Product option type salesforce cpq To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ; CPQ Product Option Page Layout. False: renewed Products will NOT render on the Quote Document. First, go to the Salesforce CPQ app within Salesforce. You can use Product Rules to set an option as preselected or required under certain circumstances, or automatically hide an option from view under other conditions. There are three types of bundles: Static bundle. The Option model represents a product option data model in Salesforce CPQ. Click Products in the navigation bar, then choose the All Products list view. Lists only products with a An important field on the Product Option record that you should always consider when creating Product Options is the Type field. ; Enable global attributes. Salesforce CPQ uses the sum of the quantity in all segments to determine the quote line’s discount tier include the quantities of the bundle’s product options in the aggregation scope. Selected: CheckBox: Select the checkbox if this product option should be automatically selected by default. The Optional checkbox field designates that a product doesn't contribute to the Net Total of the Quote or the Opportunity. Type: Option Constraint Group: Repairs using New parts: Repairs using Refurbished parts: Exclusion : Before you Use Product Rules, Consider These Points. Salesforce CPQ Information; Column 1 Column 2; Option Name: Configured SKU: Number: Optional SKU Optional SKU Information; Column 1 Column 2; Product Code: Price Editable: Product Name: Product Configuration Type: Product Description : Advanced Settings Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. Product Options Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Each type of warranty covers only the same type of product options within the bundle. Available in: All Salesforce CPQ editions: Renewing Your Percent of Total Products Guidelines for replacing product options on renewal and reevaluating bundle logic. Salesforce CPQ provides custom-managed fields for products. Which one you choose depends on the business requirements and the specific needs. Product bundles in Salesforce CPQ are like a helpful tool for businesses. You can set up this bundle by using Percent of Total products as product options alongside the Percent of Total Category field. Clone a product rule and alter it for a new purpose. 3 : Sometimes businesses use different price books to control pricing for certain types of customers. Business Solution; Server Replacements Most CPQ software offers product options to guide sales and increase your chances of closing deals. They can also change how sales reps are allowed to interact with options. Salesforce CPQ can check that Products B and C are automatically selected when the sales representative selects Product A since those options are frequently sold together. When configuring products in Salesforce CPQ, there are often multiple ways to accomplish similar ends. This field controls the behavior of its relationship with its I'm Yelena and I'm a Suppose your client wants to sell a bundle made up of 3 products (ProductPack1). The Quote Line Visibility field on the Product Option containing a value of 'Never', or 'Editor Only' will prevent Quote Lines from rendering on the Quote Document. Product rules can have multiple conditions that evaluate information outside the context of the bundle. There are several different types of product setup in Salesforce CPQ. Create quote line field To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ; CPQ Product Option Page Layout. Renewal of MDQ Products Let’s jump into creating product options. To use an initializer on a specific quote process, go to the quote process’s A company wishes to automatically hide a non-subscription Product Option from configuration, Write product rules based on prior purchases in Salesforce CPQ. Salesforce CPQ can automatically apply the right volume-based discount for each specific deal by using a tool called Discount Schedules. To use an initializer on a specific quote process, go to the quote process’s From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Order Settings, select Order Settings, and then select Enable Orders. They make it easier for companies to sell things by organizing their sales process and giving customers When they select one of those products, Salesforce CPQ adds it to the bundle as a product option. it's necessary to add Product B as well). Option constraints can only enable an option at best. CPQ Product Option Page Layout. Asset and Subscription data can be used for rules that run in both places. Filter Shows only specific products in a feature that uses the Dynamic selection option. All these fields must exist on Product Option and Quote Line objects. You can choose whether functional and advertising cookies apply. For example, enter Object, select Objects, and then select Product Option. To enable field mapping, create a quote line field with the same API name and field type to make the field editable in configuration when the product option is selected on the page. Product rules can select options with Add actions. NOTE: Quantity inp You also have a product search filter sidebar with options for type, color, and producer. Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. Configuration Attribute Guidelines Use configuration attributes to set the value of multiple shared product option fields simultaneously. Discover the essentials of Salesforce CPQ bundling, including types, product options, and real-world use cases, to streamline complex sales processes. The Product field should default to the parent bundle product. Create two sets of features on each hard drive brand so you can set the brand’s memory size and warranty after a user selects it in the laptop bundle. There is a Product Bundle "PB" which has 2 Product Options PB1 and PB2. Option types determine how this child product quantities are calculated relative to the quantity of the bundle parent. 2 Salesforce CPQ Developer Guide Get Started with New to Salesforce CPQ. ; Configure Salesforce CPQ package-level order settings. This would be the traditional, pre-packaged, Add the Record Type field to your Configuration Attribute page layout. com Germany GmbH, Erika-Mann-Str. Types of Products Configure your products to match your pricing and selling needs. Salesforce CPQ is full of great features for admins to Option Discounts: The discounts on the product option record. Product CPQ Product Option Page Layout. Configuration Field Set: SBQQ__ConfigurationFieldSet__c: Picklist: Choose the field Choose the Types of Products. The Option Type field on the option tells Salesforce CPQ exactly what to do with quantity. If a product option’s component code position has a matching value in one of the pattern’s brackets, Salesforce CPQ replaces the bracketed value with the product option’s component code. Its Option Discounts: The discounts on the product option record. Create a Bundle. They validate selections, show/hide options, or filter products dynamically. Let’s say you have an IT Professional Pack bundle with a quantity of two and a Laptop product option with a quantity of 4. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. Example Your computer design company has a quote with two quote line groups: one for a red monitor package and one for a silver monitor package. Now you can add help text to the AdditionalInstructions field on any feature. Add Bundle-Specific Field Sets. For any selling organization, there could be The product configuration initializer uses a custom user-provided APEX page to select options and set field values based on the results of guided selling prompts. As you learn in Configurable Bundles in Salesforce CPQ, features are a way to organize options in a bundle so that it’s easier to tell which products are related. Set the Evaluation Event to “Always”. Filter Field Choose a Product field that you want to filter your product options by. Range: Products are discounted at the rate of Existing quote configurations that include this Product Option will still show the product but the quote line loses the lookup value in the Product Option field for the quote line. ; Select Configure for your Salesforce CPQ package. There are two types of attributes that can be used in Salesforce CPQ. To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ Information; Column 1 Column 2; Option Name: Configured SKU: Number: Optional SKU Information; Column 1 Column 2; Product Code: Price Editable: Product Name: Product Configuration Type: Product Description : Advanced Settings; Column 1 Column 2; Component Code When they select one of those products, Salesforce CPQ adds it to the bundle as a product option. The Configuration Type and Configuration Event fields are A product action performs an action on a product option, such as selecting or deselecting the option within its bundle, or hiding the option from view. You would only choose Quote Line when a rule is meant to run on the Quote Line Editor. A Product Option (for simplicity, we’ll just call this an option from now on) does more than just connect a follower product to the lead product. but Salesforce CPQ shows prices only in the currency of the opportunity or quote on the Product Selection page. Regular Unit Price A feature is a group of product options within a bundle. You set up lookup queries on either type of rule based on your needs. Term Discount Schedules: The discount schedules based on subscription product terms. Most CPQ software offers product options to guide sales and increase your chances of closing deals. Salesforce CPQ General Information. Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Selection rules use the filter field and filter value to apply the selection type to all product options that match product records. It works only for standard product option fields and not for configuration attributes or custom product option fields. Your action’s filter field evaluates only fields on the product option. Salesforce CPQ Summer ’15 and later. Create a product and define its prices as needed. For example, here’s a renewal of a child option to parent bundle. For example, Lookup Filters on the Product Option object can filter records using fields on either the Lookup object or Product Option object. To use the initializer on all of your org’s quote processes, go to the Product Configuration Initializer field in Salesforce CPQ line editor package settings and enter c__ followed by the Visualforce page’s name. Use this to quote a different SKU when renewing. Product Bundles. Product Option Type and Product Option Quantity Editable checkbox interaction in CPQ. This value is copied from the asset’s related product option. Configuration Event The Configuration Event field defines how users can access the Configure Products page. In the Product Rule Name field, enter Window Sensor Warning. Create product action records to affect options. In order to set up a selection rule, you will have to take the following steps: In the Product Configuration page, click the arrow on the smartwatch band option to open the Product Option Drawer, revealing the global attributes in the attribute set. When you order a quote, Set Up Salesforce CPQ in Salesforce Professional Edition. For example, let's say you CPQ Product Option Page Layout. Required Editions. Configure your products to match your pricing and selling needs. Regular Unit Price Configurable Bundles in Salesforce CPQ. You can also use product action fields to change the action’s target scope. Source Field Enter the field containing the value that you want to insert into your target field. Click the App Launcher ( ), and then click the Salesforce CPQ tile. In this article, I’ll go through the scenarios regarding Product Rules and how they can be leveraged to ensure that only valid combinations of product options are selected while configuring a Bundle Product. You control these package types with a custom Color field on the quote line group. A product rule lookup query tests Premium Rate to see if your customer was in more Lookup queries evaluate tested objects only on product options selected in product configuration or on quote lines Define how Salesforce CPQ compares your lookup field to the Salesforce CPQ provides several types of pricing discounts that sales reps can When a sales rep adds that product to a quote, Salesforce CPQ checks where it falls in the quantity ranges and prices the rather than list price and discount. Videos. A Configuration attribute of Type Picklist is created at PB which is named as "Labor Type". Click Next to leave the record type as Configuration Attribute. If your aggregate function is Add, Salesforce CPQ adds up the values of all list prices on your quote. Click: The bundle shows the available product options within each product feature. Available in: All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Sections. Pre-checks options in a bundle based on the account’s industry type; unchecks and hides options known to be incompatible. Feature Guidelines. Product actions target options based on the parent product rule’s scope, conditions, and evaluation event. Product options with a Type field value of Related Product can’t have their Bundled field or their Required field selected. Click Smartwatch. Load: when the user loads the configurator We can't load the page. Below is a scenario I am trying to implement. That being said, the field on the Product Option MUST exist, and must have the same API name and return type as the field created on the Product, or this use-case will fail. Guides. In the Configuration Attributes related list, click New. For example, CPQ Product Page Layout. The Helping Hand of Selection Rules. So far we’ve spent a lot of time talking about product rules Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Set the subscription term to 1. Produc Click Product Rules from the navigation bar. Use the Evaluation Event field to determine when Salesforce CPQ considers and runs a product rule. Close. When Salesforce CPQ combines assets that are part of a bundle, it uses the Required by Asset field to rebuild bundle structure on the renewal quote. How can I filter product option while creating a quote in salesforce cpq. Salesforce CPQ instead uses this bundle’s default product option setup when you add it to a quote. When they select one of those products, Salesforce CPQ adds it to the bundle as a product option. This tells CPQ to run the rule only when configuring a product, and not on the Quote Line Editor. Its quantity is multiplied by the parent Oct 7, 2018 Register Now: 5 Tips for Data Cloud and Agentforce Read More Each combination of values for the Product Option fields such as Type and Quantity Editable checkbox produce a different and unique user experience. ; If you want to allow sales reps to perform product swaps or decrease order product quantities in amendment orders, select Enable Negative Quantities. Quote templates contain many options for customizing the layout of line items in your documents. To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Product Configuration Type: Product Description: Advanced Settings; Column A product configuration initializer consists of a Visualforce controller and Visualforce page. ×Sorry to interrupt. Now that you have a few global attributes, you can be your own CPQ DJ, making mix tapes of attributes that you connect to other product options. Product Dependencies can be managed effectively using Option Constraints and Product Rules in Salesforce CPQ. Product Option : Discounts only when a product is sold in a bundle. After configuring and saving a Product Bundle in the Quote Line Editor, previously selected Product Options are not appearing in the Configurator when the Bundle is re-configured. Tier 1: 10% discount for 1–9 products; Tier 2: 20% discount for 10–19 products; Tier 3: 30% discount for 20+ products; Use the Type field to determine how Salesforce CPQ applies the discount. The reason why the field isn't editable is because a quote line field does not exist to map the value. All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Product Option Fields Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. When CPQ makes the list of virtual options for the mini Product Selection page, it copies data from product records into the list. Required: CheckBox: Select the checkbox if this product is required on the bundle. Type: Hide and Remove; Product: LaserJet Printer; Save; Locate the Configuration Rule Related List, Create a price condition with the following field values to evaluate which product options this rule should apply to: Object: Quote Line; Field: Product Code; Operator: Equals; Filter Type: Value; Filter Value: <Insert product option’s product code> (ex: C-MEM-16GB) Product options and attributes can be used hand in hand to make it easier to select various options based on inputs by the user type of product, date range for which the product is This is especially useful if your company has a vast product catalog. Types of Products. Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jan Salesforce. All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Product Option Fields A single product rule can be applied to unlimited bundles, whereas an option constraint is specific to a single bundle. Podcasts. Note Salesforce CPQ doesn't support product schedules. The answers filter their product based on several of the company’s custom product fields. CPQ API OptionModel The Option model represents a product option data model in Salesforce CPQ. Articles. In the navigation bar, click Products, then choose the All Products list view. In this article, I’ll go through the scenarios regarding Option Constraints and how they can be leveraged to ensure that only valid combinations of product options are selected while configuring a Bundle Product. Order The order that the discount schedule Option Selection Method Choose how Salesforce CPQ presents the product options for selection. They can help enforce business logic Salesforce CPQ: Product Rules Interview Question USE CASE. True: renewed Products render on the Quote Document. All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Product Option Fields CPQ Product Option Page Layout. How do Product Features differ from Options in Salesforce CPQ? In simpler terms, The product option’s category is indicated by the Product Feature. Set Up Salesforce CPQ in Salesforce Professional Edition. Click New. Salesforce CPQ provides a value for this field by default. Add: Salesforce CPQ shows Configure Products only when you add a bundle product to a quote. These types of rules are called Selection rules. Next, go the speicific product you would like to set the option for. Once Salesforce CPQ enables the option for selection, your rep can choose whether to select it based on the The tricky part is that CPQ avoids running some rule types at certain times. Quote Template. Product Option Fields. The resulting value becomes the regular unit price. Create your product or feature field sets. What are the types of product rules in Salesforce CPQ? Product Rules in Salesforce CPQ checks that sales reps configure products correctly by enforcing business logic. When used as a Configuration Attribute in the Configurator, Salesforce CPQ allows an admin to treat a Configuration Attribute as a Product Option field for the purposes of enforcing a Filtered Lookup. A Product Option (for The Configuration Type and Configuration Event fields are already set for the Copy Machine product in your special CPQ-enabled Developer Edition org. Also, Salesforce CPQ doesn’t support renewing or replacing child products with parent products in a bundle. Loading. CPQ API FeatureModel The Feature model represents a product feature data model in Salesforce CPQ. The Original Quantity (SBQQ__BundledQuantity__c) field on Salesforce CPQ quote lines is used to indicate the quantity set during bundle configuration for child products. There are two reasons for this behavior: If you have a Bundle created with Product Options created for Products with Pricing Method "Cost" and no Cost created for the Product. The quote line’s Package Product Description field shows a list of selected product options and user-defined static text. Click the Related tab. Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. . In the table, you can see that even though the quantity of the option is always 2, and the quantity of the bundle is always 3, the quantity of the quote Types of Products. Salesforce CPQ: What’s Different or Not Available in the Salesforce CPQ Products. While you can create any number of new field sets at once, Salesforce CPQ provides custom-managed fields for consumption rates. The key distinction between them lies in the fact that the configuration attribute is related to a single bundle while the global attribute is not directly associated with a product, it can be related to multiple options, and you can This is an exception to standard behavior as, normally, while in configuration, a Product Option field value would take precedence over the like named Product field. For example, we can update the Storage feature on the Laptop to help sales reps choose the appropriate option for their customer. Its Product options with a Type field value of Related Product can’t have their Bundled field or their Required field selected. Sometimes, a configuration attribute is closely related to options in a specific feature. For example, Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Did this article solve your issue? Let us know so we can improve! Yes A type set to Optional Filter means that Salesforce CPQ removes the filter logic when you remove the filtered value from the sidebar. Otherwise, Salesforce CPQ only shows package products with only nonzero This feature is useful if you want to organize line items by a shared value such as product type or price range. For the Evaluation Event field, choose Save. Column 1 Column 2; Configuration Attributes: Quote A product action performs an action on a product option, such as selecting or deselecting the option within its bundle, or hiding the option from view. ” The Aggregate Function field sets the type of math function the summary variable performs. 3. Key takeaways: Guided selling options allow you to streamline quote creation to design customer-specific A product action performs an action on a product option, such as selecting or deselecting the option within its bundle, or hiding the option from view. Product Type Color Producer; Chocolate Coins: Candy: Yellow: Kelly’s Candy: Because you didn’t commit to the product search, Salesforce CPQ considers only the search filter values: Chocolate Bar , Chocolate Coins, Sweet Candy, and Sour You can then split them again for future renewal quotes. To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ Information; Column 1 Column 2; Option Name: Configured SKU: Number: Optional SKU Information; Column 1 Column 2; Product Code: Price Editable: Product Name: Product Configuration Type: Product Description : Advanced Settings; Column 1 Column 2; Component Code Product Dependencies can be managed effectively using Option Constraints and Product Rules in Salesforce CPQ. You want CPQ to copy the Extras__c data too, but the data needs a place to go. Show all bundle products on quote documents. Non-Subscription Products. Close the Setup browser tab to return to the Salesforce CPQ app. Configuration Attribute Guidelines Use configuration attributes to set the value of multiple shared product option fields Salesforce CPQ evaluates higher-ordered rules last, so the product rule with the highest evaluation order number is the final product rule considered. For example, a laptop bundle can have three features: Processor, Memory, and Storage. Salesforce Tower, 415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, San Register Now: 5 Tips for Data Cloud and Agentforce Read More Renewal Product Option: Lookup-Product Option: Product option that replaces this product option on renewal. Constraint Guidelines Enable or disable a product option for selection relative to another product option. Lecture Topics – Salesforce CPQ Product and Bundles Configuration Attribute and Product Rules Guided Selling and Custom Actions Price Rules Contracts and Quote Templates It is Product or services that can be sell to customer in as Standalone, options and Bundle Standalone : It can be sold Individually. Add two product options to the nested bundle Add the nested bundle as an option of the parent bundle, with Selected = True (not necessary to be Selected, but makes testing easier) Create a Product Rule, Type = Selection, Scope = Product, Evaluation Event CPQ Product Option Page Layout. For the Type field, choose Alert. Example I have a main product "Dell Laptop" - I create 2 features "Hardware" and "Software". Types of Product Rules: Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. Available in: Salesforce CPQ Summer ’16 and later: Name Type Description; record: SBQQ Create a selection-type product rule. Then go to the related tab on the record page for the product. CPQ Quote Page Layout. Create all your warranty products and set their Subscription Pricing fields to Percent of Total. Finally, navigate to the options related You can also customize the filter fields to target only the fields and values you need—for example, all product options where Product Code equals “LJ-TONER. Set the Type to “Filter”. Publish Date: May 25, 2023. Build the future with Agentforce at TDX in San Francisco or on Salesforce+ on March 5–6. Enable product option drawers. CPQ Package Settings. For example, CPQ does not evaluate Alert rules when the user first loads the Product Configuration page. Simply put, Products can be referenced in a bundle either as a bundle parent or as product options. CSS Error Each combination of values for the Product Option fields such as Type and Quantity Editable checkbox produce a different and unique user experience. This field can’t be the same as your target field. In this article, we will teach you about the various Salesforce product options, guided selling, its advantages, and how to implement them. Navigating to the Product . In the Feature lookup field, select the relevant Dynamic Feature on the parent bundle product. Newly generated renewals and amendments continue to include the product as a standalone item and the product option is no longer available for selection during bundle configuration. To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Product Configuration Type: Product Description: Advanced Settings; Column By Content Type. Product Option Use validation rules within nested bundles to expand the scope of options Salesforce CPQ considers when evaluating quotes and products. Please click Refresh. Engage with endless, expert resources – in whatever format you prefer. Summary. The values pass if the custom fields are editable, have matching field types, and have Salesforce CPQ sets product option and configuration attribute values based on matching field values from their related quote lines. All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Product Option Fields Product options with a Type field value of Related Product can’t have their Bundled field or their Required field selected. In the Subscription Type field, select Evergreen or Renewable/Evergreen. You can select only 1 type of source per price action. By creating a field on the Product Option object, you reserve a spot on the list for Extras__c data. Key takeaways: Guided selling options allow you to streamline quote creation to design customer-specific Add two product options to the nested bundle Add the nested bundle as an option of the parent bundle, with Selected = True (not necessary to be Selected, but makes testing easier) Create a Product Rule, Type = Selection, Scope = Product, Evaluation Event Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Batch Pricing Price component and accessory bundle product options by static amounts based on Enable Product Option Drawer: Allow admins to create a set of configuration attributes that sales reps can assign to any number of product options. Add: The bundle shows an Add Options link at the bottom of the product feature. Product A product configuration initializer consists of a Visualforce controller and Visualforce page. When you reference your summary variable, it returns the combined value of list prices on your quote lines. Bundle: two or more products can be sold as Bundle Options: It The Quote Line Group model represents a quote line group data model in Salesforce CPQ. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Installed Packages, and then select Installed Packages. Product Pricing Methods Apply various discounts or markups to customize pricing on your products. Once Salesforce CPQ enables the option for selection, your rep can choose whether to select it based on the Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. Product Option Type: Component, Product Option Quantity Editable: True. Publish Date: Jan 26, 2024 Salesforce, Inc. In this video, I give an overview on what a Product Option is in Salesforce CPQ. To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Product Configuration Type: Product Description: Advanced Settings; Column The bundle is a central concept in Salesforce CPQ. Its Here’s why. Then, navigate to the Products tab and click. ; In the Subscription Pricing field, select Fixed Price. Its quantity is multiplied by the parent product’s quantity, and its quantity isn’teditable in the quote line editor. For the Scope field, choose Product. Research & Reports. Salesforce CPQ Product rules can be useful to assess product options within a bundle, quote, or quote line based on specific conditions, and take appropriate actions accordingly. Product Configuration: Quantity is Editable Quote Line Editor: Quantity is Not Editable. Discount Schedules: If the quote line has discount schedules, Salesforce CPQ applies the appropriate discount to the prorated price. Order Product A product action performs an action on a product option, such as selecting or deselecting the option within its bundle, or hiding the option from view. Users who buy either package can add a monitor bundle, which contains a product option for the monitor stand. I hope you find it helpful! Want more content? ⬇️ Connect with me o Note Salesforce CPQ doesn’t support the reparenting of a child asset in a bundle to a different parent on renewal. So, choosing a Scope/Evaluation Event combination of A Feature Premier. Create a Selection Rule to Hide an Irrelevant Option Product Option. I have a "region" field in product option with values X or Y A product action performs an action on a product option, such as selecting or deselecting the option within its bundle, or hiding the option from view. they don’t sell it to a customer without the original option that makes use of it. Explore by content type. When printing Quote Lines in Salesforce CPQ Quote Templates, Optional Line Items that are grouped into one Line Item section do not pull the Net Total Value on to the Quote document, A product’s type determines how it moves through the renewal process. Salesforce CPQ automates pricing, prorating, and coterminating subscriptions on Configurable Bundles in Salesforce CPQ. Refresh To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ; CPQ Product Option Page Layout. This tells CPQ to focus on summarizing Product Option data, which is great because you intend for the rule to run when configuring a bundle. If a Product Option is of Type Component, the Original Quantity field will contain the Quantity that will be allocated per quantity of the parent bundle during calculation For Target Object, choose Product Option. Add the gold warranties as product Warning If a required or bundled product option has a Type field of Related Product, Salesforce CPQ treats the product option like it’s a component. Set the Auto-Select checkbox to True. 31, 80636 München, Deutschland. Show Renewed Products. Create a Product Filter Rule. The rule that contains the price action. Product Options. Salesforce CPQ Information; Column 1 Column 2; Pricing Method: Pricing Method Editable: Quantity Editable: Exclude From Opportunity: Non Discountable: Type Option Constraints Constraint Name Feature Target Field Required Configuration Attributes Attribute Name To keep your product option records accurate and organized, Salesforce CPQ Information; Column 1 Column 2; Option Name: Configured SKU: Number: Optional SKU Information; Column 1 Column 2; Product Code: Price Editable: Product Name: Product Configuration Type: Product Description : Advanced Settings; Column 1 Column 2; Component Code Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. All Salesforce CPQ Editions: Product Option Fields A manager for an IT solutions company wants a guided selling prompt that lets their sales reps define the business solution, server types, deployment options, and commercial segment of their customers. Sales reps see the configuration Product options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle. Set the Scope to “Product”. For Attribute Name, enter Size. During contract creation, non-subscription products can convert to an Asset depending on the option chosen in the Asset Conversion field (One per unit, One per quote line, or None). Hide Features with Hidden Options Salesforce CPQ provides various custom managed fields for the asset object. External Configurator URL: Salesforce CPQ opens this URL when a sales rep configures a product marked as externally configurable. ; Go to the Additional Settings page and select Enable Product Option Drawers. Set Active to Each combination of values for the Product Option fields such as Type and Quantity Editable checkbox produce a different and unique Product Option Type and Product Option Quantity Editable checkbox interaction in CPQ. Click o When a sales rep quotes a bundle with a configured code pattern, Salesforce CPQ evaluates the bundle’s selected product options. Source Lookup Field Example Your top-level product in a bundle is a customizable laptop, where the first level of options lets you select the brand of hard drive for the laptop. Conclusion. ysg udazc lnpam gtceoe bbzd xhcmx zzji zuaka vwrht pyqvks