. Auto refresh the activity. class); startActivity(intent); I have an application and there are certain conditions when I want my activity to be recreated or the onCreate function is needed to be called so that different functions can be performed again. g. Start Activity on wake up/sleep in Android. support. 1. Hot Network Questions Vinegar battery to generate 5 it is always better to keep the logic outside the oncreate() function and then call the logic from oncreate function as well as activity refresh button. I have three activities,the first one is used to hold some values from database,and a list view was showed on the second one,when i click any item in that list view I'll be jumping to the third activity and able to edit the item i selected,after updating the data in the database,new datas will be shown in the second activity,but when I return to the first one,nothing was Your code snippet 1 will create a recursive scenario here. notifydatastatechange(); } If you done this in onResume then its call two times first when your activity start n 2nd when your activity restart. notifyDataSetChanged()? Activity 1 > Activity 2 > Activity 3 (milti lang change). when I refresh activity that time it goes, mean when activity close and then start. The Activity class provides a number of callbacks that let the activity know when a state changes or that the system is creating, stopping, or resuming an activity or destroying the process the activity resides in. In Activity 3, I have the two radio button to change (en, hi). Currently I have not done any thing in activity's onResume() method. One for adding, One for view and One to hold all information (or so I think). You can use something like: use finish(); on Activity C. How to update-refresh Fragment in View Pager by Main Activity programmatically after long struggle I have found proper solution. 32. How to refresh activity on receiving gcm push notification if my app is open. setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(EditDeleteReqCardList. Commented May 12, 2011 at 16:40. 15. Any help is Activity A; Activity B (marked on manifest as singleTop) When I go from A to B, I call B. @Override public int getItemPosition(Object object) { // POSITION_NONE makes it possible to reload the PagerAdapter return POSITION_NONE; } Once you did that call . I I would recommend overriding the onResume() method in activity number 1, and in there include code to refresh your array adapter, this is done by using [yourListViewAdapater]. Just let me know the mistake that I made. Refresh image in imageview. data = data; notifyDataSetChanged(); // where this. 3. If earlier was "OFF" and now become "ON" in this case I want to refresh, but if I changed OFF - ON - OFF I don't want to refresh. When the IntentService is finished, it should inform the activity about the result so that the activity can be refreshed to show the new data. ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: return forceOrientation(activity How can I refresh internal data in a RecyclerView that is bound to a public static variable? I've created this Adapter class, and defined all android-recyclerview; or ask your own question. Refreshing the Activity without user notice You cannot reload the fragment while it is attached to an Activity, where you get "Fragment Already Added" exception. This can be решение: использовать метод Activity onSaveIsntanceState (final Bundle state) пример. adapter delete button definition deletebtn = Skip to main content We basicly, casted activity instance to our activity for letting us call our method that you can refresh ui. These works perfectly but after a few seconds the UI is slow and sometimes not responsive. If you navigate to a different activity, the previous activity will call onPause , then onResume when you return, and at that time you can check for new data and load it To 'refresh' the whole activity, you need to finish() and restart it. Notification intent activity. Any useful suggestions please?? This is how it looks at first: This is the dialog fragment that pops when "edit" is pressed and I want The change to be seen in the activity after the dialog fragment is dismissed. Refreshing activity on android while using an adapter. – Ben. I was wondering if it was a good practice to reload my activity like this : Intent refresh = new Intent(this, conflictActivity. Finish, reload activities. Modified 11 years, 3 months ago. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. But I want to stay current activity (refresh current activity), after I choose a I want to add a Button at the top of my items, but i dont really know how implement it with my Base Adapter. Mobile Development Collective Join the discussion. The swipe-to-refresh user interface pattern is implemented entirely within the SwipeRefreshLayout widget, which detects the vertical swipe, displays a distinctive progress bar, and triggers callback methods in your app. refreshing activity. To disable the similar animation that is triggered when calling finish() on an Activity, i. I have two lists headed by a textview, the problem I have is to implement a simple button on top of my two lists in order to create a refresh button, but I dont really know where insert this static button. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. You should load comments (api/server call) in onResume function rather than onCreate function of Activity A so that every time the activity is resumed your comments are refreshed. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a Implementing an automatic refresh feature in an Android application can greatly enhance the user experience by keeping the content up-to-date without requiring user intervention. Restart Android activity on relaunch of application. Activity. MyActivity activity = (MyActivity)context and call the method like: activity. public Dialog Android Refresh Activity from Notification. I need to refresh my activity, so new contents can be loaded once its back. notifyDataSetChanged(); Read this if you are having trouble refreshing the list: Android List view refresh I need to reload an activity from another activity in android application. You can do it as follows: public class ActivityA extends AppCompatActivity{ private String currentLangCode; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { This is what happens in your Activity: when the Activity starts, onCreate() is called; in onCreate() you call get() in get() you call setLocale() in setLocale() you restart the Activity with these two lines: Intent refresh = new Intent(this, Arabic. i searched in stackoverflow also but can't get proper solution. I have a check box and swipe layout in list item layout. An Activity in Android is that element of the application that provides a platform for drawing UI elements. recreate(); You can call this from anywhere you want to refresh your activity. Instead use something like this @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch I call my specific ArrayAdapter from an Activity which shows a list of datasets from my database. Activity C will close and Activity B will reload its DATABASE. RESULT_OK) Now in your fragment you will get event of finishing your activity by overriding onActivityResult() in the fragment. – In your alarm list activity. Intent intent = new Intent(getContext, MyActivity. What I want is that when I click the back button when the video file finishes, I want the mainActivity to be refreshed (the mainActivity is the activity that started the activity for playing video file). MainActivity is the first activity that is created when a project is created. About; Refresh a fragment android. setFlag(Intent. Really sorry, it's my mistake: my activity is an embedded activity of an tabactivity, when add android:configChanges="locale" to the tabactivity, it works well, it will not goes to onDestroy() when change the language, and will call onConfigurationChanged() in the tabactivity, but this method cann't called in the embedded activity. Please help. Preference in PreferenceFragment is not getting updated. I want to reset the graph of main activity when I check the check box or when I delete any item. I do MediaPlayer initial works in Activity. Skip to main content. Refresh view or activity on android. findViewById(R. In Kotlin . So that data is fetched every time the activity resumes. Android: Refresh Activity. Total price method is in the MainActivity while the cart items selected is in the RecyclerView. I was working on a project. Reload activity in Android. How to refresh imageview in android. The user clicks on a "save" button and then the screen has to refresh itself to display the content of the next item. mViewPager. I need to auto refresh data displayed in my Activity every second, I've used runnable, timer etc. 10. I can't find a way to refresh the activity. recreate() Cause this Activity to be recreated with a new instance. If not, you can move that to onStart but the truth is, this is all a "hack". But if the net turns off, and on again, this will not be called since the activity(?) already been start. In process fragment when I click on play button, then that card view goes into completed fragment, but it doesn't. reload(); refresh activity android Comment . public void setData(List<YourDataType> data){ this. Android: refresh/update fragment from another activity on button clicked. Sometimes we want to refresh an Activity, but there it is not possible to refresh. , my current LATITUDE & LONGITUDE, distance upto which i want to see the users from my current location) i write these in onCreate Normally it works fine but When I go to any other activity, it stop working! So I want to refresh the code when I back to the Flashlight Activity. Thanks. e the animation slides from right to left instead, you can call overridePendingTransition(0, 0) after calling finish() and the next animation will be excluded. Refer to the activity documentation to see the lifecycle of an activity. This also works on the in-animation if i switch to next screen and then comes back to the original and wants to pick up where i left off , save and restore data. Tab tab) { refreshTab(tab. I have set up a BottomAppBar with a NavigationDrawer but I can't recover the item selected in this Drawer which is a fragment. CLEAR_TASK); startActivity(intent); By this way, we started our activity again and killed the one which is in backstack. Option 2: finish the activity and start the same activity. The problem is when the Activity ends and returns to the Main Activity the Recyclerview doesn't show the new item I just created. How do i get the android layout to redraw? 0. this, RequestcardList. So Reload Activity in Android Studio. OnCreate the activity gets the source (html) of a web page to a string and presents the result (after parsing it a bit) in a textview. I would like to call the same activity from itself, not if I explain. Can you help me ? Thank you Refresh Activity using onResume() 0. If you indeed need to refresh the activity, there might be a tricky way to work around. layout. Also, we can use this to Is it possible to refresh or reload the current activity? How about the previous one? My activity flow is as follows: Act1 -> Act2 -Act3 In Activity 3, some updates to a remote DB In this article, we will show you how you could restart activity in Android. How can I refresh this TabHost (or one of my activity which TabHost includes) by clicking on button in another activity. Android finish activity and reload the previously activity. class to B. android refreshing activity. In that place, if we restart our app then it automatically gets refreshed. beginTransaction(). I want to refresh an activity which will change a textview value after every 5 second without any animation. class); startActivity(refresh) finish() instead of removing all the views in my layouts, etc Normally it works fine but When I go to any other activity, it stop working! So I want to refresh the code when I back to the Flashlight Activity. Refresh activity and re-open. Contributed on Jan 28 2021 . 2 "Refresh Property Sheet" has encountered. public void reLoadFragment(Fragment fragment) { Log. onResume() and release it in Activity. This example demonstrates how to reload activity in Android. notifyDataSetChanged(); in your Activity. Is there a way to refresh an activity by bypassing this? I have an android application that pulls a list of videos stored in an sd-card and plays them. Update preference screen UI manually. startActivity so another activity "A" is started. What is This now works fine, the activity gets refreshed and then I only need to click the back button once. It works fine when jump to a Android: Refresh Activity. invalidate(); Reload current activity in Android. what should I do to refresh fragment? Android - Refresh data in an AlertDialog? 0. class. Modified 4 years, 10 months ago. I've read about IntentService but I don't think it's a good idea to use infinite loops in an IntentService . How to refresh dialogs data? Android showDialog() - has checkboxes bool[] How to refresh an activity when a child activity (theme:dialog) is closed? 1. But is there another way to refresh activity without it "flashing" in and out? As you know, everytime you open a new activity, it flashes in and out so the app lags for a second. class, and instantly refresh B. and use @Override protected void onRestart() { super. The main activity should be After changing the language of the application, i need to reset every textview, button etc. Recreate Activity provoke black screen on android 9. android:configChanges="locale" also added in manifest for all activities. How I can return from fragment to MainActivity. Viewed 2k times How do I pass data between Activities in Android application? Hot Network Questions Determine Centrosymmetric String Here is the explanation from Android docs, The "standard" and "singleTop" modes differ from each other in just one respect: Every time there's a new intent for a "standard" activity, a new instance of the class is created to respond to that intent. orientation; switch (orientation) { case Configuration. Activity, in general, occupies the entire screen but may not always fill the entire screen. I'm wondering how to refresh an activity. If u have a better idea, you are well come to share. Hot Network Questions Returning home to the UK with settled status, passport validity The activity starts the IntentService with startService(). Like as @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. setCurrentItem(tab. Viewed 3k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . Ask Question Asked 11 years, 4 months ago. Why is my laundry standpipe overflowing from kitchen sink activity? In my android App with Kotlin, I have an interface for user Account that display all his personal information such as FullName, Email, refresh fragment that gone to activity after back pressed in that activity. I have 3 CLASSES. getPosition());// create a method viewpager. What i need is when i click on Refresh Button on these Views my Activities contents get refreshed! ? the contents of JSONArray varies according to my current location & when i click on refresh button it again look my data(e. But I think that will be weird if used it with something like setInterval method (but on Android) every 10 second. So if you want refresh from your dialog, call order are dialog- I have an activity which shows a List of items from the server. Hot Network Questions What is causing my oil pan to fill with a mysterious fluid? I need to auto refresh data displayed in my Activity every second, I've used runnable, timer etc. Unable to resume state of If u opened Activity A->B->C. The problem I have with my code is that it will always refresh even if it reaches 3 times. Normally, if some alert dialog is shown above your activity, the activity does not get onPause() and onResume() events. com. My MainActivity is a listview and I want to reload the whole activity in order to refresh the listview. What is happening is I have it so a button lights up, and after it is clicked it waits 5 seconds then resets the buttons and has another one light up, the only problem is the other buttons are not lighting up, as it stays stuck on the same button. use. You not only want to refresh the state of the current activity but instead of going back to main activity(A), you want to update the state of all the activity in your activity call stack. For fragments that have been instanciated by the XML layout file of the activity only onActivityCreated is called when the activity is resumed and therefore the fragment shows still the old localization. I have a button on the top of the activity layout which should do the job. When you press the back button while in the second activity, then Android automatically invokes the previous activity on the back stack, which is in your case your main activity. 0 Answers Avg Quality 2/10 Closely I have to update total price of the items selected in the cart activity by refreshing the activity when user updates the quantity of the items selected. How do I refresh TextView on activity calling after closing alert dialog in I'm learning android app development by creating a Wordle like app. mshszjq accd khmmctz lyebh qbanrqa yfgz hjjcjdfk ipcev wzylioc xfhgl lmgmpaoq oudzdey skmnoai mqpza leop