Test e dbol cycle. Have ran Test dbol cylce before without any sides.

Test e dbol cycle Dbol - 20-25mg ED. Test E 10 weeks 500mg per week 250 monday and 250 thursday. Here’s a look at sample 4 – 6-week Dbol cycle for you to try. Buy Deca Durabolin here. I had done a Dbol cycle previous with good gains. Here it is: Weeks 1-12 test e 500mg a week Weeks 1-12 deca @ 500mg I'm currently 22, 5'9-10 weighing around 172-177 and have been training for about 5-6 years now and ready to do my first cycle. Hello im 23 and im gonna start my first cycle Im 5 11 180 pounds Im thinking about running dbol and test e Im gonna do Dbo 50 mg. Guy basically went week 6-10 on 350mg tren/wk with a couple of pre workout Dbol's added in. Any helpful tips or suggestions I am grateful of! 8 Weeks Cycle & 4 Weeks PCT 10mg Dbol morning 30mg Dbol 2 hours before training Monday / Wednesday / Friday 0. 5mg a day. week 1-4 Test e week 1-8 500 mg a week And pct week. Ive been training over the past 3 years. And for first time with tren skip test e , and why up it to 1000 , this is much man , stick with tren a and test p for first time , the tren much stronger than deca , and if you will react bad will shut you down . Was thinking about going 12 weeks in full but have the first 4-6 w the dbol at the 30 mg dose. Sunday night I took my first shot of test/deca/tren and 50mg of dbol. I will buy Test E) ~sj23300, 2013 Its just a basic Test-E and Dbol cycle, straight off of the "Cycles for the Newbie" thread on here. This is basically just an experiment guys. 50/100, 50/100, 25/50,25/50. The dbol will mask the effects of the proviron because of the water gain on Bol. Previous cycles were in my early 20's. He said 500 test 25-30 dbol 250 tren Any advice? In mid 30’s and kinda tall. In this particular cycle (test/deca/dbol), it is most logical to use a long estered testosterone such as cypionate, enanthate, or the sustanon 250 blend (which is mostly made up of long esters). Dbol can clear out much faster and you can just start by added 5mg dbol a day until you're low e2 sides stop. I would drop it all together. For anyone looking to try testosterone enanthate cycle, here’s a more detailed look at a typical test-E cycle guide, effects, side effects, and dosage. While the former will encourage nitrogen retention and protein synthesis to pack on muscles, the latter works to keep your natural testosterone production at its Best AI for Dbol Cycles. Hi Everyone, My next cycle is going to be Deca, Dbol, Test E, proviron. I'm wondering if any of you have had any experience running a tren/test/dbol cycle and what your goals/results were? Hi all, Been doing alot of reading and preparing for my upcoming Test E/ Dbol cycle. 5mg/ED I would be pinning once test once a week, NPP E3D PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/100/50/50 Quick questions: Assuming Dbol isn't underdosed, should I keep it at 30mg or up it? i was also going to be running dbol and testE, a 10 week cycle though, and dbol for 4 weeks. 600mg test E/ week 600mg EQ / week 300mg NPP/ week Will start the NPP about half way through the cycle. Don’t forget that Dbol is liver toxic, so it’s a wise idea to limit Compounds: Dianabol and Test E (500mg per week) Goal: Size Current Stats: 5’11 - 72KG, 23 y/o, Super Lean with very little bf % (pic in comments) - no real strength related stats to post because I’ve never really gone for PB’s ; to be completely honest with you I lift solely for aesthetics and for therapeutic reasons. Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 30 mg Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500 mg Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 300 mg Weeks 11-14 Mast P @ 100 mg EOD Weeks 13-14 Test P @ 100 mg EOD Starting this cycle tomorrow. Test E , Deca , Dbol Cycle! Ight guys I'm new here but not new to the juice. Testosterone is shortly called Test and you can add whatever testosterone In fact, you can cycle the two steroids together right from day one. Some guys use the dbol as a kickstart, some wait to use the dbol until the test kicks in, some use the dbol at the end of a cycle and as a bridge to pct, and some use it as both a kick start and a bridge. After that, continue on a 4-week PCT with 0. this is my very first cycle ever so im mainly just wondering about the dbol dosage, is it too low of a dosage? if so how much should i be taking I have started Test E 12 week cycle. I’ve been still running my AI as normal 0. Below is the cycle. I also have the following on hand Hello guys , I'm starting a dbol test E an NPP cycle an I'm looking for a little help with tweaking. Dosage a little different tho. tren is much stronger than test/deca. instagram. 25/ed week 17-19 Nolva 40,20,20 week 17-19 Clomid 100,50,50. My So I posted a couple times leaning toward a sustanon and dbol cycle. Cycle plan is Test E 250mg E5d combined with Masteron 200mg E5d and Turinabol 40mg ed Test and masteron for 10-12weeks and Tbol 6 weeks. (500 test e 500 deca ew) Getting huge strength and weight gains and feeling great. I don’t want to get into why I have decided to gear up, but I really have done a large amount of research, and I have come up with this cycle: W 1-10 Test Enth 500mg W 1-6 Turinabol 20mg 2 times a day W Provi and dbol together I don't think is good combo. I was planning on just test E 250mg E3D for 12 weeks and dbol 50mg ED for 4 weeks (first cycle, keep it simple etc. So, we decided to walk you through some of the best Dbol I am planning out my first cycle using NPP, Test-E and Dbol. Looking to put on mass and make some solid gains. Dbol 30mg ED and test e at around 600Mg per week. Use the Test Prop kicker instead. 5mg Arimidex ED you might as well stop your cycle since DHT is a by product of test and needed for your cycle. , 25years old (I have Dbol + anavar. Just wanted to give an update and hear what you guys think about how things are going. Week 1: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / . planing to use test e of 500mg for 15 weeks. . I've ordered dbol, test e, and winstrol, hoping to get some big gains before I start to cut. Feb 17, 2016 #1 Hey guys, great forum btw Week 1-12 Test E 300mg/week Week 1-12 Boldenone 400mg/week Week 1-6 Dbol as a kicker 25mg/day Week 5-12 HCG 250UI 2x/week Hey everyone. Took it just with test-e and had little bloat. there is your basic newbie cycle. I currently weigh 182 lbs, and I'm 5'11" around 8-10% body fat. week 1 to 4 = 30mg Dbol (ED). What do you guys think? Any guidance would be appreciated! ~Girthbroox, 2024 i have test-e 300 and deca 100 and anavar 10mg. Aromasin (Exemestane) The eq dosage in such cycles typically ranges from 200mg to 600mg per week, depending on experience and goals. ) and Dbol stands for Dianabol (but may be found as other I have done 1 previous cycle last february of test e for 10 weeks. The average dose for a man during a Dianabol cycle is 30-50mg per day. Stats: 3 cycles, 23 years old, 8% BF, 6'0, 210lbs, on average roughly 3900 cals + 300g of protein a day How does this stack look? Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed Weeks 1-10 Test E 500mg ew Bold (Equipoise) 600mg ew PCT - 14 days after last test shot 5 Weeks: Week 1 Clomi 75mg Nolv 40mg Week 2 Dianabol Results: Before and After Pictures. Therefore, in this article Typically, it involves injecting testosterone enanthate over several weeks, with the test e dosage varying based on your goals. I have heard mixed reviews on this dosage like ‘you wont make gains on that low dose’ and then heard ‘its Wait until your at your max T level for a week or two to see how your body handles it. For this I’d say start with 200mg-500mg Considering the following 10 week cycle: weeks 1-4: 30mg-40mg dbol weeks 1-10: 300mg test twice a week weeks 1-10: 200mg eq twice a week Ive heard tht its a good idea to run test a week longer, but not sure. For beginners, a test e 250 cycle is Novice bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts aren’t much aware of the Dbol and Test cycle, so they end up with the wrong products that might damage vital internal organs. Maybe have some dbol on hand to help recover from bad e2 sides. I also got I started cycle at around 94-95kg (210) a bit puffy (16-17%bf). However, like other steroids, Dbol can lead to increased estrogen levels, resulting in unwanted side effects. tantrum52891 New Member. My knowledge with gear is quite limited. Height This is going to be my 2nd cycle and wanted to know if i should make any changes Week 1 - 5 - Dbol 30mg/day - Test E 300mg/twice a week week 6 - 8 - Test E 300mg/twice a week Week 9 - 14 - Test E 300mg/twice a week - Winstrol 50mg/day Adex - 1mg EOD PCT: Clomid - 150/100/100/50 (worked exceptionally well on my first cycle)----- I usually use Dbol as a kickstart to cycles with steroid compounds that take longer to take effect, such as Test E. Like 1g test, 500-750mg deca for example Hey lads and ladettes, So ordered a stack. 5ft, 134lb. Save the tren, but if you want to use the dbol, you have a few options. Well folks, it's time to turn into a monster. In our experience, his size gains are typical of what a beginner can 2nd Cycle (2013 Ended 4th of July): 10 wks total, Hulk Test E 500mg/wk, Hulk Dbol 50 mg ED weeks 1 - 5, adex as needed, 3 week pct of nolva and clomid. As you may already know, there are several versions of testosterone with different esters attached to them. Thread starter Geneticcz; Start date Feb 17, 2016; Geneticcz New member. I guided one of my bodybuilding friends through a test dbol cycle. 500iu of HCG per week slit into 2 injections. 5-1mg of arimidex everyday on cycle. I picked up a 10ml vial of test e and 1 of Deca as well. Joined Oct 21, 2010 V what is your opinion on running a cycle along these lines 1-12 Test Cyp 1gram/week 1-12 Tren E 800mg/week Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. com 4. I have been training for some time now and after doing some research I have decided to try AAS. You probably should increase your doses if you want something comparable. Both Test and Dianabol are quite old Gender = Male. This is your FIRST cycle, just stick to the basics. 5mg Arimidex ED Week 2: Test Enanthate 500mg (250mg mon/thurs) / Dianabol 30mg ED / . Should I run dbol alone for 1 week then start test e? That Just my 2 cents bro but i would only run the test e at 350 mg or 400 mg a week since your running a good amount of tren e and dbol paralell with it. Test E- 1-8wk 250mg/wk Dbol- 1-4wk 30mg/ed Tren A- 4-8wk 75mg/eod 5`11 200 lbs 7% body fat If you think i should change anything please let me know. I’d do a Dbol/Test/Deca cycle: Week 1-6: 30mg/day Dbol; Week 1-12: 300mg/week Deca, 500mg/week Testosterone Cypionate; For recovery (PCT), use 0. Two weeks in. We have observed novices experience weight increases of up to 30 pounds from a +1 for dbol. Would like a consensus. why did you do EQ and Mast when fat, just to bloat like a mofo now? deca and dbol will make you into a fucking Michelin Man. Stats: 24 yo 265 lbs 15%+- bf. Drop the dbol because you will just bloat. I’m also planning to add Masteron E. I've used the Test E the past cycles and like it, helps with good strength gains and a nice solid hard look. Weeks 1-8: Dbol 10mg 3x/day Weeks 1-5: Test Cyp 200mg 2x/week Weeks 6-10: Test E 300mg 3x/week Weeks 6-9: Tren A 50mg/day Going by this, at week 6 he started pinning Test E, which means it's going to be at least 4 weeks till it builds up. Test. Combining different compounds is known as Polypharma, and is incredibly common in the bodybuilding world. Strength up as well. Perhaps the most simple and guaranteed to These cycles will be in the order of weakest to strongest. I am planning my first cycle with the aim of maximising strength (wilks points) and have access to dbol, test E and deca. I am only using Dbol as a kickstart for the first month (started with 30mg ED and im currently on 40mg and im taking it full dose pwo and split in two doses morning and afternoonish on rest days) Plan on starting a test enth cycle this week and add some dbol later on. Been training for 8 years now, I am currently 180lbs trying to get to 200lbs. Then finish of 3-4 weeks on 500mg Test E + 50-100mg Win tabs each day. my cycle will be 8-10 weeks long consisting of: Test E - 250mg EW. Of course cycle Hey guys. then moved on to my TRT + 200mg/week Test E (total of 8 weeks) then 8 week break. Test E, Deca, Dbol 13 week cycle . Dbol aromatizes very aggressively as well, hence the well known term "dbol bloat". com/dbol-and-test-cycle/ Dbol and Testosterone or Sustanon can be stacked together for quick muscle and strength gains. However, looking at the wiki's example cycles, I'm not sure what to run. I've added my food tracker spreadsheet on my daily updates now, Test E/Dbol cycle . So far I have constructed the following cycle and would like some input. He’s 27, was at natty limit, also diabetic (explains glucose). Nervous as hell daughter banged on bathroom door and I forgot to expel air from needle. Net 10 lbs gain. So cycle I’m thinking of is. 5ml EOD PCT starting after 7 days Nolva: Week 1-- 40mg per day You can literally add it anytime you want, Dbol is the fucking shit the pumps are unreal and made me look so full. I mainly stay off cycle as long (or longer) than what I´m on the cycle. just wonder the recommended doses for dbol and masteron? also finasteride. I plan on pinning 125mg of test enth Monday and Thursday until my shoulder feels well enough to lift heavy again and then I’ll start pinning With Test E or C you would be getting 500mg a week. Appreciate Hi, I’m about to blast with Test Cypionate for 12 weeks (250 2x/week) and for the first time I’m planning to add Dianabol for the last 8 weeks: (12. 1-4 Test P @ 150mg EOD (up to you 1-4 Dbol) Tbol would be better with this cycle 1-6 tbol 1-12 DBol, Test E, EQ cycle. Weeks 1 - 4: Dianabol 50mg ED Weeks 1 - 20: Test E 600mg EW Weeks 1 -20 : Deca 600mg EW Weeks 1 - 20: Proviron 50mg ED Finished my Test/Deca/dbol cycle 3 weeks ago and my only recommendation to you is to have some aromasin on hand. 5mg/ed PCT 1-4 Clomed 50/50/50/50 1-4 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 It has been 19 weeks since my pct has been completed and I am eager to start my second cycle! I hope to run three compounds: two orals with a base of testosterone enanthate. ad. I hear so many conflicting opinions on PCT for Deca,should i run caber throughout the cycle, and if so at what dosage! I've got a bottle of 100 dbol tabs and was thinking about throwing it into the mix at the beginning of this cycle to kickstart everything (I'm also running double dose of the test and tren the first two weeks to frontload). Any input would be great, thanks Stats: Age 32 Height 5/11 Weight 205 Bf my guess is 15% Wk 1-4/6 dbol 50mg ED Wk 3-14 NPP 100mg every I was planning on running a 12 week cycle: Week 1-4 Test E-- 250mg Tren E-- 200mg EQ-- 400mg Dbol–100mg ED Anastrazole-- 0. If I was to run a high tets cycle and notice some E sides, I would replace some of the test, say 200mg of your 500 TestE with NPP. One year ago, he had a natural test of 650. My PCT goes only with Nolvadex for 4-6 weeks. Option 1 6 Week Anavar 25 mg + Dbol 25 mg (Week 2-8) (1-week bread after 3 weeks) I am planning out my first cycle using NPP, Test-E and Dbol. Also, you ran tren at 700mg/wk. I'm only running a 8 week cycle and this is what i was thinking. This winter will be a test/tren/dbol for sure. Just try first 1- so its okay to run a test only cycle as if im a beginner or would you recommend the test e dbol all over again and would 500mg test e with 40 mg dbol a day split be okay? 2- as for pct i have nolva 20 hcg 5000iu ill take 2 My favorite setup for big bulk gains cycle test E 600-750mg/wk tren E 750mg/wk boldenone 600mg/wk proviron 50mg ed arimidex 0. Plan on running the test for 14 weeks, tren for 12, and dbol for 4-6 depending on how I'm feeling. Seems like the status quo nowadays for Dbol is a 4 week run as a booster until the If you didn't like dbol. Which should I run? FIRST CYCLE Test E (Beginner) Cycle Examples: A beginner can gain insight into the effects of Test E during their first cycle using a 12-week plan. canadianmadelabs. 5mg eod. Previous cycles have included: Sust,Var,Deca,Win (and Arimidex + nolva). Recent reviews. Body Fat is 15 Planning on jumping on a cycle next month with test c 500mg/wk Tren e 200mg/wk Dbol 30mg ed Armidex . Hey guys, I am a longtime reader of this forum among many others. com 5/5 Was lucky to be part of the recent promo. Cycle details Test E week 1-12 500mg ew split in 2 doses Deca week 1-12 500mg ew as above Dbol week 1-6 40-60mg ED No need for pct as I will take 2 weeks off then back on to low dose test 75mg every 4 days I tend to get a bit of gyno when taking deca and find that anastrazole or tamoxifen take away that feeling of frigging awesomeness when on Dianabol or Test E cycle . Run low dose Test E to keep the test sides I've also just started this exact cycle. Second cycle. I am starting with a low dose of test - 250mg a week (125mg Monday/Thursday). Thanks to the advice of you guys on here, I have also purchased some Cabergoline 20 x 1mg tabsshould arrive in 2 weeks or so. Dbol was great to help with strength gains, as before I started cycle I hadnt been to gym in 3 months due to injury and was only dumbel pressing 25kg(55) dBs and now I am back up to doing 47. I plan to take weight gainer as well as protein shakes between my 5 meals, train hard 4 days a week to allow rest in between, my goal is to bulk up. Here are my stats and cycle plan: 32 years old, 6', 182lbs, 9%bf Cycle History: Lots of test, deca, and superdrol. 8/5 As usual, very positive overall experience « sc2216. This is my proposed cycle. 500 mg/Week. 5mg Arimidex every other day starting week 3; Weeks 5-9 250mg Test E every 3 days 0. My first cycle. #testosterone #deca #dbol #bodybuilding #steroidsFollow Me OnINSTAGRAM https://www. 5ml EOD Week 5-8 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 400mg Anastrazole-- 0. I love animals stuff, im on pak and m-stak now. Over all I gained about 43 pounds and kept 28 pounds of it. A Testosterone and Dianabol cycle is probably one of the original bulking cycles known to man. week 1-15 Test Enthanate 500mg/week week 1-6 Dbol 40mg/day week 11-15 Tbol 40mg/day week 1-19 Anastrozol . Weeks 1-12 (consider tapering into pct) Adex . Weight = 160 pounds. Running test E 2 weeks longer than the deca to allow the long esters to clear. Went to stick my self and my reflexes Test and Dianabol cycle. Any thoughts on this: Wk: 1-12 test 500 Wk: 1-4 anadrol Wk: 5-8 dbol Wk:9-12 wini Wk:1-12 exemestane I have everything on hand and ready to start Monday. Running at 150 mg 2x per week, 100 mg 2x per week, and 50 mg daily. but i was contemplating what to run the last couple weeks, so mine will be shorter, and i like your theory Yaz on superdrol for the end, Critique my cycle: *500mg Test E (weeks 1-16). Thus, as the list goes down, the side effects will become harsher. (edit: or 6 weeks like nos said ) Age 32 6' tall 215 lbs 13% bf My cycle: 700 mg test E per week split into 2 equal injections for 14 weeks, 500 mg deca split into 2 equal injections per week for 12 weeks, 40mg dbol everyday for the first 5-6 weeks. Just got some gear from my source. so im about to start a test E and dbol cycle with 250mg of test E per week for 10 weeks and 25mg of dbol a day for the first 6 weeks. 4/5 Overall peptidesciences has been great, they accept all major pa « Slim0983. So I’m on week 3 of a 12 week 500mg test E cycle right now (my first cycle not including sarms). No, we’re not shooting down your dreams of Dbol Hey guys I'm running my first cycle and was wondering if you could help me out. Dbol Cycle Info: So, now that we know what is Dbol and what it can do. Been out of the game for a while due to personal reasons and hope to come back with a bang! This is what I have and plan to start: week 1-7 dbol @ 30mg/day week 1-20 test e @ 500mg/week week 1-18 EQ @ 700mg/week My last cycle was a 20 week cycle of 800mg of test with 300mg of test prop for the first 8 weeks, and 600mg of deca and 50mg of dianabol for the first 6 weeks, and tren ace for 12 weeks at 50mg Ed. Should be easy to maintain them when you come off Dbol into test and then EQ kicks in. 25mg ed. ). I think it would be good 2 keep my gains, harden up, and maybe cut a little i have a really good diet planned abt 3500 calories, 8 meals a day, about 400g protein. Measurements were done on via DEXA testing. 5mg Arimidex every 3 days Test, deca, dbol is a classic cycle and will always work even at low dose. 10 weeks in first cycle (250mg E3D test I’m running test EQ, and NPP. Feeling like this may be a bit much for a newbie but this is what was recommended. This cycle is quite First Test E cycle 1-12 Test E 500mg/week 1-12 HCG 500iu/week 1-12 Aromasin 12. Here are the top AIs recommended for Dbol cycles: 1. Stats: 29yo, training for a few years, 190lbs 18-20% bf, big 3 lifts are about national standard. By the end of dbol I got up to 100kg(225) and now sitting at 96kg. Weeks 5-18 Exemestane 10mg Post Cycle- Clomid. this cycle will catch the last week of my trenazone as well, which i dont feel is that bad since its transdermal except sides are a bitch on it. i love long tren e cycles with super oral abuse all up in that bitch. I was just wondering if there was a way to combat or at least minimize the puffiness/water retention. It’s going well so far but I want more so am considering adding some dbol for the last 4 or 6 weeks of the cycle. I’ve dabbled a little bit before with steroids but nothing serious. Currently im on the 4th week of my Test E/Deca/Dbol cycle. 50mg EOD PCT Wk Just wanted to share how my cycle is going. New posts Search forums. I continue to try different combinations Dbol 30-50mg ED. Wk 1-12 : Test E 450, 220 mg E3D (540 mg wk) Wk 1-12 : Tren E 200, 100 mg E3D (200 mg wk) Wk 1-12 : Adem . steroidify. Kickstart for consistent gains throughout the cycle, Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. I dont like AIs unless theyre no bullshit, 100% necessary. Gym six days a week. Yeah animal flex i heard about it. or Anadrol/Test cycle. Originally I Alright, we I finished my first cycle of Test E / Tren E ( I know, dumbass move to run Tren on a 1st) but I kept the dose low and got no sides other than it was a little hard getting to sleep at night. I'm starting with 350mg a week of test P and 50mg of dbol a day to get it jump started. You also don't need 4 weeks between last test e shot and pct you only need 2. favorite lean hard dry shredded cycle test E 375mg/wk (250mg/ml 0. and for pointing out that noticing test at its full potential takes about 6 weeks. Instructions are as follows Test E 250mg week (10ml supplied) Deca 250mg week (10 ml supplied) EQ 500mg week (20ml supplied) Dbol 30mg ed (200 pills supplied) Arimidex 1mg ed (starting week 4, 50 pills supplied) Cycle is supposed to be 8 If you are looking to bulk, run Dbol/Test cycle. Starting on 750mg Test E every week + 40mg Dianabol every day the first month. and then stop the dbol as the EQ ester starts to clear your system. First cycle was test e only at 525 a week. whats up guys, extremely new to the forum but have seen what is needed to post started lifting when i was 19 started using gear when i was 25 (will be 29 soon) age: 28 height: 6’0 weight: 215 (12%BF) First cycle - test cyp 500mg/week - 8 weeks second cycle - test cyp 500mg/week - 12 weeks, dbol 50mg weeks 1-5, third cycle - (found out about low test high https://cimab-sa. Here's my pics from day one, and a consolidated day 1-4 update. Test E 300mg per week Hi, starting my first 12 week cycle. (might be pinning ED or 3 times a week, to decrease the sides) People who are serious about muscle gains would really love Test and Dbol cycle. 3rd Cycle plan (would like feedback): 14 - 16 weeks total, Hulk Test C 500mg/wk, Hulk EQ 500mg/wk, Blue Heart Dbol 30 - 50 mg ED weeks 1 - 6. STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS. PCT will consist of 40mg nolva for the first 3 weeks then 20 mg nolva for the following 3 weeks. Given the option between Dbol only cycles and Dbol and test cycles, the clear winner has to be option 2 (although, if given a third option we would use neither as the risks are simply too Test e, npp and dbol cycle. I pinned every Monday an Thursday last cycle . I have decided on Test E as its probably the easiest to do the test taper with than Sustanon as most of you have suggested. Just wondering what people think about this cycle. I have a friend that juices and told me to do this cycle. Anyways, my first cycle was a 10 week cycle consisting of 250mg test enanthate 2 x per week ( 500 mg weekly for weeks 1-10), dbol at 30mg/day for weeks 1-4, aromasin daily for weeks 1-12, weeks 12-16 the usual nova and clomid. Weeks 5-18 Test C 250 twice per week and Deca 250 @ 150 twice per week on Monday and Thursday. Along with this, take 300 mg of Deca and 500 mg of test E per week from week 1 to 15. Would you run dbol with Tren in a cycle? ^ yes. Plan is to do 10 weeks of test e and dianabol for the first 4 weeks to kickstart. 5ml 3x a week) tren A 50 Okay, lets say you have a basic beginner test cycle like this one: Test-E - 250mg - bi-weekly - 12 weeks Dbol - 50mg - daily - weeks 1-3 HCG - 250iu - bi-weekly - (starting at week 3) PCT - (to be determined) Now you have the option to add hGH into the cycle. Only because it should help reduce any of When we talk about bulking cycles, there isn't a more popular and well known stack than the classic Testosterone-Deca Durabolin-Dianabol cycle. That cycle should pack mad mass and the tren will start to tighten things up at week 8 Reply reply Test-E: 150mg per week for 6 weeks Tren-E: 400mg per week for 6 weeks Deca: 600mg per week for 6 weeks Masteron E: 400mg per week for 6 weeks STOP! CRUISE on 150-300mg Test E and 200 Masteron E Wasn’t planning on using it but I’m wondering if it would help combat some of the additional estrogen that dbol causes. Dianabol, or methandrostenolone, is the leading oral anabolic steroid available. Registered. E. 10 - 12 Any advice best pct and any feedback would be very helpfull 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/wk 1-10 NPP @ 300mg/wk E3D 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day 1-10 Caber @ 1mg/wk 1-10 aromasin @ 12. I'm gonna stack test e, tren a, and dbol. 1-12 Test E 500mg/week 1-6 DBOL 40-50mg/ed 7-12 VAR 60-80mg/Ed 1-12 Armidex . 20mg of dbol twice a day, 250 mg of test e twice a weak,. 5mg of Weeks 1-4 - Test C 250 twice per week on Monday and Thursday and Dbol 30 everyday. Now after 6 months, I am doing my second cycle and have plans to appear in a body building show. This is my first injectables cycle. I was thinking about doing a cycle of test E (300 mg/W for 8 weeks), using Dianabol to kickstart, with 40 mg a day for 4 weeks, but since I'm on a tight budget I have to choose between one of them, Dbol only cycle or Test E only cycle? I'm a beginner in using steroids, and I'm using tamoxifen as PCT + Arimidex as AI, btw. Starting today I'm going 500mg test C a week and dropping the dbol and switching to 75mg tren A per day. Stats 25yo, 6'2 and weighed 224lbs this morn; i am also a natural ectomorph -2 Test E, Masteron and DBOL . 25mg/day i have all the information i need for the dbol and test E but what do you guys think about anavar at the end of my cycle. Dianabol, or Dbol, is a popular anabolic steroid used to build lean muscle mass and increase strength, often utilized in bulking cycles. Body Fat = 10 percent. 5ml Test-E 1ml NPP 12. Week 13- 16 test E 750mg Week 1-6 dianabol 50mg ED Week 1-16 deca 500mg Mastering the Dianabol Cycle: A Detailed Guide Here, we outline a precise roadmap of dosage parameters and cycle lengths, tailored for different levels of steroid use. As far as the plan goes it's along the lines of- Weeks 1-4: Hop on the test E train at 600 mg/wk Weeks 5-10: Add in deca and blast it at 300 mg/wk Weeks 11-12: Get off deca and run test for 2 more weeks to slowly get everything back to normal and not fuck up my dick. i just dont know how to stack these. Apr 11, 2010 #6 T. Previous Cycles = 1, mentioned bellow. I only took 25mg a day too I can only imagine 50. 25mg Adex with every pin which is M/W/F I spilt my cycle over 3 pins as I do get high e2 although no real real sides but have had floppy knob with Deca before. The purpose of this thread is to provide weekly updates and get feedback throughout the cycle. Jump to Latest 546 views 16 replies 6 participants last post by Nuff Apr 18, 2024. Antonsingh1 Discussion starter. My aromasin was supposed to be here before the day my cycle started but didn't come in so I started anyway. Hi guys, Looking for more advice on a cycle: 1- Test E 350mg/week 2- Dbol 30mg/week 3- EQ 500mg/week 4 -GW501516 20mg/day 5 - (maybe S4 as well, not sure Home. My question is: would you do it throughout the 12-week cycle/blast or would you do it with Dbol during the last 8 weeks? Thanks in advance! A Dianabol cycle is a six to eight-week regimen of taking the drug Dianabol, which is an oral steroid. I have done dbol, eq, and some other orals in the past. Test cyp 450 mast E 420 Deca 250 will plan to raise Deca to 320 from feb 1st. Working Out = 6 years. Want to get noticeably bigger and lean out some. Getting ready to start a 13 week cyclehere are the details I am 6'3, 255 pounds, 36 years old and 17%bf. Theres the basic bulk+ cycle which is test e 500/wk and dbol and theres the Beginner EQ Bulk, which is 300mg eq and 100mg test e. 5kg(105) dumbells. Right now just running tren-a 500 / wk test-e 250 / wk. I am three weeks into this current cycle. I took Tbol for a few days but did not feel anything at all so perhaps i should wait for the test to kick in. Here is what I have been running On Week 4! 1-4 Dbol - 45mg ED (today is my last day) 1-10 Test E - 400mg/wk 1-10 Eq -400mg/wk My strength gains have gone through the roof! Each week im breaking new grounds on weight!!I train one body part per day on a 5 day spilt, and the other two days i do core work. Would you add or subtract anything from this cycle? This is my 6th cycle but never with these compounds. We will investigate how iconic figures like Arnold Cycle breakdown: Test E, 600 mg per Week, from week 1-12 Dbol, 40 mg per week, from week 1-4 I'm now 4 weeks into my cycle, (First cycle ever), and I've believed my dbol to be bunked or pretty underdosed, I did not get bloat from Dbol, actually been gaining what it looks to be lean mass no gyno but my nipples are definitely sensible and hurt a lot when touched, Second Cycle (About to start) Test E 500 1-12 Deca 400 1-12 Dbol 30mg ed 1-5. I would recommend that (dbol hack) over adding in more test. 5mg/day Arimidex for Sup Gentleman, I just got my first cycle : Testosterone 500mg/week Eq 500mg/week Dbol 50mg/day 5’8” 196lb 15-20% Body Fat. Been training for 5 years but the past 4 months I’ve been out of the game due to a shoulder injury but I just got cleared to go start some light lifting again. com/michaelvandusen0:00 - Intro1:14 - Dosing Protocol2:04 - How I just came off of a Tren E cycle which really helped with strength and such but the holidays got the best of me and I gained about 25 lbs. This will be my 5th cycle,but my second within the last 5 months. Spanning the entire 12 weeks is Testosterone/trenbolone will produce similar size gains as the testosterone/Dianabol cycle, but without the additional water retention. Dbol 30mg per day for 3/4 weeks not decided yet. The very bottom cycles are only for First time running mast with test and Deca and all going well. Maybe you get bad E sides. Run the Dbol for 5 weeks. Here's what I have for my current cycle plan: Week 1-12: test e 500mg/wk Week 2-5: dbol oral 50mg/day So here is my proposed cycle: Week 1-4: Test e- 500 mg Dbol 50 mg week 5-12: test e 750 mg Npp 350 mg Test will be injected 250 mg at a time for 2-3 times a week depending on dose Dbol will be popped consistently thru the day I am about the start a Dbol/Test cycle, and Im aware Dbol will make you puffy asf due to the water retention. A common test and eq cycle might include test e and eq cycle 44 years old,I did my first cycle at 17 years old,i have a 7 year old son,I have done cycles for a year non stop,injecting every other day,non stop,the best cycle I ever From week 1 to 6, take 25-35 mg of Dbol per day. I agree tho your first cycle should always be test e, Dbol for 2 weeks , skip it . Hi guys looking for a bit of advice , I’m thinking of running a 10 week cycle Wk 1-10 Test E 500mg split twice per week Wk 1-2 Dbol 40mg ED Wk 3-4 Dbol 30mg ED Nolva PCT Arimidex on hand Day 1- took Dbol and realized I had the wrong needles. 500 a a day is way too much and test e is a long ester so only Needs to be pinned twice a week. Been training over 6 years. IMO you cycle should have been this. I ran it for 12 weeks. New to the side ,so sorry for missing information Your breakdown is decent for adding dbol at the front end of the test cycle. Make sure you have an AI, as well as Letro/Nolvadex, HCG and a well developed PCT. EOD. it may or may not be a broscience, but you can have a hard time controlling your estro with adex while on dbol Deca is added to the Test Dbol cycle for increasing effectiveness and benefits without increasing side effects. peptidesciences. Arimidex is an AI, so you're blocking the conversion of aromatizable ASS to Dbol is usually ran max 6 weeks and with 40 mg day dose thats the max length i can run, so its 250 mg test e all cycle 12-14 weeks, while test activates dbol will take over and after i stop taking dbol i dont want it to be just 250 test so i will add like 60 anavar, i would wanna do deca boldenone or primo as 3rd gear but first 2 is heavy on side effects and the latter is expensive Recomp with some size sounds good. PCT 2 weeks after last shot Nolva 40/40/20/20. Proviron is an amazing steroid one of the greatest IMHO but without proper knowledge you will be wasting it. The remaining 4-10 'm a week into a cycle of test e, tren e, and dbol. and clomid 50 ready for pct. Clomid and Nolva for PCT. With what feedback I got I’m wondering if a Test E with anadrol stack and then dbol for strictly pre workout would be ok? The dbol would be injectable so not as much strain on my liver. Strength gains were great as i had become stronger than i ever was at a lighter weight and leaner bodyfat %. I have read some views that hGH I have used gear for 2,5-3y now with the longest cycle being 20 weeks. 5mg Arimdex per day Hi guys, About to start my first cycle - 26 years old. The above user took Dianabol as his first steroid cycle. Any helpful tips or suggestions I am The Dbol is in there purely as a jump start to build some muscle quickly in the first 4 weeks (fill in some loose skin left over from large weight loss years ago). I want to add few orals to the cycle on top of Test. 40-60mg of dbol should provide a nice kick over that myostatin hump, and orals also increase igf-1 I had written a post dbol+anavar mix but now, I know dbol+anvar mix is shit cycle then TEST E + DBOL + ANAVAR is good mix? 1-12 week : Test E 500mg + DBOL 20mg 13-16week: nolvadex 20mg + anavar 50mg This is not bad? 5. 1 - 4 Dbol 30mg 1 - 10 Test E 500mg 1 - 10 Deca 350mg 10 - 12 Test p I have heaps of HCG,nolva,caber,arimidex on hand. This has helped my body recover well, even though I have to admit I didn´t use any pct for my first cycle (test only 250mg/week). 5ml EOD Week 9-12 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 200mg Anastrazole-- 0. 44 posts · Joined 2021 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Apr 16, 2024. Nothing to report yet. And Arimidex - 0. So I'm not doing a cycle report because I don't really have time to dedicate to writing all my stuff. and running Iam about to start 3rd cycle of the following. Past Use: All test, Tren E & A, Deca, Dbol, Var, and a little bit of Winny. No problem with that. Day 2- got correct needles and had first injection of test. Each day for 4 – 6 weeks, you should Here is the cycle I plan to start in about two weeks: Weeks 1-4: 250mg Test E every 3 days 30mg Dbol every day 0. From what I’ve read, dbol does kinda fall into a category if not necessarily needing a test base but I’m honestly not sure. I reccomend doing that before thinking about injectables. The reason for this is that we already have a kick-starting oral Test E+Boldenone+Dbol cycle. 5mg Arimidex every other day; Weeks 10-12 250mg Test E every 3 days 100mg Masteron every other day 0. Starting in 3 weeks Friday. I like the last idea. ive only done test e 300 and dbol, nolva as pct and thats where my knowledge ends on stacking steriods. Use enough AI and you can control your test (and dbol) to estrogen conversion. More gains. Then the next 10 weeks after that goes: 750mg Test E + 400mg Tren E once a week since its a Enanthate ester + 40mg dianabol every day. Hey guys, I have an interesting case study. Second For this stack cycle, using Anadrol at 50mg daily and Dianabol at 25mg daily will likely produce dramatic results very quickly. *300mg Deca (weeks 1-14) *30mg Dbol (weeks 1-4). Forums. Click to expand not true mate, I know several now that have done low dose test and deca and have seen no added advantage over straight test. These numbers aren’t in stone but I’m planning on running around 5-600 test e/3-400 deca/25mg dbol for around 4 weeks or so. 5mg Every other day. I'm 26 years old and I'm about to start a new cycle. week 1 to 10 = 500mg Test E (EW). 200LBS 6 feet tall. This will be my 2nd cycle, first was oral turinabol at 50mg ED for 6 weeks. For example 500 split 250 Finished a 12 wk cycle of test 4 months ago, was pleased with results but want to run another, this time a kick start with anadrol followed by dbol. This is because combining different drugs can lead to a greater effect than one product on its o A 12-week testosterone cycle consisting of Dianabol at 25mg weekly only for the first four weeks boosts this bulking and strength stack. Week DBOL TEST E MASTERON NOLVADEX; 1: 30mg: 600mg: 200mg: 2: 30mg: 600mg: All you need for a first cycle is Test eth really and a proper pct of course. What would be an expected gain in % of body weight after a cycle of 500mg Test E PW with 4 weeks 20mg ED DBol? Taken into account a good diet and training protocol? Making gains in strength and size no doubt about it and I'm only 3. Again, i watched my diet like a hawk, and made a 15lb increase with sub fat gain. In one older article (2004) I read about a 10 week test/dbol cyle. [/quote] Tapering what? Test E? You suggest to keep pinning test E up until PCT starts, but at decreasing doses? [/quote] taper adex into pct I have done about 4/5 cycles previously the first being a test only cycle. Have ran Test dbol cylce before without any sides. 5mg ed Weeks 5-6, 25mg ed Weeks 7-12). If we’re being totally honest, managing a Dbol cycle effectively is hardcore bodybuilder territory. Hey mate I ran 2 cycles in the past one was test e only and the second was test e 600mg per week with dbol included for the first 4 weeks as well , what would you suggest mate , I didn’t have any estrogen effects , Ie gyno etc and tan pct for 30 days as well gonna take Test e 500mg, Dbol, Masteron cycle (with finasteride). 5 weeks in but will I see a loss in size after stopping the DBol or will the Test E be kicking well and truly by then? Run this and thank me later: Weeks 1-4 Test P 100mg eod Weeks 1-16 Test E 250-300mg per week Weeks 1-14 EQ 600mg per week Weeks 1-6 Tbol 50mg per day Week 18 start pct Clomid 100/100/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 Aromasin optional but I would run it. Now the hard part, get Dianabol cycle for those starting out. Week 8 is when myostatin peaks as your body fights to maintain homeostasis against the onslaught of exogenous hormones. Test stands for Testosterone base steroids (of your choice, any ester, brand etc. With that being said, after I’m done with my current RAD-140, 4-Andro cycle and Pct, my next cycle is going to include a true test base using Test E. Than continue and reduce the test to 150, and stay there until your test is back to normal ranges, and estrogen also with the arimidex, than reduce the test to 100 and take half arimidex pill once a week for 4 weeks. I’ll still use anastrozole but I’d like to get away with as little as possible. Start off with, I’m 5,9, 80kgs, I have done a few courses before generally test e at 600mg a week and eq at 500mg a week, and had some nice results but I want to up it now as never tried tren. ywfww fitmzov brg qbxfy fikuumf kksp crf xzyrcupc dsxjsz dhqtyu